Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 793: First

An extremely strong, yet indescribable feeling rolled in the heart of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, and the dark and silent environment of yīn could not calm him down.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ After excluding the interference of brain hardware, he realized that his mentality was not as stable as he thought. Before being able to calmly deal with any strange and unknown situation, the brain hardware played a leading role. Although he also has psychology knowledge and more memory information from other Gao Chuan, he understands when and what he should do, but he cannot be as effective as before, pure knowledge and memory cannot be controlled Physical response.

However, he did not regret that the toughness reversed the dominant role of the brain hardware on the body. The existence of the native brain, the fluctuation of emotions, and the vigorous feelings made the world in his eyes become more distinct than in the past, so that he really has a kind of The feeling of "alive". What surprised him even more is that the past problems that have fallen into a state of distraction from time to time have been alleviated. Although there are still many questions that remain unanswered, he thinks about those problems, or he thinks of them more and more times The less.

The brain hardware will still list a lot of data for every thing and give possible conclusions, but these data and conclusions are no longer a "compulsory knowledge" thing, the native brain is limited by ability and Self-protection instincts will not actively accept these data and conclusions. When using the native brain to look at things and problems, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan found that he never actively sought a definite conclusion, nor forced himself to seek "reasonable logical correctness". Originally every day, the brain They are all filled with tedious and heavy things, the calculation list is not a bit idle, and even the normal sequence is arranged after a few months, however. Now in his free time, half of his brain is empty, but unexpectedly it will not make him feel empty, but a relaxed feeling.

Like normal people, he can sleep and can be dazed aimlessly. You can imagine all unrealistic things, and you can treat those romantic dramas with a normal attitude. When he saw a stranger, even if the retina screen immediately listed various auxiliary battle data due to the feedback of the brain hardware, but what appeared in his mind was no longer cold and jǐng deliberately examine if he It doesn't matter if you don't want to ignore the data, or ignore things that are subjectively judged.

In fact, even when the brain hardware plays a leading role. Most of the data is not understood by the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, but they cannot be ignored because the brain hardware will give many conclusions. Now, he has more data that he does not understand, but the native brain will not give a conclusion. If he does not understand, he cannot analyze it. What is analyzed by the brain hardware will not be actively sent to the mind. Unless he wants.

In these kinds of changes, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan cannot give a conclusion about whether it is good or bad. His judgment is no longer limited to reason and logic. When a judgment is full of sense factors, the answer is always Blurry. He sometimes feels that his fighting ability has declined somewhat, however. This decline is not stable, but in a state of volatility. At least, this fluctuation is what he longs for, because, too stable. It means that the limit is unbreakable, and the fluctuating state can give him a confidence that he can make some miracles when facing the enemies beyond himself-of course, the logic and logic do not agree with this idea, but Feeling makes this kind of thinking take for granted.

Feeling a bit self-deceiving? Prostitute Gao Chuan thought so, but felt that this description was not correct. But soon, he stopped thinking about this problem. Although his strong feeling made him wake up like a nightmare, his state at this time was not bad. He sipped his beer in small sips, and the smell of cigarettes floated in the surrounding air, looking a little muddy. Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the night view of the city flickered. Apart from the lights, no trace of natural light could be felt. Such a scene was the darkest moment before dawn.

The prosthesis Gaochuan looked at the artificial light, but was surrounded by a sense of xìng, making him feel that he was being dragged into the quiet deep sea. The dark and silent world did not make him feel suffocated, but felt peaceful, only that there was no sleepiness. Troubles, plans, problems, many of my own problems, like sand, were washed away by a stream of dark cháo.

"How good it would be to live like this." He whispered to himself.

Bells were heard from afar, although the room's sound insulation was excellent, and when the doors and windows were closed, even outsiders could not hear them in the hallway, but the bell was weak, but it clearly entered the room and echoed The ear of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. Even if you do n’t pay attention to the data and conclusions given by the brain hardware, there is no first time to turn the brain to think, an answer that originates from the feeling and is full of feeling, but it appears in his mind. The natural bell seemed to indicate something, perhaps, the continuation of indescribable causes that awakened him from sleep.

The mysterious power collided and stirred at the place where the distant bells were, and then came to a close when the bells stopped. Although I did n’t see it with my own eyes, there is no basis for rational thinking to get a definitive conclusion. However, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan believed this idea very much, and it did not need any reason to believe it.

