Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 562: Deformation

Ten minutes after the airship fleet leaving Las Vegas disappeared abnormally, some of the airships disappeared. The convoy once again left the mountain road directly opposite Las Vegas and entered a slightly lush woodland. www.} dyzww.} net} m} .. The winding road that surrounds the mountain still exists naturally, but the brain hardware has chosen a more remote path. Despite the dense sound of guns and explosions coming from a distance, if you do not receive the message through the instrument, the sight of the mountains and the eyes, you can't help but subconsciously feel that you have been far away from the battlefield. This forest belt is a narrow and long area on the map. In a desolate sandstone color, the lush greenery and the wet smell in the air and the soil are particularly abrupt. It can be seen in the satellite photo that the greenery is spreading around the small lake and stream in a flat valley. The direction of the convoy is exactly the location of the lake. In fact, at first I didn't quite understand why the brain hardware chose this path. In the map data, we seem to be following a dead end.

However, more data shows that there are a lot of people around the lake, and it seems that at this time, there is also human life active there. The data flow on the retina screen is too large, and after a while, the basis for the brain hardware to make such a judgment is shown-the map data next to the lake is enlarged again, and a large area is displayed with a red circle. The data of this area It was very clear at first, but after being outlined this time, a large amount of data became ambiguous question marks, and then the originally clear map details quickly blurred.

The other map was expanded to the side of this strange map. After zooming in to the same scale, the two overlapped. As a result, the two maps did not match in detail. Strictly speaking, the data outside the part outlined by the red line is consistent, but the areas outlined by the focus, although they all seem to be in harmony with the surrounding terrain, are there any doubts about the reality. At least, brain hardware believes that it is highlighted on the map. And there is a certain anomaly-there is a certain anomaly-suspected temporary data hedging space, and, unlike the temporary hedging space encountered in the past, this temporary data hedging space and the surrounding environment are not too smooth. So suspicious that it was analyzed directly from the satellite data.

The brain hardware operates under its inherent mechanism. By default, it will stay away from Las Vegas in the second place, and choose to enter this abnormal area. Of course, in a sense, enter the abnormal space. It is indeed an option for Las Vegas away from the normal world. The decision of the brain hardware can be readjusted according to my will. However, the abnormal situation in Las Vegas made me unable to pay attention to this newly emerged hidden in the mountains around Las Vegas. abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, such anomalies could not be detected by conventional satellites. It's just that its existence seems a bit "rough", so it was analyzed by the brain hardware from the satellite data. Moreover, it can be clearly determined that this is an artificial anomaly, which is an excellent explanation for its "roughness". Although it is uncertain whether the person or organization that created this anomaly is a friend or an enemy, but from this "rough" state. At least it is certain that when these people or organizations made it, the technical strength was far inferior to the doomsday truth and the Nazis. The time when this anomaly exists cannot be determined, so it cannot be accurately judged. How much innovation has been made in the current technology to create this anomalous person or organization, but brain hardware infers that the risk of entering it is much lower than Val Pugets Night-because the data shows that although the area is inaccessible. However, there are still signs of people coming in and going out.

This has neither been abandoned. But there is no perfect state, how much can provide evidence for its low risk. Next to the huge anomaly in Las Vegas, there is such a crude but not abandoned anomaly, which naturally leads to many associations. We may be able to get some gains in it, and these gains may help us to understand the changes in Las Vegas more deeply, and even allow us to leave Las Vegas more quickly.

No matter what the harvest will be, the unusual roughness, its location, and the low risk it shows make it full of charm of inquiry.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, do we really want to go this way?" After entering the mountain road, the team has maintained the formation of "one", led by the off-road vehicle where I, Sakuya and the file are located. At this time, the shouts from the rear of the convoy were one of the two male graystone fortifiers acting as drivers. I haven't known them for a long time, and their character is not as familiar as "wrestler", so the friendship is only to nod when meeting, but remember the codenames of the two are "grey fox" and "quick gun" .

I walked through the glass of the front window of the car and saw that the speaker was "Grey Fox". People who realize that the route is a bit strange should be more than him, but he is the first to ask. I glanced at the file and she shrugged and asked, "I think he needs an explanation."

"You don't need it?" I asked back.

"I believe you." The file said in a teasing tone, making it impossible for me to judge whether she was telling the truth. However, I was too lazy to speculate on the ideas of these mercenaries. I fell into disappointment many times before, which made me unable to be vigilant and avoid such digging thinking. Mental and psychological problems are hundreds of times more serious than problems with this prosthetic body.

