Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 864: Existential conflict

This night, the curtain fell on the changes of all parties, whether in Europe or Asia. Ordinary people could not perceive this surging undercurrent. The governments of various countries have not disclosed the existence of the Nazis and have landed in Las Vegas. The Nazis were blocked from various media channels, and the previously leaked information confuses the past with the best means. All military force transfers will be done under other pretexts, and even the United States, which has fought against the Nazis, will need at least forty-eight hours to readjust its defenses.

The information was transmitted to the brain hardware of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan through the whisperer's own channel. After finishing the investigation of the new victim, he had not slept all night. The atmosphere in the mansion is still stern and obscure, and the kind of anomalous excitement is still creeping in the dark, leaving the mansion lacking some sense of urgency in the early days of the war. If you can communicate face-to-face with other mysterious organizations, this relatively calm atmosphere will surely make a big difference. At least, the prostitute Gao Chuan firmly believes that those mysterious organizations must have been informed of the current situation changes.

In this sensitive period of time when the global mysterious organization meeting was held, the Nazis had mobilized their military forces with great fanfare. Although they also covered their movements with mystery, in the eyes of other mysterious organizations, these guys actually did not care about hiding at all. Too. In other words, they are already hungry for this war. They want to fight a grand, epic battle, they are not afraid of sacrifice, they are not afraid of death, and they may be more fanatical than the Nazis during the Second World War.

This scorching battle has been deeply expressed by the huge "卐" word that can be observed only by using the mystery as if it were imprinted on the moon. I am afraid. Waiting for the moment when they are assembled, this symbol that makes people smell can be seen by all ordinary people.

Even if it is just imagination, it can be deeply felt that fear will sweep the world like a storm, and before that. There must have been a lot of casualties. If the Nazis concentrate their forces to attack a certain country, then this country will inevitably fall in a short time. Simply asking, which country can block the Nazis, is no longer meaningful. In this way, if the Nazi division of troops attacked several important countries, it would be good news.

No matter where the Nazi soldiers pointed, the prostitute Gao Chuan felt. London must not be caught in the water.

Forty-eight hours is the limit of the whisperer's judgment, and there is not much time left for London.

The news of the death of the new victim was overshadowed by Nazi news. Although the prostitute Gao Chuan did not know exactly how many people came from District 51, no one asked about the dead until the day came again. At this time of the fire, you must be busy getting angry. It is also unclear that such a situation has changed. Whether it is in the prophecy of the online ball prophet.

The prostitute Gao Chuan stared at the TV, looking for a mysterious breath in the morning news, but, as he thought, in the mouth of the media, the world is still calm, and there are still problems with chicken skin. The major events in the United States are still related to the economic crisis. There is not even a single feather of intelligence about Las Vegas.

Prostitute Gao Chuan knew how fierce that place was. Although the world line has jumped, the disaster in Las Vegas has not changed much. As a bridgehead against the Nazis, District 51 has begun to use its own repeaters to fight against the repeaters of the Nazis in Las Vegas. As in the previous world line, the entire Las Vegas city was The Nazis transformed into a relay connection device, which continuously led to the power of the relay at the lunar headquarters.

Compared with the Nazis' familiarity with repeaters, the 51 area just after the completion of the repeaters requires more time to reverse the passive situation.

However, the news from the whisperer's headquarters said that after the Nazis captured the four autonomous prefectures in the United States, they did not stay longer, but returned to Las Vegas to join the airship fleet that remained there. Stationed in Las Vegas, entangled with District 51.

The prostitute Gao Chuan did not think about the deep meaning behind these Nazi actions. The strategic problem does not make much sense to the whisperer, because the whisperer is too small, no matter what he thinks, there is not enough manpower and contacts to promote The corresponding strategy. For the whisperers, it is the best choice to stay honestly on their own territory before the Central Principality is finished before Asia is captured. Even if you want to go to the battlefield, it is enough to have a prostitute Gaochuan alone, plus the night of the Ashbringer, it is almost foolproof.

Compared with the impact of the Third World War on the world, the prostitute Gao Chuan cares more about what opportunities this war will bring to his plan. It is still some time before the arrival of the Nazis. If Jiang's pace accelerates, how should he cope with it?

Prostitute Gao Chuan doesn't think the Nazi movement will have much impact on Jiang, but on his own side, it is very likely that it will have some unpredictable effects due to Nazi movements. Whether it is good or bad has changed. Unpredictable. At this time, all I can hope for is luck? Prosperity Gaochuan lit the cigarette and thought for a while, then denied this conclusion. If the Nazis are also a part of the "script", then what needs to be expected is probably the "script" itself, as well as the private goods carried by the super series and super Dorothy in the "script".

If the Nazis cannot destroy the world and bring the end, then, in this end-of-the-play script, the Nazi is just a part destined to be eliminated.