He did n’t intend to rush there immediately. It ’s too late at this time. Although it ’s impossible to draw such a positive conclusion, it ’s the same as the idea that I believed that there was no reason before, as if the live scene was displayed in front of me , He also subconsciously believes this conclusion. As if all the factors that would interfere with the conclusion have evaporated at this instant.

Man, just sitting on the sofa, waiting for the first light to appear.

In the high-rise rooms of the five-star hotel, there is hardly any building that can block his view. A wide city overlooks the sky and the top of a row of buildings forms a blurred horizon. The appearance of the skylight did not immediately dispel the night shadow, but against the background of this ray of light, the outline of the yīn shadow became deeper and deeper.

It wasn't until the night was smeared with white paint over and over again that people realized that the sun was quietly infiltrating the world every moment.

The horizon outlined by the top of the city building became clearer and clearer, and at the next moment, the soft red sè spread on the horizon. Make the white brighter, brighter, more sparkling, more sparkling, the vague scene in the distance, as if through a misty water vapor, slowly fluctuating. Shaking. I don't know when, there is a clear white mist flowing in the streets and alleys, and it is covered with the wind to the waist of the hotel building.

This is in the city where the whisperer is located, no, it should be said that it is a scene out of the city that has never been visited by the prostitute Gaochuan. It's unique, as if proclaiming the beauty of the city of London to the world. Even in the middle of the night, the city that did not stop its activity boils more violently when the sun rises.

The heart of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is full of shock. For the first time, he used an attitude full of sense to appreciate the appearance of a city, rather than observe the scene with pure reason. Logically, he understood the dreadful darkness hidden in the prosperity of the city, and he understood the beautiful misty image. It is the bad result of environmental pollution, but. These logical answers can't conceal the feelings of pure beauty in his heart.

In other words, even if there is darkness, there are all kinds of shortcomings, and there are too many unbeautiful factors behind the beauty, but. In the mind of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan at this time, these dark, imperfect and ugly factors were all subconsciously ignored by him. When he came back to God, he suddenly understood that this is the meaning of the sense of existence—something that must be ignored. You can see and feel. Although you ignore this part of the factors, what you see and feel is not perfect and does not mean correct, but it is not wrong. It can only be said that it is one-sided. .

In the terminology of the Principality of zhōngyāng, there is a story of "blind man touching the elephant". In this story, the blind man touched the elephant leg and said that it was like a pillar, and thought that the elephant is the appearance of the pillar. This answer is certainly not correct. However, at least, in the mind of the blind, he knows what the elephant leg looks like. Compared with the person who observes the whole elephant with his eyes, he touches the blind man with the heart and knows the appearance of the elephant leg.

Although it is one-sided, it is limited to one-sided itself, but it is closer to the correct than more people.

"It turns out that the so-called correctness is not only one. And what is really beautiful, will not be covered by its flaws." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan dumbfounded, he certainly knows this knowledge, but only until this time, he really understood This knowledge, and realize its own meaning and reasonableness.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not think about more problems because of this understanding. The questions that were answered before were like flashes of light. He was silent, immersed in this wonderful and natural feeling. Until a moment, the sound of opening the door came from behind.

"Achuan? So early?" Listening to the voice, it was Gregia. Her voice was a bit murky at first, but the next sentence became clear: "When did you come back last night? Will you rest for a while?"

Prostitute Gao Chuan turned his head, his face was expressionless, but not stiff, giving a soft feeling. This is very different from the impression he gave in the past, which made Gregia stunned.

"No, my jīng **** is very good." After a pause, he said: "It has never been so good."

"Uh, is it?" Gregia didn't know what was going on, but she preferred Gaochuan now, so she didn't ask any more, "I'm going to wake up." So, quickly stepped into the bathroom.

Soon, Sakuya's bedroom door also opened. She entered the living room with a bear puppet, and also saw Gao Yi, a prostitute sitting on the sofa, who seemed to be enjoying the morning scene. Although it was just a back view, she also felt that there was a certain difference from a night ago. Let her trance, as if to go back to the past, the high school age that had not joined the whisperer. Maybe Gao Chuan does n’t remember it anymore, no, maybe I do n’t know. In her memory, the first time I met him was when he had n’t noticed it—in the morning classroom, Gao Chuan was sitting alone. Supporting his chin on his seat, he looked at the cāo field through the window. At that time, he exuded the same taste as he at this time. The next night, Sakuya, glimpsed the scene from outside the classroom door, and was deeply moved by the unique and sensuous atmosphere.

