Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 878: Human disqualification

In the cyberball special prison, the dead bodies spread like a carpet all the way to the depths of the core of the area. The violent fighting destroyed most of the equipment, and the monitors have all been destroyed by the "mystery". Before the abnormal interruption, k had reached his destination. The blood of the "Warden" was spattered in front of him with his torn limbs. The wind was like an impervious film, blocking these stains. When the wind stopped, there was a sound of whistling at the feet.

k took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands. The previous battle also stained him with some blood. He was not a pretentious person, but had a little bit of cleanliness. In the battle, he should not be too demanding, but after the battle, as long as there is Conditions, he will always clean as much as possible. The success of this trip exceeded expectations. The warden is a cold-hearted guy, and he is quite self-respected. Maybe there is some glory in the past. Perhaps, it is also because it is too dull and boring in this prison. He planned to solve the intruder himself from the beginning, thus missing the opportunity to report the situation in the first place.

"It really helped a lot, although it was only ten minutes longer." While muttering to himself, k walked up the high stairs and entered the world behind the red iron gate. The warden was careless and thought he had already closed. The door is actually one line short.

It is indeed a rare thing that the warden of the special prison in the online zone of London will make mistakes that these seniors should not make. K felt that this time, he was on his own side. Of course, there may also be a trap intentionally placed by the cyber ball. However, it is not like the style of the cyber ball to abandon the masters such as the entire prison and the warden. K did not intend to consider this possibility at all.

Every mysterious organization. They all have their own style of behavior. In a sense, this style is the foundation of their standing. Without major changes, it is difficult to change, especially the top mysterious organizations such as the online ball.

K's eye pupil reflects the data flowing on the terminal screen, digging out special props hidden in the body one by one. After a while, his skin was cut to the blood, but he didn't frown at all, but there was a slight sense of excitement between the eyebrows. The metal piece contaminated with his own blood, within ten seconds after being exposed to the air, protruded as many as thirteen needle thread tentacles like an octopus, and only adsorbed on these terminals. Reverse intrusion and cracking of the connected network. Cyberball's defense on this network is unassailable. But the problem is that the program carried by this metal piece was obtained from the inside of the network ball through spy means, authentication or encryption, and completely follow the security mechanism of this network, as long as there is no abnormality on the prison side Feedback back to the online ball, as long as the online ball is in this short period of time, it has not been able to make a timely response. K's plan will definitely succeed.

This is the victory of the time difference, and this time difference. It is precisely because of its own flaws. K thought of this, really wanted to cover his mouth and laugh out loud. Being tortured before being brought here seems to be liquidated by this joyful mood at this moment.

Five minutes later, the terminal's display screen marked the relevant information of the network ball in London's core base, k excitedly threw a few punches into the air. He examined the information. Start to forge the qualifications you need on the terminal by referring to the conditions required to enter this core base. After confirming that he had obtained the permission to actually enter the temporary data hedging space, he looked at the time and did not leave immediately, but continued to control the terminal. Continue to invade the network of core bases.

However, after just three seconds, K's face showed surprise and hesitation. Three seconds ago, he tasted the power of the network security mechanism of this core base. In a short time, all his operations were locked and counterattacked at a speed that he could not cope with. The tail escaped, but his speed of escape was no faster than the opponent's counterattack. What can I do in three seconds? K didn't know, but, just as the security defense system was about to lock his trail, such a sharp counterattack suddenly collapsed. It was like a big wave rushing head-on, and in front of me, it unexpectedly broke down into a bubble. The nervous nerve at the moment of the crisis did not withstand the shock that should have been suffered, but instead made him dizzy for a while.

what's going on? What must have happened! k does n’t even need to think about it, to be sure that there must be something wrong, he is just hesitating, whether he should take this opportunity to continue to deepen, because the security defense mechanism there seems to be forced to interrupt If it is so, there must be a buffer time before it comes back online, perhaps enough for him to see clearly what is going on inside.

K's hesitation lasted for about a second, he gritted his teeth, pressed his curiosity, and quickly withdrew from the core base's network. After clearing his trail, he turned his head back, as if being chased by some flood beast In general, escaped from this prison.

Although doing so may miss a great opportunity to get more information, but at the moment of hesitation, k vaguely felt a danger that spread from the "network". k could not describe what kind of danger it was, but he really had a slight fear of this inexplicable danger, although it was slight, but it seemed like an indelible mark until k came away from the prison body and came nearby On the shore of the Great Lakes, I still can't get rid of this fear.