If you think about it this way, your mood will be more comfortable.

Someone was knocking on the door, and the prosthetic body Gao Chuan didn't look back, he already knew that Gregia got up. He leaned on the sofa, turned his head over there, and asked, "How did you sleep?"

"It's okay." Gregia didn't get up and was confused. Her face looked energetic, and she seemed to have completely got rid of the blow to herself from the hotel incident last night. She was in a good mood. She didn't enter the bathroom immediately. Instead, she sat beside the prosthetic body Gaochuan. She picked up the memory card from the coffee table. The message delivered by the prosthetic body Gaochuan to the headquarters was all recorded in this memory card. It ’s not that Gregia and Sakuya are easy to browse, they have their own contact tool. This is just a subconscious, instinctive action, just like taking a photo.

That being said, it may be strange to others. However, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan felt. This may seem meaningless, but it is what I need.

"News from the headquarters?" Gregia asked curiously.

Prostitute Gao Chuan nodded without speaking.

"What is it about?" Gregia asked again.

"Nazis." Gao Chuan's answer was ten concise.

"It's those guys ..." Gregia pouted, and she didn't have a good impression of the Nazis. In the 51st district, she was almost killed by those guys. At that time, she was just an ordinary person. Regarding what happened to Gregia on this world line in the 51st district, the prostitute Gao Chuan struck a lot. To be honest, compared to the Gregorian encounter of the previous world line, the Gregorian encounter in front of him is undoubtedly much more dangerous.

"Are they going to attack London?" Gregia also just casually said, but unexpectedly nodded Gao Chuan but nodded cautiously. She smiled unresponsively first, and then her smile solidified on her face.

"I'm kidding." Gregia said tentatively.

"But I haven't." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, said to her very seriously: "The Nazis may air strike London after 48 hours, possibly faster."

Gregia was dull, at this time. Sakuya also walked out of the room, she rubbed her eyes. With the ear of the bear puppet in his hand, he was curious when he saw the strange atmosphere between the two.

"Achuan?" She shouted, and as soon as the prostitute Gao Chuan turned her head, Gregia ran into her room and yelled. "What the hell! Where did I lose my laptop?"

"What's wrong with her?" Miyaki stunned and looked over there, and asked the prostitute Gao Chuan.

"I was a little irritated, not a big deal." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, said calmly. "The Nazis made a big move last night and may attack London in 48 hours. But this is not important. Another conscious walk died last night. In addition, the people in the 51st district should still have the power. In addition, the fire said that we will take us to visit the Dorothy plan today. The situation last night is roughly the same. Overall, it is still very calm. "

"Nazis?" Saki Ye was also sensitive to the name for the first time. Even with mysterious power, he could not avoid the impact of mainstream historical cognition. For most ordinary people, the Nazis are the closest to them, world-class "evil".

"What do Bajing say? Will the Nazis destroy the world?" She asked.

"There is no prophecy, but I don't think it's possible." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "If it is a doomsday truth and the Nazis, it may be a little possible, but I don't think the doomsday truth and the Nazis are so intimate. Even if the two sides of the war , All have mysterious elements, but when the concept rises to the category of "destruction of the world", it is a bit insignificant. Perhaps, the third world war will kill many people, but, the real end of the world, the lowest level No one can survive. "

"If the Nazis cannot destroy the world, then it has nothing to do with us." Miyaki showed a calm smile. "The whisperer's original intention was to observe and target as far as possible anything that would lead to the end of the world. The Nazis could not destroy the world. Then, just continuing to observe is enough. "

"The Nazis are just a part." Gao Chuan said, "The Eight Scenes also agree with this judgment. It is possible that the Nazi actions will have the origin of the end of the world."

"Then, what we can do is just observe and confirm the source to stop it." Saya said very seriously.

The prostitute Gao Chuan was silent for a long while, and looked at her with a sincere eye, and said: "I am scared. Fear of the appearance of the source, fear of failure, and fear of everything that might be lost after failure. A night, you See, if there is no brain hardware, I have begun to tremble. I may know, what kind of existence is that source, but I ca n’t tell you, and I ca n’t tell you. Forgive me, Aye, if I fail Now, you will die, please forgive me. "With that said, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan couldn't help but pressed his face with his hands. He felt pain and his emotions were surging, but the complex emotions could not be turned into tears. come out. It feels like it has already dried up.

"Don't worry, I'm by your side, Achuan." When Sakuya's voice reached the ears of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, he felt that he was embraced into a tender embrace and only heard her say: "Even if he died, I will still be by your side. It has nothing to do with soul. It has nothing to do with matter, it has nothing to do with normality and mystery, but it is the inevitable destiny. I pray for this destiny, believe in this destiny, and hope you can believe in me, Achuan. I, "It's right here with you" Misaki's finger is on the chest of the prosthetic body Takakawa.