I transmit the abnormal data analyzed by the brain hardware to the mercenaries, but Saya is not needed. She is accustomed and willing to act only as an implementer of the plan. In many cooperations with the previous Gaochuan, she was The position of "off-hand" is quite good. For a while, the convoy calmed down, leaving only the sound of rubbing grass, rocks, and foliage as they crossed the jungle. From time to time, small animals can be seen passing by quickly, and insects are also naturally present. So far, there are no signs of danger and abnormality.

Retina screens continue to be launched in the Las Vegas City War. During the time we entered the jungle, the bombing squadron had lost half of its combat power, the **** fighter was shot down by more than half, and even the bomber had lost one. The missile launched by the airship for the second time and the missile launched for the first time appear to be of the same model. Most of the combat data of this type of missile has been confirmed in this attack-they do have extremely strong intelligent locking and dodge capabilities Even if it is in a relatively dense quantity state, it can avoid missing the auxiliary vehicle, and the ability to search for enemies and redistribution is also quite amazing. Another important feature is that it can accelerate three times to catch up with a fighter flying at three Mach speeds in a short time. Compared with these characteristics, the power of these missiles is weaker than that of ordinary missiles, which is not a big disadvantage, because. They do not need to destroy solid bunkers on the ground. According to the weapons experts of the combat command, they were created for air combat. It is enough to attack existing air targets, which is extremely targeted. but. The most important reason why this bombing squadron has been hit so badly is because it is facing unfamiliar weapons.

If the performance of these missiles has been known for a long time, the chance of this bombing squadron returning intact is also more than 40%. Because these missiles entered the altitude of 10,000 meters. Performance will be greatly reduced. All the combat aircraft that were destroyed were entangled in intensive offensives and could not rise to the security zone in time. All airframes that entered 10,000 meters, including bombers that were not good at air combat, have been freed from pursuit. On the way back.

Compared with the defensive capabilities that large-equivalent bombs cannot destroy, although the technology of these missiles is advanced, they are not too far ahead of the active missiles in the United States. Moreover, the response of these airship groups in the face of blows from the air is also worth pondering. Why only counterattacks from the air? Does it mean that these airships have flaws in their air-to-air capabilities? However, in the battle with the flying squadron, no shortcomings in this regard have been revealed. Whether it is facing an artillery, a missile or a large equivalent bomb dropped from the sky, the airship's defense is perfect.

Can guess. The airship ’s protective cover is not the original one. Some of their actions outside of Las Vegas have allowed them to temporarily acquire such capabilities. Perhaps this temporary defense capability has internal instability factors that make them necessary. Make up by fighting. The probability of this guess is extremely high. The combat command headquarters deems it worth confirming that the second batch of flight squadrons have been lifted off, but the power of carrying weapons has not exceeded that of the first batch of flight squadrons. Although the facts have proved. This kind of attack is in vain before finding out the other party's flaws. However, a futile attack is not entirely useless.

It is still a kind of temptation, through intensive consumption warfare, to test the opponent's possible weaknesses, such as persistence, if the enemy counterattacks, the confirmed intensive missile attack will not cause too much damage, if it is really caused Further damage can also get more data.

Although for every country in the normal world, every fighter plane and every combat pilot, in terms of capability and price, are extremely expensive and important. However, the origin and strength of the enemy really deserve this level of consumption. Moreover, after an emergency UN meeting was urgently held, the United States was no longer an independent enemy against an enemy whose origin and ability were difficult to judge. At this time, in the corners of the world ’s major states, there were constantly flying squadrons that could carry out long-distance attacks Lift-off, for the enemies that have been transformed into ghosts for half a century, all countries that know the intelligence of that year have some interest in temptation, especially if they are likely to become their own enemies-although it only appears in the United States now.

However, before these air forces from all over the world arrived in Las Vegas, the eighteen airships staying in Las Vegas finally launched further actions. If there are any factors that make them change, I think that the evacuation of people in the city has come to an end, perhaps an extremely important reason. No matter what other people think, I think it seems that these Nazis deliberately urged the progress of evacuation operations. They want to do something after everyone enters the refuge-when such an idea arises, if there is no brain hardware control, I will inevitably have a very strong reaction, even if the emotion is controlled now, that kind of unknown The feeling is still as strong as the dark clouds backlogged before the storm.

