Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 510: Emerge

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Although it is not clear, but it is another me standing in front of me. This can be judged from the other party ’s reaction, as to whether it is my copy first, at least the other party did not show malicious, negative The erroneous encounter did not turn into a brutal melee. It is inferred from this that it is themselves who are in the parallel space who are fighting with Reiko May and Mary. I couldn't help but think of the ghost whines I heard when I first met the girl in red:

——People who die here will never be relieved ...

——You will kill yourself ...

——This is a party of corpses ...

These sounds seem to imply the embodiment of the power of this different space.

If someone really died in the previous encounter, and I killed myself at the end of the parallel world, or Reiko and Mary in May, what would happen? Will I, Reiko May and Mary here also die? If you think so, you can't simply treat them as simple copies. Moreover, compared to the replicas encountered at the lower level, the other me who was right in front of me seemed not irrational, like a plaything manipulated by the power of the night of Valpus. The reason why "I" in this parallel space came to this room also seems to have some connection with me standing here.

The answer is coming out, but there is still no clear result. I think that if you go on like this, you will definitely be able to understand. However, what rises with this kind of thought is a strange feeling. It is too much to say unclear, but It is not without danger-in this mansion of different space. The "mystery" of each layer is changing, and the weird phenomenon is becoming more and more serious in an increasing manner. Until this layer, the "mystery" seems to have arrived and it cannot be solved by physical strength alone.

Even warriors familiar with the mystery. In the face of today ’s weird phenomena, it is also very tricky. It is not difficult to fight against the invisible "ghost" that uses ordinary people as templates. The difficulty is that the opponent is "self". It is not clear what the "self" is. Without knowing the consequences of killing the other party, you must be bound up in battle. What ’s more scary is that you do n’t even know what the "ghost" is.

Observation capabilities. Thinking ability, fighting ability, physical quality ... no matter which kind of partial discipline will bring great trouble.

As I left the room that couldn't be opened and moved on, there was once again a wind blowing over us. "Ghost" didn't show up, and it was unclear whether this time "Ghost" was "our own." After that, the knocking sound came again from the door that couldn't be opened. The sharp sound made people feel the anxiety of the author of the original Yong. We stopped and watched, and we saw that the doorknob was shaken confidently for several times without a person, and then came the tragic cry and the dull collision sound, after these sounds disappeared. There was another sound of slashing and sawing and a bad smile, and a lot of blood was flowing out of the air.

"The one just now ... what's going on? Mr. Gao Chuan." Reiko May couldn't help it anymore. I know she is not asking about the origin of the blood. The scene was just enough to outline the outline of the event in the slightly associative brain. Although for ordinary people, it is a very appalling sight. However, after lingering in this strange space for so long, the two of them will no longer be moved by this "imagined" miserable situation.

Both Reiko and Mary looked at me, and they seemed to be aware that the one who fought themselves before seemed to be the "ghost's self".

"Is that really the case?" Mary frowned and said, "Really we? Why is this?"

"It should be right." I briefly told my conclusions mixed with reasoning and imagination. Like me, Reiko May and Mary were deeply influenced by the thinking and theory of the normal world, compared to mystery. Learning, such as "parallel space" and "parallel space's own" with scientific flavor is easier to accept.

"Parallel space ..." Reiko May didn't meet this assumption, and said to himself: "I understand the theory of parallel space somewhat, but as far as I know, no matter how similar I am in parallel space, I am here. It ’s impossible to be the same person. But ... "She paused and said," I always feel that I am on my side. "

Mary expressed dizziness at the plural "I" in this sentence, "Are we discussing philosophy? Forgive me." She rubbed her temples with a wry smile.

"The same is true, the possibilities conjectured here can only be used as a reference, but in fact, no matter what the reason for this phenomenon is, it has already appeared in front of you. Remember, Reiko, Mary, facing When there is a mystery that cannot be understood, there is only one way of thinking that we can rely on. "I said to the two of them seriously:" Existence is reasonable. "

"It's not strange, it's self-defeating." Mary clearly agrees with this sufficiently straightforward statement. "Although it's a bit of a hindrance to treat the other person as yourself, don't do that if you can kill yourself. And, The ghost of us seems to think so, so the situation is not bad for us. "

"But others may not be so lucky." Reiko May said with a helpless smile.

