Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 464: Anatomical observation

There was chaos in the hall, beer cans, bottles, syringes, powdered paper, cigarettes, cups ... pushed upside down on the table, fell to the ground, turned into debris, squashed, like a typhoon crossing. . +? (. + bsp; \\ s * The huge display hanging on the wall is still looping. Two surround speakers have been turned to the ground. The sound is very loud. When we first opened the door, The sound is like a rush from the reservoir of the gate, and it also reflects from the side how good the sound insulation of this house is. The owner of the house spent a lot of time on the decoration, at least most of the furnishings, furniture and decoration here It ’s not in the headquarters upstairs. Saki Ye stared at it for a while, and I turned around. There was nothing to worry about except the bedroom where all three were. When I came out, Miyaki suddenly turned her head to tell me the title of this movie-"Cheerleaders Sublimated in Sports", I was stunned at once, I don't know what she meant, and what should I say, and Although she said that this was a movie we used to cheer on, it took me a while to get these memories out of the brain hardware.

The eight images on the retina screen are not fun, like watching a comedy, but I do n’t know anything funny at all. Their sudden sense of humor made me unprepared. I think I should probably laugh with him, but I feel something is wrong. I dare not look at my expression at this time.

"Go ahead and do the business first." I finally started the conversation. Retina screen. The three people were turning around in our dwelling in our majestic place, but they didn't notice it at all.

I twisted the door lock handle of the bedroom, but the bedroom was also locked by them from the inside. I really don't know what they thought, maybe it was out of the cautious attitude when using the mysterious "paradise". In any case, they can take out a dozen bottles of "paradise" at once, and they must know more about this psychedelic medicine and the hands behind the scenes than other people who get "paradise".

Such a large number of "paradise" appeared in a group of people, is the first group that has appeared so far.

According to the previously collected information, the strong young people are from the eleventh district. The thin young man and the woman who are the owners of the house go in and out of a stronghold of the Goat ’s Guild all the year round. They are temporarily unable to know when they met or their identity in the Goat ’s Guild, but a large number of “paradise” appear. It is enough to prove that their stronghold is unusual. In this month, the meeting place of the Goat Guild has expanded rapidly, and the targets I chose to fight against are the earliest ones. Obviously, we chose the wrong target.

Although the Goat Guild ’s branch organizations have sprung up everywhere, their formal activities have just begun, and they have not selected old groups that seem to have established themselves. Instead, they use these old groups as cover to support newly established groups. The group grows in the shadows.

I used violence to destroy the door lock. Pushing the door and walking in, the bedroom air is filled with a stronger flavor than the hall, not only the smell of alcohol, sweat and sex, but also a rotten and pungent smell. The "paradise" medicine bottle that used up the blue liquid was scattered on the carpet, and the black oil-like liquid appeared in many places on the three people who carried out the mechanical piston movement like a sandwich cake. The rotten smell was analyzed by brain hardware. Later, most of them point to these black oils-that is a completely decaying tissue that oozes out of the pores and looks like stains after washing the veins in the martial arts novels. In the novel, once these adults accumulate in the body and affect the healthy polymers, the body will be as clean and strong as a healthy baby, but the bodies of the three people in front of them are not as beautiful as described in the novel. Huge heat is being emitted from their bodies because their body tissues are beginning to decay from the inside. According to the analysis of brain hardware, this decay has greatly shortened their lifespan, but the decay rate is not enough to kill them in a short time.

The heat generated by decay and decay makes them irritable, sexually enhanced, as if they have endless energy, like a physical strengthening, and at the same time, the nerves are paralyzed and it is difficult to feel negative feelings such as pain, and Continue to produce hallucinations. The reason why these three people's internal changes are so obvious is that they used too many "paradise" at one time. The changes in the body that have been accelerated by the influence of the paradise have caused their external feelings to drop to the freezing point. It is likely that they have lost their rationality and self-awareness. In other words, these three decaying guys are actually just out of life instinct. And the catalysis of huge heat cannot stop the movement of the piston.

Their situation reminded me of what I said in the research institute when Shirai recovered “paradise”. I was a little worried about Shirai. Even if he knew that he would become like this, would he take "paradise" when Morino needed it? Intuition is blowing through my ears, and Shirai will definitely use "paradise" sometime in the future.

It doesn't look like a good future in any way.

When more heavy emotions breed, the brain hardware quickly deletes these negative emotions.

