Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 324: World Line (3)

324 World Line (3)

I stayed overnight at Sakuya's house. Nothing strange happened this night. According to what I said, I locked the bear puppet in the safe before going to bed, and when I took it out the next day, it was still the old and broken puppet. I asked Miyuki to carefully observe the wound on the puppet's shoulder, where the black liquid substance would not overflow even if the puppet was soaked in clean water. Sakuya carefully inserted her finger into the wound, feeling the feel and temperature of the strange liquid substance.

"Don't do this in the future." She couldn't bear it, and said to the puppet: "Brother, does it hurt?" Then, the deep scar was sewn with the front line. In this way, as long as no one sees the strange things in the puppet, both softness and elasticity are no different from ordinary tampon puppets.

I'm not as emotional as Misaki, and I'm not so loving. I feel that the real essence of this puppet lies in the black liquid substance in the body, and the appearance of the puppet is only disguise. So, when I saw Sakuya stitching the puppet's wound, it felt like she had inadvertently sealed that dangerous thing.

It is also worth mentioning that we found a small label behind the bear puppet, which probably read the name of the puppet owner, or the name the owner gave to the beloved puppet: Dorothy.

Who is this "Doris"? The person who owns this peculiar puppet must have some unusual traits. It sounds like a girl's name, and the sense of sight makes me very familiar with the name. At this time, I have roughly agreed that the "visual perception" is equal to the "occurrence in another world line". Therefore, the intuition generated by the visual perception has reference value on certain conditions. I tried to outline the image of the girl named Dorothy in my mind through this sense of spontaneity.

Gradually, this image penetrated the memory of the night before the classmates disappeared through an invisible channel in his mind.

I seemed to go back to the mirror under the dim light and stare at myself in the mirror.

The portrait in the mirror is changing rapidly, and the time is fixed in the form of an emerald green eye. From the outline of the face, it looks like me in my childhood. However, my instincts made me focus on the emerald green eye. When the face shape changed again, this emerald green eye still existed, looking straight at me.

On that night, this change was very fast, and it was too late to count how many images appeared. However, in today ’s memories, some changes were slowed down, and even every trace of the details was surprisingly clear. I did not understand at the time In that shocked and muddled situation, how did you remember these details?

Perhaps, as the classmates said, all memories are backed up in a special gene called "Jiang" in the body. I have always been skeptical of this statement, because when I went to the hospital to check my body, I never found anything special about my body. However, nowadays this "both visual perception" and "memory" can only be explained by this statement.

Subconscious and deep memories are kept deep in genes, not in my brain. I use "feeling" to find the answer, not thinking, so I can recall this part of the memory.

Many people regard the words "thinking with muscles" and "thinking with the body" as sarcasm, but my current situation is the most intuitive expression to use this kind of words.

The memory of the person in the mirror is finally fixed on the image of a little girl. I intuitively think that she is "Doris", thinking this way, this image begins to become fuller:

Around ten years old, both eyes are emerald green eyes, holding a bear puppet in his arms. Part of her is very similar to Misaki, that is, these two girls give a feeling of flinch. However, what differs from Sakuya is that her eyes are very bright, looking straight at me, serious, serious and firm.

The temperament of the girl's appearance is completely opposite to that of her eyes.

When the image of the girl named "Doris" was outlined in my mind, a series of data came from intuition:

Fire escape, combat power valuation: 1500

Turtledove, combat power valuation: 1300

, Combat Effectiveness Estimate: 1000

Ballet Bear, combat power valuation: 1050

Dorothy, combat power valuation: 1200

Knife defeat, combat effectiveness valuation: 1370

Billy, combat power valuation: 960

None of these names have been heard except for "Doris". Although they also have a familiar visual sense, they cannot clearly outline the image like "Doris". When these weird names and data came to my mind, I just watched calmly.

I do n’t know what standard these so-called “combat power estimates” come from. However, if the people represented by these names all use the same standard, the little girl “Doris” who is only about ten years old is not the weakest The one is really staggering.

I think these people really exist, not just illusions in their heads. They had an intersection with "Gaochuan" in another world line. These data were obtained at that time. Then, they may also exist in the current world line, and they will probably have an intersection with me in the future. The presence of Silk's bear puppet is the best evidence.

Who are they? Should I take the initiative to find them? I'm not sure. Maybe they were not enemies on the last world line, but who knows what has changed in the current world line? Moreover, it is not certain that they still have the fighting power of the previous world line.