"We are already overwhelmed, even if Mr. Gao Chuan is such a powerful person, he says he can't save all of them." Mary's expression looked flawless, but I always felt that there was something beyond that. Other meanings.

With regard to these extra meanings, I can make many guesses based on the experience of the student union. However, I personally do not like to think about the kind of people who are deep in the words. I no longer care about the communication between the two women, even if they talk to me, they remain silent, and continue to repeat the work of entering and leaving the room and finding a safe passage.

The girl in red didn't show up again. Although her behavior seems to have no deep meaning, at present, it is still only "too confusing". As we move forward, the chance of encountering a breeze begins to decrease. "Ghost" does not appear to attack us again. When we walked into the corridor along the side, we saw at the end that this corridor was a dead end, but the scene in front of us made us all feel a familiar feeling-not just the weird landscape climate outside the window, and It is in the original structure of the building. The safe passage is located on the left hand side going straight to the end of the corridor.

I once stood in the same position and observed Long Aotian and his subordinates using a magic circle to drag everyone into a different space. At this time, even the smell of the air is full of both visual sense, making me feel that this layer of safe passage is in its original position.

I didn't open the other door, walked straight to the end of the corridor, and turned my head to look left. The signboard of the safe passage is hanging on the crossbeam obliquely. It seems to fall off at any time, and the writing has been mottled and faded. The staircase is like the mouth of a giant beast. Under the gloomy flashing lights, it exudes the breath to devour living people.

Why is the secure channel here? It's stupid to ask. Although the location of the safe passage has changed completely on several previous floors, this does not mean that it must be in a "strange and unexpected place".

I was about to step into it, but it was a strange feeling that a string of electric feelings kept my steps in the air. It's not doom and danger, it's just that it doesn't seem to get the results you want. I always emphasize that my intuition is very accurate. The same is true, however. If this step is not taken, what can be done?

Just hesitated for less than half a second. I will take the first step into the safe passage.

No strange phenomenon happened. Unlike me, May Reiko and Mary didn't feel anything at all. I'm quite sure that they just followed without any hesitation. Although I emphasized to them, they are nothing to me, but after excluding the initial resistance, their behavior gradually gave me the feeling of obedience and trust.

I do n’t think I ’m acting hard enough, but I do n’t want to act excessively. If they collapse and die on the road behind because their own “trust” was trampled by some unexpected factors, it is regarded as something that cannot be done.

I thought so, and walked up the stairs step by step. This time, although the ladder still exceeded its original length, it was not as before, and it felt endless for a while. When I heard vocals, I found a faint light shining on the upper wall-that must be the light leaking from the exit. However, some people appeared for the first time not far in front of us. They could not hear what those people were whispering, as if countless echoes were superimposed together, the specific information carried by the sound was diluted, and the retina screen could only give The answer is "the voice of human beings".

According to the greatest possibility, they should be Long Aotian. Although there must be some human, humanoid or non-human beings living in this place, if the "ghost" is in a parallel space, they are forced to stay in People in this building, they will also find this safe passage, and thus embark on the same route as ours.

I didn't say anything, and May Reiko and Mary didn't mean to greet those on their heads. In this strange environment, they also became more alert and suspicious.

We eased our footsteps and accelerated upwards like three cats. However, when we saw the exit, we did not find the group of people. It's just that in the empty place, it gives people the feeling of "standing there", which is a clearer sense of existence than "ghost" passing by. The voice of human conversation has no source, but even May Reiko and Mary believe that it came from that place.

The number of opponents is quite large. When we stopped, those invisible guys seemed to feel our presence. For a while, even if the other party's presence could not be seen visually, all three of us developed the feeling that our eyes and the other's eyes touched together.

The empty ladder was filled with a tense nerve of confrontation. These invisible "ghosts" must not be able to see us either, and they all remain deeply wary of this state. Then, I felt that the three of me were targeted.

At the moment when I pushed the May Reiko Mary behind me down the stairs with my backhand, a large number of bullets hit me, and the bullets fell against the skin like rain and fell from the air. I was attacked as I expected, by analyzing the warhead data. It is entirely possible to infer the identity of the other party, regardless of the type of weapon, shooting angle and bullet type, they are full of rich battlefield style.