"What is that?" K asked himself. There is no answer. However, he is subconscious and does not want to discover the source of this fear at all.

K frowned, and there was no reason for irritability in his heart. This kind of irritability was not the same as ordinary irritability. In the past, there had never been a similar feeling. He was optimistic by nature and used to use psychology to regulate himself, but this time, the methods that always worked in the past did not reach the expected standard. He observed his mind and found that the slight but endless negative emotions, like a spider web, were entangled with his will a little bit.

"Is this also mysterious?" K forced himself to think calmly. He thought, and walked along the lake for more than one hundred meters. This time was enough to let the people of the netball realize the situation here, and Dispatched people to solve the problem. k estimated in his mind. The time for the netball person to arrive here is probably within five minutes. If it is put in the past, he will naturally not have any worries. He is confident enough to get rid of those annoying tails. But now, he suddenly realized that his state was not good-it was good, but when he invaded the core base and encountered that strange fear, his state began to decline linearly-let himself I don't even have the courage to take a glance. I can just run away from the wind, but it is not a simple "mystery" thing.

What happened in that core base? You should also follow the plan. Was there a trip in person to witness the birth of the legendary Dorothy? In fact, K only needed to turn in the information he got, and he basically completed the task, but the rumors of Dorothy's plan have always stirred his heart, which is why he is willing to take so many risks.

The low-browed pensive K stopped suddenly, and only then did he find himself absent. His feet had stepped into the lake, and he could not help but sweat. It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to fall into one's own world so completely. He is very sure now that the fear that made him run away from the desert is definitely not just a warning to the body from some latent danger, perhaps its body is a kind of "mystery" of conscious nature!

"Conscious walker?" K sullenly said to himself. "Is it a netball? Or is it for a netball?"

Before he could judge the origin, three people suddenly appeared not far ahead—there were none there. After vigilantly confirming the identity of the person coming, k has always been as heavy as a lead, and finally shows signs of breaking ice.

"S, h, q!" K called the code of the three.

"Come here, the netball person is coming." H beckoned.

"L?" The trot ran to the trio. A smile appeared on K's face.

"At the appointed place, our progress is faster, so I came to pick you up." S patted K's shoulder. "Your complexion is a bit poor, are you in trouble?"

"... Yes, I think I'm in trouble." K's joy was washed away again, "I accidentally walked the conscious walker's way."

"L can solve it." Q interrupted the conversation between the two parties and said: "specific things, leave here first."

The others nodded tacitly, then grabbed h's arms and shoulders together, and disappeared by the lake in a blink of an eye.

The core site of the network ball, a department of the underground research facility, built a huge electrolytic cell, and the staff poured the sol substance that was just unsealed-green colloid into the pool, compared with the one before they were encapsulated. In the state, the volume is more huge, and the decrease in relative density leads to a reduction in the viscous gum texture. When poured into the electrolytic cell, it is more like pouring out a bucket of water. The human-shaped contours that were maintained before packaging were completely invisible at this time. The green colloids sealed in each container represented a human being once, and when they were merged into the pool, they no longer existed with each other. Without the gap between the human body, thoroughly blend together. In the observation of microscopic instruments, the composition and structure of this green colloid are almost indistinguishable. The individuality possessed by each human individual seems to be gradually eliminated when it becomes this kind of colloid.

These things, in terms of physiological structure, can no longer be called humans, although, when they are just converted into colloids, they can still talk of the "live" breath, but at this time, no one dares to claim that these " "Thing" is still alive. What happened to these people before they became so tragic? What kind of alienation process has the mystery that caused them to mutate? These questions have to be answered by researchers. The only thing they know is that this is a tragedy deliberately made by a conscious walker from the night of Valpus, and the source of this alienation manifested in physiology may be like a "virus" Under conditions of self-reproduction and infection.

All researchers are wearing thick isolation suits. If not for this experiment, there are strict requirements for contacting the site. Maybe the entire electrolytic cell will be isolated? Nor do they do stupid things like "artificial dumping of guinea pigs". The people here understand the importance of protecting themselves, but to chase the "mystery", it is inevitable to do some stupid things and take some risks.

They are willing and current experimental methods. Every step that seems to be incompatible with the safety regulations was also proposed by them.