I became calm and rational again, as sharp and nonsensical as a scalpel. I reached out and grabbed the strong young man lying on top of the woman. He hugged the woman underneath him, as if it was a huge magnet that stuck them together and could not separate. The huge and unexpected binding force made me have to add another force, and as a result, when I pulled him away from the woman, a slight tear came into my ears. Miyaki was squatting beside the three people, observing the piston movement of the three people with a psychological that I couldn't understand for a while. She seemed to see where the tearing sound came from, immediately covered her mouth and quickly backed away a few steps.

I soon understood what was happening. This strong male's lower body was completely left in the woman's body, and the wound has become a rotten tissue that is constantly flowing out of black oil. Not only this part, but also the part that closely adheres to the skin of the woman's body, the skin is also glued together like a glue. When I pulled the body hard, I tore it off and left it on the surface of the woman's body.

It is impossible to describe the visual impact brought by the current situation of the eyes. The eight scene images in the retina screen left the monitor immediately.

The decay of men and women releases huge amounts of heat. It made them stick together as if they were melted. I can't imagine how they could still perform piston movement in this situation before.

If they take paradise is a drug testing experiment, then they are undoubtedly a product of failure. The strong young man pulled away by me seemed to wake up from an unconscious state, suddenly twisted his body and hit me, twice as powerful as an ordinary person, and knocked me staggered. Of course, my incarnation will not be injured, but the weight is still about the same as that of ordinary people, and I can't completely stabilize the body under this huge impact. but. It is precisely because of this violent movement of this young man that contradicts the joints that caused his arm that I grabbed to be completely scrapped.

As he had judged before, he couldn't feel the pain of twisting his arms, and his head hit the door of my face. I still did not dodge. Directly took the blow. His forehead made a dull sound, which seemed to be cracked by the reaction of the impact. Even so, it failed to stop his next move-biting my neck like a beast.

Why not attack with other limbs, but choose to bite? This question is very interesting.

Of course he would not succeed, his teeth were broken, but the bite force almost reached the level of crocodiles. For the body of ordinary people, this can crush bones and muscles. Those broken teeth are still the appearance of human beings, and there is no animal-like attack, and there are signs of changes in animal teeth.

This somewhat explains. Although this guy who overdosed on "Paradise" became fierce like a beast, his body did not become a beast. Even if they rot, they are still human beings, and they have not become another life.

Although he really wanted to get rid of his words, the status of this guy has proved that he has no value in asking. I easily twisted off the head of this muscular young man. In this case, his body is still exerting strength, just like a vigorous python, even if it is cut into two sections, it will not be killed immediately. The same is a rotten monster. This guy is much more terrible than the legendary zombie. This is still the case where he overdose "paradise" and has completely lost the intellectuality of mankind.

Although no actual examples have been seen, it can be concluded by analyzing the state of this young man. In the case of taking the appropriate amount of "paradise", the rot will not be so serious. Even if the decayed heat can't let him exert the power that appears, he can continue to use human knowledge and maintain a certain degree of reason. The destructive power in that situation is more terrible than it is now.

I fixed the twisting muscular young man firmly on the sofa, intending his bones so that he could no longer stand up, and then tore his body with my hands to observe his internal organization. This kind of decay caused by "paradise" is different from the decay of common animal and plant corpses. Its wonder is that it can let the decayed parts release huge heat while allowing this special heat to be put into the body's energy cycle with maximum efficiency. Under the condition of decay, continue to maintain the operation of individual life. In addition, it seems that the decaying parts can still perform their inherent functions before they are completely separated from the body.

Just like this muscular young man, the lower body tissue has completely rotted, but it can still get an erection, and according to the inference of the brain hardware, the heat released by the decay will further change the lower body and make the two sides of the piston movement get bigger. Satisfy.

The muscular young man will not be able to die for a while after the spine is also severely injured. Instead, the wounded part shows less obvious healing changes. According to the speed of healing, this kind of open heart and broken bones only needs to lie down for a long time to get up and move. In fact, in this process of decay, trauma, and self-healing, what is most likely to let him be fatal is a large amount of blood loss. The decayed tissue can no longer continue to make blood, but secretes black oil. There is not much blood that can flow out. Around the decaying tissue, a large number of blood vessels and nerves appear atrophied, as if they have been roasted, and the body temperature is unusually high.