"Hey! The two of you! What soap opera are you playing when you're so nervous!" Gregia rushed out with a laptop as if her **** was on fire. After resting on the coffee table and opening, insert the memory card, and said in a broken way: "All day long show love, you are bothered. Come and see, what the headquarter news is coming. The third world war It ’s about to start, it ’s so exciting, Gao Chuan, are n’t we going to die in London? ”

"No." Gao Chuan's voice was unexpectedly gentle and calm. "It will definitely let you go back safely, this is my mission."

"Uh, what a mission." Gregia glanced at him with strange eyes. He rubbed his arms, "It's dead of numbness. This set, even today's middle school girls don't eat it."

Prostitute Gao Chuan just smiled, without refuting. Although Gregia was very excited, Sakuya was not interested. The advent of the Third World War, in the early years of the whisperer's deduction, is already an established course, and old cores like her and Bajing have already been prepared from all aspects. From the brief description of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. She understands that what she and others can do and can do is only to advance at the established pace. For her, such information is enough.

Ignoring Gregia's puzzled look, Miyake walked into the bathroom. The prostitute Gao Chuan ignored Gregia's surprise and continued to watch the news on TV. Gregia's gaze turned back to the laptop screen, and the door to the suite was knocked. She raised her head in exasperation, glared at the door, and was about to get up, but was held on the shoulder by the prostitute Gao Chuan.

"It is to file them." The chain judgment of the prostitute Gaochuan has already conveyed the situation outside the door.

The prostitute Gao Chuan opened the door, and the file quickly walked in with a group of his team. The retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan is marked with relevant information about these people, which is different from when I was in Las Vegas with only three people. This time, the members of the file squad are all neat, and the prosthesis Gaochuan is on Those people who met in a world line.

Including new members "cleaners", "grey fox", "quick gun" and "wrestler" who are fighting together in Las Vegas, and two women and four men who have been appointed by the file to the whisperer's headquarters in the world line . Among them, the man with a braided braid behind his head, like the image in memory, held a cigar, but it was not lit, his sunglasses was on his forehead, and when his eyes turned to him, he responded with a ruffian smile. A man called a shepherd dog, a lieutenant of the file squad, and not the first time he took the stage in the memory of "Gao Chuan". The name shepherd dog has a deep sense of sight.

"Grey Fox?" The prostitute Gao Chuan looked at his acquaintance, but unexpectedly, the other side looked at this with amazement and said, "Who is the Grey Fox? I am a bat."

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan frowned, and the code name "bat" seemed somewhat impressive, but it was not as profound as "Grey Fox". Suddenly, in front of his eyes, the appearance of "bat" suddenly became completely different from that of half a second ago. Not only did his body become lean, but also his temperament changed dramatically.

The prostitute Gao Chuan blinked, not showing a strange look, but he couldn't understand what was going on in his heart for a moment. Is something wrong with your memory? Or has the change in the world line created problems? Or is it a worse situation?

He looked at the place in the memory called the "fast gun", and that person was no longer what he was in memory, but the same, there was a hint of familiarity. "You are ..." This time, the prostitute Gao Chuan no longer hurriedly shouted.

"Sam." The man said in a low voice, his figure was much larger than the mercenary called "Quick Gun", and he was still a black man.

Prostitute Gao Chuan feels that something is wrong. This abnormality does not come from the outside world, but comes from himself. However, it is difficult for him to catch the specific situation of this kind of error. Both the brain hardware and the prosthetic body have started self-examination, but the data returned is very normal.

"Your memory is not so bad? Gao Chuan." The wrestler patted his shoulder heartily.

Seeing the wrestler who is still in his own cognition ~ ~ The abnormal feeling in the heart of the prosthetic Gaochuan was only relieved.

"Wrestler." This time, the prostitute Gao Chuan said in a positive tone.

"That's right!" The wrestler eagerly gave the prostitute Gaochuan a huge hug, of course, for the prosthetic body, there was no effect.

After that, the prostitute Gao Chuan said the names of other people. This time, there was no unreasonable situation before it appeared. The file's original tight eyes finally relieved. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan knew that the abnormality of his monetization did not let this cautious veteran ignore.

"It seems that your consciousness problem ... is serious?" The file said that she seemed to have misunderstood. Prostitute Gao Chuan felt that this was not just a problem of her own consciousness abnormality, but it might have nothing to do with Jiang. .

However, if "Jiang" can really do such a thing, but why should it do it? This idea, instead, made the prostitute Gao Chuan feel that "Jiang" was not too suspect. As a result, there are very few objects that can be suspected, and there are not many people who can influence the "prostitute Gaochuan".

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