The soldiers staying in this building are only the female mercenaries of Long Aotian. Probably outlined me through intensive shooting. At the moment when the shooting stopped, there was a wind blowing beside me, and then my arms were pulled away from the left and the right. Two people were trying to subdue me with joint skills. Judging from the sense of touch, it is indeed the women who are right. Judging from their practices, they did not mean to kill me "the ghost" immediately. Now that the other party has expressed their intention to communicate, I can certainly communicate with them. However, it is not in a suppressed situation.

I shook my arm vigorously, lifted up two invisible women, and hit the railing and the wall respectively. Judging from the resistance conveyed to the arm, they apparently made protective actions in an attempt to avoid being hit, but after I added a bit of effort. Their protection suddenly failed. Although I can't see it, I can feel the hard and dull impact.

There was another voice, though. This time it was too far away from the human voice, as if a thick slurry was boiling. I know it must be the other party trying to say something. But it is clear that the power of Val Pugets Night is forbidding our communication. The two female mercenaries who were knocked down by me lost their sense of presence in this voice. This may mean that the two have left the place, or maybe the overlapping space between us has been pulled apart. The only thing that is certain is that in this state, even if they want to fight back against me, it is impossible. After a breath, the sense of existence of the plural in front also disappeared, but this disappearance is also very short. Just when I opened the chain judgment ability, a silhouette suddenly appeared in a place close to me, I was unable to evade, directly Was hit.

Although the impulse is great, the feeling of the embrace let me know at the first time that it was a young girl who crashed into my arms, probably one of the three magical girls. Just as she unconsciously counterattacked, a large amount of blood blew out in the air in front of her, like the shadow of her arm passing under her feet, but there was no more specific outline in the air. I heard the screams of women, the direction of the blood and the shadow of the arm splash let me know that the real threatening enemy is above Long Aotian and others, this team was defeated in a short time. member.

I loosened my body and fell down the stairs, arms tightly holding the girl in my arms. When my vision went away, the figure of the girl seemed to be pulled out of the air by me, and gradually became clear in the naked eye. It was a magical girl "sister".

On my way down the stairs, a very heavy sense of impact came over the empty stairs, and the sound became more harsh and noisy. When I hit the floor of the stairs, a hazy giant disappeared Appeared in the field of vision. It was pressing something against the wall with its sturdy arm, and the wall suddenly cracked, before the outline of the human body appeared in it.

"Witch ..." I seemed to hear it, and the school girl in my arms made such a sound.

Does she mean that the huge silhouette is "Witch"? However, judging from the thick shadow, there was no sexual character that matched the word "witch" in the impression. Of course, I also understand that the so-called "witch" may just be a conceptual word like "demon", and does not have a specific image description.

Although it was surprised that the people in Long Aotian's team were defeated in this short period of time, if the enemy was a "witch", it would work. I used to think that the witch would stop us when she was about to reach the ground. As a result, there were more than ten layers above the ground where she was caught by the guardian monster. Chubby said "catalyze the witch in advance", which means the current situation. However, the fighting environment is really bad. Even if the witch's power is reduced due to being spawned, it completely occupy the geographical position. Unexpectedly, the spatial phenomenon here would be so strange.

The battle is more intense ~ ~ Even if you don't need to judge the vision of the chain, you can see the distortion of the air directly, but you can't see it but full of texture. However, the special spatial phenomenon has completely isolated us. Even if we overlap each other, it is just a creepy feeling, and there is no more specific contact.

"No, no ... you have to help." The figure was clearer, and the school sister who seemed to be dragged into my space said so, struggling in my arms, "Let me go."

Even dragging her to the space where I am is meaningless, so I moved my arm away as she wished, her outline stiffened, and looked back at me, it seemed a bit surprised, was it surprised that I am not an enemy? However, I still didn't speak, just looked at her, and saw her outline disappearing into the air again.

The unseen battles are getting more intense. The team members should all show their mysterious power. Many stray bullets cross the space and smash things around me. May Reiko and Mary ran cleverly down the stairs, so they were not affected by the sudden pouring shock. . . )