There is no noise in the test field, every sound, speech, footsteps, or the sound of the equipment is turned on. All filled with a certain tension. People who were alienated into green colloids, not only the original one discovered by Catwoman, including Asian Dalang, because of infection, the number of cases increased to 13 cases, just after the staff dumped the last container After the colloid, the person in charge of operating the main equipment also sent out the prepared message.

"Everybody, count down tens of seconds." There was no muddy water in the voice from the broadcast. Start the countdown directly. The staff stared nervously at the screen in charge, turning their heads from time to time to glance at the electrolytic cell.

Suddenly, just before the countdown to four seconds, there was an inexplicable feeling that made the staff here in a state of disappointment. Immediately, all the equipment in the test field seemed to be crazy, reaching the highest safe working frequency uncontrollably . Moreover, the reading is still very close to the critical point of extreme danger. The staff recovered. Can not help but exclaim.

Participating in this kind of secret research in the network ball will inevitably encounter a mysterious phenomenon that science cannot explain. They should have been accustomed to it. Indeed, in the anomalies encountered in the past, they can always react immediately. Try to return to the normal track through standard procedures, or forcefully stop the entire experiment. However, this time, they heard panic from their own mouths and from the mouth of their companions. This kind of panic is like a ripple. It spreads in all directions in no time, and no one can re-execute the self-help measures in a critical situation in the first place.

What followed was not just a magnified panic. All the people stared at the electrolytic cell with stunned eyes. The green colloid was rolling, and a large piece bulged from the center, as if there was something. Standing inside, trying to break through this green membrane, a green gum that was close enough to the density of water, is becoming dense again.

The process of change is so rapid that before everyone comes back to do what they should do, the bulge already has a human-shaped outline. The feet appeared, the torso appeared, the hands appeared, the neck and head appeared, and the outlines of hair and facial features were also outlined on this thick green glue.

The green gradually faded away, and the thick jelly became thinner and clearer again. Before everyone fell back into the pool, everyone saw it. A figure appeared in the translucent liquid. A slightly thin person-looks like a 16-year-old boy.

Wow la la--

The solution slipped from the teenager, hit the pool, and set off waves. At this time, the solution in the electrolytic cell had completely turned into a clear and transparent water. Bathed in clear water, the wet boy showed a dream-like expression, staring at his raised hand, as if confirming something. The staff will eventually come back and make a huge noise, the staff in charge of the defense have pulled out their weapons one after another, and issued one after another alarms and commands through the liaison.

In the noise, the teenager raised his head and met the people here. The clamor returned to calm again in just three seconds. In the tense calmness, someone finally broke the dilemma and suppressed the weird feeling in his heart. He asked the teenager: "Child, who are you?"

There was finally a vivid breath on the young man's face, as if walking into the world from a dream. He smiled calmly and said:

"I am Gao Chuan."

Another moment of silence, the clamor of quarrels and confirmation, once again plunged the entire laboratory into chaos.

Prostitutes Gao Chuan, Saki Ye and Gregia finally sat in the office of Omi, and what happened before gave people a dreamy and blurred feeling. Anomalies exist, and the mark left on everyone, whether physiologically or spiritually, is very profound. Even so, there is still a feeling of dreamy blur, as if instinctively did not want to admit that such anomalies really exist. The left eye of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan was as hot as a fire, and he felt his consciousness seemed to be cut open by this hot force. The brain hardware was working frantically, and there was no moment of idleness. Pieces of garbled characters brushed the retina screen, making his vision narrow and blurred.

However, he still stood up, did not accept any support from anyone, walked here with his own strength, and sat in this position.

"Achuan, do you feel better?" He heard Sakuya's voice, and in the painful burning, he felt a little unclear.

"Very good, no problem at all." Yichuan Gaochuan said.

Omi went to get medicine for him. She not only has amazing talents in the manufacture of equipment, but also has the decisive ability in the development of targeted abnormal mitigation drugs. In the past, she has developed some drugs for the network ball to stimulate the human body in order to temporarily suppress the abnormal reaction, and has some stocks in her office. She witnessed the change of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, which was obviously a kind of alienation reaction. She was already interested in this young man, and this kind of never appeared, but caused her to produce some alienation of irritating physiological reactions, let her For the next change, there is a more expectant mood. (To be continued ...)