Now Dorothy, who is the closest to me, doesn't know what happened to her, so much so that she threw her puppet in the trash can.

I am a little worried about this world-famous Dorothy who has not yet met. The feeling from the depths of my body tells me that she is also my important companion. I imagine this girl was next to the trash can I passed by yesterday or the day before yesterday. At that time, what happened to her? Whether she took the initiative to throw the puppet into the trash can, or someone wanted to hurt her, and she lost the puppet in a hurry, it may be the worse answer. She was already killed, and the murderer threw the puppet into In the trash. Yesterday the barking of the dog echoed in my mind. Maybe the dog was attracted by some important messages left in the trash.

No matter what happens to Dorothy, it must be an anomaly that is contrary to reality.

Because there are too many questions, guesses, thoughts and unresolved choices in my mind, I woke up very early the next day, I did not wake up the night beside me, crept out the door, and once again followed the road to the park go. I came to the street lamp near the trash can, and the sound of wings fluttered above my head. When I looked up, I saw that Quark seemed to catch the time and fell on the top of the street lamp.

The sky is still not clear on this day. The weather forecast has been mentioned, and the tail of the typhoon will sweep over the city, and there will be large and small showers in the next few days.

Although it is summer, the weather that turns cold due to changes in air pressure makes people seem to fall into it overnight.

I opened the prepared plastic bag containing bread crumbs and strips of fresh meat and placed it under the street lamp. I don't know which one this crow likes. If it must be carrion, it will be a headache. After the quark fell, there was no hesitation at all, and the fresh meat strip was picked up and swallowed in two or three.

Squatting next to it, I saw it eating so cherished, like a cloudy cloud, and I couldn't help being clear.

I made up my mind to find people who rashly appeared in my mind. Whisperers need members and friends. Even if it is a different world line, the growth trajectory of the characters changes, but is it not a meaningful thing to determine their current state of life?

After the quark had eaten the fresh meat, I rewrapped the residue and threw it in the trash. I didn't find any clues in the same trash bin on this day. I observed the traces around me according to my experience, probably after a long time, and I couldn't find anything useful. After that, I waited for a while on this road. Whenever morning exercisers passed by, I would describe them to Dorothy.

"Excuse me, have you ever seen this girl? Ten years old, holding a bear puppet, looks a little afraid of life."

According to my feelings, Dorothy is quite different from ordinary children. Her dress and emerald green eyes all give the impression of foreign mixed-race children. Such an obvious representation, plus the puppet bear, will not be forgotten as soon as someone has seen it. Most of these morning trainers who pass this road live nearby, and they habitually walk several times on this road every day.

Regrettably, although these people behaved friendly, they shook their heads after thinking about it for a moment.

"I haven't seen it. Who are you that girl?" Some people would ask back, alertly.

"Friends of her relatives." I lied indifferently: "My friend called me yesterday and said that the girl was lost and has called the police, but I still hope we can help find it nearby."

"This is so pitiful ... I heard that there have been several cases of missing babies and children recently. This world is really getting chaotic." The passerby sighed.

"I also heard about it, but there is no report in the city, it seems that it is very noisy." Another said interjected.

"Have you heard in which district the crime was committed? Haven't you caught the murderer yet?" I quickly asked. Their words reminded me of the cocoon that I saw in the wizard's stronghold two weeks ago, and I couldn't help worrying. Perhaps the wizards in this city are not the ones I have seen, and more wizards are still lurking in dark corners to execute their secret plans.

Apart from the nodes leading to the ruling bureau, is there anything special about this city? Father Sissen said that these wizards cannot walk in this world, and this country is also one of the most impenetrable areas of doomsday truth. But now, these wizards are constantly coming from outside the ocean, even if they risk being alerted by the municipal government, they will commit big crimes.

Is it possible for Dorothy to fall on these people?

Once this question came to my mind, I almost answered myself with certainty. This girl must be the same as the original Morino, and these hyenas discovered the difference between them.

