Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 629: track

* This chapter is from Liujiu Chinese ** Please go to Liujiu Chinese to read the latest chapter *

After breakfast, around seven o'clock, Fu Jiang and I decided to re-inspect the building and courtyard. There was a mess on the lawn before last night, but now there is nothing left. The large group of unidentified creatures came to this place for the first time, sweeping away the leftovers. Reminiscent of the abrupt metallic sound, I want to find out where they came from and how their presence caused changes in the area.

The zombies outside the iron gate are still crowded. They haven't dispersed since they were attracted by the sound of fighting last night, but they got a lot of share, just wandering around like lost home dogs.

Because of their existence, Fu Jiang and I's escape plan was completely bankrupt. Now even if we go over the wall, we will definitely be overwhelmed by the sea of ​​corpses.

If you can find the place where the group of unknown creatures entered, maybe you can find new clues. Because the courtyard is wide, there is nothing hidden at first glance, so we ignored it yesterday, and now it seems that we must seriously investigate.

"How is your health?" I asked while packing up the trash.

Although there is no good in tidying up, but I have a little bit of cleanliness. Put the garbage in a plastic bag and place it in the corner, walk to Fujiang who is removing the heavy objects that block the door and join hands.

"Very good." She shrugged and stood up, shaking her arm. "I can't feel the pain, it seems to be better than before. But the painful experience is really fresh."


"No, a layer of skin was shed, and my hair was shed." Fu Jiang looked at me seriously and said, "Like a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy, even his clothes are gone."

"Not so bad. You are much healthier and more beautiful than the patient, and ... good underwear."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"I just told the truth."

It's hard to imagine that such a word came out of my mouth. Fujiang and I knew each other for only one night, but now we feel like a bosom friend. Not quite like my style, probably because of hormones and epinephrine. But it's not annoying.

That's right, I don't hate Fujiang.

"Remember the lesson, not every life-saving straw."

"Of course." She moved a chair and suddenly said, "Really don't want to touch it?"

My eyes couldn't help but fall on her chest, and the shocking size and shape are undoubtedly full of attractive charm. She put her left hand in her waist and waited for my answer. Her expression looked very serious, but it made people wonder how to answer.


"Now ... can I owe credit?" Replied this way.

I falsely cough awkwardly.

Fu Jiang hey laughed.

After moving the door barrier, I could not help but sigh that I was able to pile them up in a short time last night. The potential of people under danger is really not to be overlooked.

I handed the axe to Fu Jiang and carried the quiver. There were not many arrows left. After shooting, I was defenseless. But during the day, be careful not to have any major trouble. Fu Jiang stared at the axe several times.

"Is this axe really a fire axe?"

"Of course, I took it out of the fire-fighting supplies cabinet. Is there anything wrong?"

"Just ..." Fu Jiang shook his head suspiciously: "It seems to be bigger, and it's too easy to cut people."

"Are you kidding?" I couldn't help asking.

"Achuan, look at my current profile."

As she wished.

Name: Fu Jiang

Age: 23 years old

Occupation: Graduate

Weapon: Fire Axe

Evaluation: D +

"This weapon can be used by anyone," she said to herself. It seems as if he is still thinking about not getting the diamond mark.

"Come on, there are as many questions as mountains, come one by one." I took the lead out of the room: "First check all the rooms in the building."

Fu Jiang quickly followed.

This investigation was much smoother than yesterday. No enemies, no accidents. The layout of the corridors, stairs and rooms has not changed, but there are no corpses and broken limbs that have become zombies, leaving only mottled blood stains to prove their existence. Entering the fourth floor of the large room that the ghost dog used as a "restaurant", one could not help but look at the floor and the seal on the wall.

The stench and flies have not disappeared, and are full of disgusting smell, but the bones and meat are also missing.

"It's the worm that eats the body." Fu Jiang asserted, his voice dull.

Like me, she covered her nose and mouth with one hand.

"Hopefully they don't eat fresh meat from living people."

Fu Jiang observed the trace for a while.

"You didn't see vomit, did you clean it up?"

"Vomit?" I asked in confusion.

"Of course, ordinary people who see that situation for the first time will vomit." Fu Jiang looked at me: "I didn't seem to see it when I came in yesterday."

"I didn't vomit."

Facing my statement, Fu Jiang only asked:

"Are you really just an ordinary top student?"

of course.

"I have a strong ability to accept."

"No, you have mental and physical problems."

So I glared at her fiercely, but she didn't see it.

Fu Jiang and I didn't find anything useful and suspicious. The monsters that ate the corpses didn't even leave traces of movement. It may be left, but it cannot be detected without special instruments. As we squabble, we walked out of the building into the courtyard.

The garden was full of sunshine and the plants were vigorous, but just like what you saw when you looked downstairs, apart from the broken scene, the meat was completely eaten up, even the insects and birds. Deathly silence.

Fu Jiang and I stopped by the pool and looked around boredom, even the zombies outside the iron gate ignored us. We are like innocent tourists who have been hit by storms and washed up on desert islands by the waves.

It is not impossible to survive, but there is a doubt and helplessness caused by wandering.

Sorting out the mood, we continue to search towards the edge of the wall. When passing by the swing, Fu Jiang happily swayed for a while, as if to find his childhood joy. The big tree was severely damaged by the electric shock, but it did not shake its roots. Continue to walk back, passing the memorable stone table tennis table, seesaw, bunker, single parallel bars, and two iron pipes as the slides of the elephant.

It ’s all for kids. People have to wonder if this is a kindergarten.

"Maybe the welfare home." Fu Jiang speculated.

"If you look through the documents in the office, you know whether it is."

I said that in my mouth, but I didn't have the motivation to go through it at all. Who cares where this place is ~ ~ Went in a big circle, when entering the side and back of the building, the soil became wet and became more muddy as it gradually deepened. Fu Jiang also noticed, because her sports shoes were stained with splashes of muddy water. She squatted down and looked for the direction of the water flow with me. After a while, I found a leak.

It was a stone entrance, which looked like an old bomb shelter. It had not been used for many years and was covered with moss. The rusty iron door fell to the ground, next to a piece of hose. The other end of the hose was connected to the faucet, and the water gurgled out.

Looking from the outside, only a step at the entrance can be seen, and the deeper part is shrouded in darkness, obscured, and even the sun can't look after it, exuding a damp and cool air.

Although it is not known where it leads to, those monsters temporarily named "corpse worm" should have come out from here.

Fu Jiang sighed, looked at me, and returned to the stronghold.

We decided to find out, but we must be prepared.

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