Although it really took a long time to get to know Gaochuan, but since then, the scenery and smell of that day have been deeply imprinted in her mind, making her involuntarily pay attention to Gaochuan's affairs. At this moment, the figure of the prosthetic body Gaochuan sitting quietly by the window seemed to overlap with the scene of the day. Let her go through time and space and return to that day. At the beginning. How much she wanted to go up, said to him actively: "Hello, I am called Sakuya." However, at that time, she did not have the courage.

so now. Miyaki moved her footsteps, and when the prosthetic body Gaochuan noticed her arrival and turned around, she embraced his shoulder with a heartbeat of uneasiness and said in his ear, "I am Misaki."

The prostitute Gao Chuan was a little puzzled, and did n’t understand why she said that. She did n’t forget her, nor was she the first time to meet her. Why was her words like self-introduction? Although puzzled. But he replied subconsciously: "Well, I know." Sakuya's head pressed against the back of his head, preventing him from looking back at her expression.

"I'm Sakuya ..." There was a tremor in the voice behind her. She repeated, not knowing why, tears spilled out of her eyes uncontrollably.

"I know, you are Saki Ye. I'm Gao Chuan." Gao Chuan reached back and touched Sakuya's cheek. There are warm water stains where the finger touches. He suddenly knew that Sakuya was crying, but he couldn't understand why she was crying. Sense xìng didn't play the role of a little bit of analysis, but made him even more confused, "Why cry? Have you had a nightmare?"

"I, I don't know." Sakuya choked with sobs, and said, "However. Great, Gao Chuan, as I know it."

"I ..." Gao Techuan paused, although he understood that he was equivalent to Gao Chuan jumping from another world line, from which various logics can be derived to prove that "I am not at this time. "Kawakawa I met at night", but, in his mind, there was an impulse to erase these "correct possible xìng conclusions", and only one answer remained: I didn't say anything at this time. Misaki's best response. Moreover, it is also the most correct, most deserving, and most reasonable response for myself.

He felt how hard it was for Misaki behind him to use her forehead against the back of his head, as if to use all his strength to enter his mind. He obeyed the feeling in his heart and quietly stroked her hair with his backhand.

After a long while, Sakuya's choking voice eased, and she took a deep breath, propped the body of Takakawa's shoulder, and pushed her body away.

"It's okay? A night." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, turned his head and looked at her expression.

"Huh." Sakuya responded with a nasal voice and said, "I'm going to wash." So he hurried into the bathroom, and almost collided with Gregorya who came out. In such a careless and confused way, there is no adult style at all, as if she were still a little girl.

"What's the matter?" Gregia surprisedly watched Misaki's back before turning back to gaze and asked the prostitute Gao Chuan: "So hurried?"

The prostitute Gao Chuan just smiled and did not answer, because he did not have a definite answer himself. However, it is enough to be able to confirm that Sakuya is not crying because of sadness. Gregia seemed to just ask casually, but did not go further. She sat down on the other side of the sofa, turned on the TV, picked some snacks, glanced at the empty beer cans and asked, "Drink early in the morning?" Or did you sleep last night? "

"Sleep for a while, and wake up before dawn." Gao Chuan said.

"It's really jīng God. It would be nice if I had such a physical quality." Gregia was a little unhappy, "When can I use the mysterious power, gray stone is also acceptable, isn't it said that gray stone is easier to get? Achuan . If you go on like this, I will drag your hind legs once there is a fight. And now the city is in danger. "

"Don't worry ~ ~ This time let you come to London, it is also to complete this thing." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "Otherwise, Bajing will not send you over."

"Isn't it responsible for my regular negotiation and negotiation with other organizations?" Gregia looked over in surprise. "And, there are no free regular transaction staff among the whisperers except me. Eight scenes but Very busy. "

"Well, you do have missions, but that's just incidental." Yi Chuan Gao Chuan smiled and said, "In a place that may become a battlefield at any time, a member with no power will not simply assist in handling the routine. The transaction was sent because, in such a place, negotiation is actually very simple, and there is no need to deliberately let an ordinary person come to handle it. "

"So, is it a test? Accumulating experience?" Gregia seemed to recall.

"Your test has long passed. If you accumulate experience, there are many safe places for the whisperer, and you don't need to put you in danger." Yichuan Gaochuan no longer circled around and said to her directly: "Eight scenes hope you can The whisperer ’s diplomatic director, this time bringing you over, in addition to letting you broaden your horizons and know more mysterious organizations, more importantly, you can take this opportunity to get the appropriate reinforcement. What the whisperer does not have, in Other mysterious organizations have, and through this opportunity, formally greet each other. ". )