"These guys ..." I felt like I was about to understand what they were trying to do. Before this aura of light had hatched, the oval shells of the eighteen airships had begun to change, like layers after layers. The scales are wriggling, and the blocks are pieced together, but that is neither scales nor blocks, but dense weapons modules, among which are the many launching ports that previously launched missiles. The airship array is also changing, partly into the sky, partly sideways, partly forward, partly backward. The changes in the airship group have not only caused my unpredictable hunch, including the Las Vegas local defender and the combat command headquarters of the remote control warfare, all of which have caused uneasy ripples.

"They moved!"

"what happened?"

"I don't know. But it's definitely not good news."

"Stop them! Immediately!"


Shouts like this are surging on the front lines of communication channels and battlefields like tidal waves. The commentaries and audiences on the Internet and TV have become excited. No one understands what exactly is happening and what it will bring. but. As long as it is not low-energy, you can feel the dangerous breath brought by the airship's move. The mercenaries in the convoy also noticed the changes in Las Vegas City one after another, and turned their attention back from the front road information. The file closed his mouth tightly, but. She quickly opened her mouth again, astonishment, fear, and various excited expressions, as if opening a paint shop to present on her face.

Cannonball rain can't stop the change of the airship group, they quickly arranged a long barrel shape with a wide front and a narrow front, in the retina screen. This scene was intercepted separately, and re-rendered in synchronization with further changes in the airship group-it looked like a gun barrel, and when the airships were connected to each other, this description became more real. The relatively wide muzzle slowly moved and aimed at the entrance of a refuge behind the Las Vegas defense line.

"These guys!" The wrestler exclaimed loudly, and the file's face was flushed. At this time, almost all the enemies who saw this scene thought of what the enemy was going to do.

"Damn, is it considered a turtle in the urn?" Said the file biting her nails anxiously. Although she has experienced many wars, the Nazis not far away have to do things that are very different from the wars of the past.

Many dense and small modules are spliced ​​into a long line like a spider web, which connects eighteen airships. And continue to expand horizontally. This change is very rapid. In less than a minute, the image of the giant cannon formed by the airship group jumped out of people's guess and became real. The body of the cannon was not completely wrapped tightly by the outer shell. It is more like a mysterious hollow pattern, and bright lightning-like light flows along these hollow patterns. Converging in the gun chamber, a phenomenon of high energy is condensed, so that anyone who sees this scene can subconsciously understand that it is entering a state.

The Las Vegas defenders had no idea what to do, and the command from the combat command headquarters ordered them to retreat from the communication channel, but behind them was a refuge, no one could be sure, suspended in mid-air, by eighteen airships Whether the constructed cannon can penetrate the refuge, but it seems that it can be done. The people have just entered the refuge, have not been evacuated further, and have not entered the strongest defense. If they leave at this time, they are undoubtedly admitting that these soldiers can do nothing. They can only watch the people who entered the refuge sullenly die. Off. This is not a matter of life and death for thousands and tens of thousands, but for millions and millions of people. When the number of people reaches a certain level, it will become data, but if it continues to increase, it will become one. This kind of unbearable pressure, not to mention, this terrifying number of people is not presented in front of the eyes at a long distance-these people are in front of their eyes, they should have shouldered the responsibility, before For a while ~ ~ They personally escorted them into this refuge like a can of steel.

When you imagine yourself watching millions of people evaporate in front of your eyes, it can be really disappointing. That's right, maybe the enemy's attack is just a threat. Those who waved Nazi flags did not have the ability to cause that kind of serious consequences. However, this is just a beautiful possibility before the results are really out. At this time, the worst possibility is more real than any possibility-the inverted "卍" on the airship and the extraordinary defensive capabilities and changes they show can only make this kind of bad The feeling overwhelms any good ideas.

If the enemy's shelling can penetrate the refuge, even if he is in front of him, it will only be sent to death in vain, but this rational idea does not have the first time to shake the pressure caused by responsibility and human nature. When the Las Vegas defenders were in chaos, but they did not immediately follow the instructions given by the combat command headquarters from afar, the commander of the defenders was shaken.

Although I have suppressed myself from digging into the thoughts of myself or others, when I witnessed this terrible scene, I still did not consciously fill in the thoughts of these people and explain the reasons for their actions. I know that this speculation is not entirely correct, but, I am used to doing so, because when I do this, I will feel at ease.

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