"I heard that these criminals are fugitives from other provinces, and there is no fixed area for committing crimes. The police are so useless now. A foreigner has not been able to catch him even now, and even the appearance of the criminals is unknown Why do n’t you post the wanted order? ”The man said angrily and worriedly:“ It ’s really worrying. I have n’t been worried about the children going to and from school alone. My friends also said that they want to ask for leave from school , Take the children to travel outside for a while. "

The atmosphere suddenly became dull. After a while, some people gave the conclusion that "there will be a result soon" and everyone dispersed. With blessings like "This girl will be fine", I went to a secluded pond in the park and rearranged my head before I hurried to the school to attend a paper presentation in the Department of Psychology. The old professor in the Department of Psychology who always takes care of me invited his friends and the most sought-after psychologists to present his latest research results. The professor hopes to introduce me to this old friend.

When I came to the multi-purpose building, there was an hour before the presentation, but some people were waiting in the hall of the teaching building. The central screen of the hall is scrolling through the list of today's programs. Except for the upcoming release of a science and education documentary filmed by students, the others are all conferences and seminars in the large classrooms of this building. The sponsors of the conferences and seminars include teachers and students of our school, as well as specially invited visiting professors. Among all the conferences today, the most well-known and important is the paper presentation of the psychology master.

In addition to this, I also saw a conference that was called "Science Fiction and Science-Time Travel Feasibility Seminar", which was a little unreasonable and somewhat tacky. The time is set at 11 o'clock, just after the presentation of the thesis of the psychology master. From this arrangement, it can also be seen that this "time travel feasibility seminar" is really not very exciting. If the publication of the paper is delayed, the seminar will be cancelled. If the publication will end normally, how many people will stay to continue the seminar?

However, because the recent encounter involved the term "world line", I still rejuvenated and examined the initiator of this seminar.

Then, when I scrolled for the second time, I saw his name-Stein.

Not the name of a Chinese, but a foreigner. This name reminds me of the constant publication of the "World Line Theory" on the Internet in recent years, and the Internet freak "Stein" who claims to be a mad scientist.

Is it a coincidence? I think.

After the stranger "Stein" published the "Worldline Theory" on the Internet, I also came across this theory by accident, but only occasionally talked to him about the problem of time travel using the online message board, and most of the time did not behave As enthusiastic as other commenters. I also don't think that "World Line Theory" was created by Stein, because its basic theory has been guessed by ancestors, but it is just that "Stein" has done a better job in promoting the Internet than others, making people think that this person He has a special liking for the "world line theory", so it attracts a large number of the same enthusiasts.

However, during that period, one day suddenly, Stein declared that he had been studying machines that allowed people to cross the world line, and had achieved certain results, intending to seek collaborators and sponsors. However, because he did not provide enough evidence on the Internet, he was depressed for a period of time because he was regarded as fraud. At this point, I still don't know whether this person is a man or a woman, and I don't know how old he is. Is the name "Stein" a net name or a real name?

Now that the "Stein" appearing in the university where I am studying is the "Stein" himself on the Internet, I can't help but be interested in finding out.

Half an hour before the start of the psychologist's thesis presentation meeting, I met with the professor and entered the venue in advance for the final inspection of the venue layout. As a matter of course, I met the psychologist in the professor's office in advance, and the other people present accompanied the two. The two were very talkative, and the topics were professional and profound. It was n’t me who could plug my mouth and only serve tea for the two.

This psychologist is called Mayn, and is of German descent. He is over 70 years old. I call it Mrs. Mayn. Her voice is gentle and calm, but it has an excellent rhythm and does not make people drowsy. However, when she suddenly asks questions, the questionee will inevitably give a positive answer, just like being hypnotized. The person who tells the truth will not feel disgusted on the spot, maybe he will regret it afterwards ~ ~ but will not resent and fear this psychologist. I have to say that I learned a lot of valuable experience from her words and deeds.

Ms. Mayn ’s question does not involve an individual on the surface, but after side-by-side and careful observation, she can always come to a surprising conclusion, just like an unknown prophet. After the meeting, I felt that I was among the people present, and apart from the professor, the only person who had not been affected by this superb hypnosis hidden in words and deeds.

"Do you want to study in Germany?" After the meeting, when she went to the large classroom for the paper presentation, Ms. Mayn suddenly asked me.

I have never thought about this question before, probably because I have never had a concept, so I can't answer it immediately.

"If there is a chance." My answer was rather perfunctory.

Ms. Mayn was not unhappy, she just smiled and nodded, handing me a business card.

"If you have the opportunity to come to Germany, you might as well come to my house to sit down. You are doing very well today, and you are worthy of being an old friend."