The remaining thin young people and young women are still working tirelessly, and the eight scenes still do not appear on the retina screen. Misaki ’s condition seems to be better, but it is far away, like watching a horror movie His eyes flashed across the paradise victims from time to time like an electric shock.

I came next to the two, and pressed my hands every inch of the skin of the young woman. Experience the changes in her body. Probably because of the lower dose, her carcass surface showed no signs of decay, and her chest and body were still full of elasticity. I opened her **** and pulled out the stick left by the strong young man. Except for the rotten tissue involved in the fractured section, this long cylinder was quite hard, and the surface was even more scorched. The object is also the cuticle of the stratum corneum. The woman's lower body became congested and swollen due to prolonged piston movement. She should have reached an **** many times, but there was no obvious failure.

When I opened her long hair. I felt the breath from her mouth and nose. Although her appearance remained intact and the damage to the internal structure of her body was not as serious as that of the healthy young man, her eyes were equally loose and her consciousness was confused.

When I separate the two people who are together. The two men were not as aggressive as the strong young men, and they no longer showed a strong desire to interact. The decay of these two people is lighter than that of the healthy young people, but their consciousness is confused. I can't analyze the specific reasons, but it is presumed to be related to their physique and the dose of taking "paradise". Most of the "paradise" should be taken by strong young people. I am very interested in what kind of changes they will produce after they wake up completely, and the information revealed by the situation at the scene implies that this is a very likely experiment, then. Behind the scenes, black hands will definitely come back to recover these "experimental samples".

The strong young people who take a lot of "paradise" come from the eleventh district. The turmoil in the special zone of Japan must not have suddenly become severe. The activities of the doomsday truth religion in that place must be longer than in the mainland. And this young man from the special zone of Japan is likely to be a specially selected experiment.

The exact time of the recycler's arrival cannot be determined. Before that, I have to get the weapon back, because there must be a wizard among the comers.

I dissected thin young men and women, observed how they reacted to strong men during this process, and transmitted the data obtained from them back to the headquarters and research institute, and then bandaged them. In the process, Sakuya dared not look directly. Just keep spraying the fragrance in the bedroom to cover up the strong and pungent taste.

The scene was very **** and weird, and I, who created this atmosphere, also produced a lot of emotional fluctuations because of this move. I am not repelling murder, but dissecting people has exceeded the emotional bottom line. If there is no brain hardware, I might even hesitate to start. Even so. I will still ask myself in the process, is it necessary to do this? Even if the relevant data is obtained from them, how will it help my plan? I am not an absolute resistance to the end, and I am not a complete opponent of the doomsday truth in behavior. The resistance to the doomsday truth is only because before the completion of Omi ’s research, it is necessary to maintain the balance of the world and allow Omi to obtain enough time and space for action According to Omi ’s research, the power of the end of the world is also needed to start the “Gate of Destiny”.

So, how much help can dissecting these victims and obtaining the alienation data of "paradise" to maintain balance? Even if I don't do this, there will be other people who try to become saviors to do so, and these data will eventually enter the whisperer through some means. So, what's the point of achieving this level in the face of Bajing and Misaki? The members of Whisperer are not cold-blooded and rational researchers.

I watched the movements of the body coldly, and asked about the possible existence in the underworld, but got no answer, only the dark and cheerful laughter came from far away. I think that is the voice of "Jiang", but sometimes, I think ~ ~ is actually my own voice.

My brain started to get confused again, and I saw some unusual hallucinations. Even so, my body was still performing the actions that seemed to have been reserved.

Brain hardware makes my brain hurt. I wanted to see Misaki's expression, but she hid in the corner and did not turn her face to this side at all, and my eyes have always been focused on the bodies of the two "paradise" users.

When the brain hardware thinks the data is enough, the control of the body is obviously weakened. I began to produce a violent nausea for the scene and the strong smell mixed with the smell and smell. The brain hardware is still working and continues to be deleted. Emotions, but this feeling cannot be erased in the first place. I resisted the nausea and bandaged the three young men. There is no need to kill them. This is the decision I made with my brain.

I left the bedroom that had been transformed into a different space like red and black with the fastest speed, entered the bathroom, unscrewed the faucet, and kept pouring cold water on my face. I can't tell the emotion that was growing in my heart at this time, it was not regret or hatred, it seemed just a strong sense of discomfort. I used to think that I would not feel this way because of this kind of scene. I thought my spirit was as tough as steel, just like I could enjoy **** horror movies casually. However, it turns out that this is not the case. (To be continued ...)