Return To 1998

Chapter 314: Lunar New Year's eve

"You have graduated for half a year?"

Xu Tongdao was surprised.

Tan Shi glanced at him again with smiling eyes.

"Come on! It's a rare meeting for the two of us. Sister toast you a glass. Congratulations on your business is booming, and I wish you more and more booming business!"

Tan Shi picked up the glass and asked Xu Tongdao for a drink.

It is generous and has a refreshing energy.

Xu Tongdao smiled, and touched her with a toast. Seeing her drank dry, he raised his neck higher and drank a toast.

Tan Shi is very talkative. Tongdao Xu chatted with her, and slowly learned from her words that she majored in accounting at university and is currently working as an accountant in a company in the city.

I also learned that her university was at Waterfowl University.

He didn’t know this information before he was born again, because before he was born again, he didn’t have much contact with Tan Shi, and it’s hard to meet him once during the New Year’s and holidays. Sometimes when they meet, they usually have other relatives and elders present. They don’t have much chance to chat alone. And, at that time, he didn't care about what she studied in university, where she went to work, etc.

They talked a lot today, drank a few glasses of wine together, and exchanged contact information.

And agreed to contact more in the future.

Of course, this may be just a polite remark.


After attending the wedding of Ge Lianghua and Feng Qinghua, it was New Year's Eve within a few days.

Unlike last year, Xu Tongdao can finally find time to go home for the New Year this year, at least for New Year's Eve.

In fact, on New Year’s Eve, his barbecue shop and two Internet cafes are all operating normally, and the business stalls are much larger than last year.

But this year, whether it is a barbecue restaurant or two Internet cafes, he does not need to stare at him personally.

There are people who help him take charge of management.

Zheng Qing helps him to supervise the two barbecue shops in the city.

Xu Tonglin, Ge Lianghua and Xi Dongyang helped him take care of the barbecue restaurant in Shazhou County.

Of course, as the owner of these three stores, he must have expressed something on New Year’s Eve. He was in the city in the morning and sent red envelopes to all employees including Zheng Qing. By the way, he said a few heart-warming words before leaving. At the time, I told Zheng Qing to give everyone an extra meal tonight.

The staff of the two Internet cafes add up to few, and it doesn't cost much.

In the afternoon, he drove back to the barbecue restaurant in Shazhou County.

I also sent red envelopes to everyone in the barbecue shop. When I gave the red envelopes, I also said a few words of thanks and encouragement. Before I left, I also asked Ge Lianghua on behalf of Ge Lianghua to give everyone a snack in the evening, and asked Ge Lianghua to help him respect everyone. Glass of wine.

In the evening, he drove back to his hometown of Xujiacun.

He used to travel back and forth between Xujia Village and the county by boat. This was the first time he drove back after he was reborn.

The road conditions are not good. From the county seat to Xujia Village, there is a dirt road of four to five meters wide. The road is rolled into ruts of different depths by various vehicles.

Like train tracks staggered together.

The difference is that the train tracks are convex, while the ruts on this dirt road are concave.

Fortunately, Wuling's sacred car is not so famous. Although his Wuling van is half old, there is no pressure to go this way, but it is very bumpy.

Originally, he planned to spend this New Year in his new home in the county seat.

After all, the environment and conditions of the new home are much better than those of the old home.

But when he went home to discuss with his mother the other day, he was persuaded by his mother.

Mom's reason is not complicated, there are mainly three points.

One is that their family must worship their ancestors during the New Year. This is a custom on New Year's Eve every year, and it cannot be changed. If ancestor worship is not done in her hometown, she thinks it is not good, because she is afraid that the ancestors will not find a way to the new home.

Two... Ge Yuzhu will have the entrance examination in June next year, so even if they spend the New Year in their new home this year, she and Yuzhu still have to go back to their hometown and move around after the new year. She finds it troublesome.

Third, it is to make it easier for the juniors to come to their home for New Year greetings. If they move to the county town for New Year's greetings this year, when the juniors come to their hometown, they will definitely run out of time.

With these three points, and she was so persistent, Xu Tongdao also dispelled the idea of ​​the whole family celebrating the New Year in the county this year.

When he drove back to Xujia Village, it was already past three in the afternoon.

There are residues of firecrackers in front of many people's homes in the village.

Spring festival couplets are also posted on the doors of every household.

Most of them are red spring festival couplets, and there are also a few in series with bright yellow, gray or purple.

This is a local custom. The color of Spring Festival couplets is not red if someone has died in the family in the past three years.

Because he and Xu Hengbing had a feud before, after Xu Tongdao drove home into the village this time, he subconsciously glanced at Xu Heng's house.

As a result, at a glance, he saw the bright yellow spring couplets on the door of Xu Heng's soldier's house.

At that time, Xu Tongdao frowned slightly.

Because he remembers that Xu Hengbing's father has been four or five years in the past, and according to the custom, Xu Hengbing's family should post red spring couplets this year.

Ming Huang's Spring Festival couplets can only be posted when someone in the family has died.

Did Xu Hengbing arbitrarily post this year? Or did someone die in his family this year?

The possibility of messing up is very small, even if Xu Hengbing doesn't pay attention to it, no one will mess around with this kind of thing.

Who would be a taboo about this kind of thing for the Chinese New Year? Isn't this cursing one's own home? In the words of the old people, it is not good luck to do so.

So... Xu Heng Bingjia died again this year?

Xu Hengbing's family is not thriving, and Xu Hengbing and his wife are the only ones left in the family, so who is dead this time? Xu Hengbing? Or Xu Hengbing's mother?

This matter lingered in Xu Tongdao's mind. He planned to go back and ask his family-who is Xu Heng's soldier dead?

It's not that he is too curious, but feels the need to know.

If Xu Hengbing died, then he would no longer have to prevent Xu Hengbing from taking revenge on their family.

But if Xu Hengbing's old lady died, Xu Hengbing would be the only one left in Xu Hengbing's family.

And the unworried person is very dangerous!

Even though Xu Hengbing is already lame, if a person who wants to do evil, if he is lame, he can still do a lot of evil.

With these thoughts in Xu Tongdao drove the van to his door.

Hearing the roar of the engine, the younger brother Xu Tonglu and younger sister Ge Yuzhu all walked out of the house quickly, and some people in the neighbors went out to watch the excitement.


Although Xu Tongdao drove back an old van today, in the eyes of most people in the village, you can still see the excitement, or the strangeness.

Who makes Xujiacun currently have no cars or vans? The most expensive car in the village is a tractor.

"Brother, you are back! Mom was still talking about it just now, saying why you haven't come back yet, Mom has been waiting for you to come back to worship the ancestors!"

As soon as Xu Tongdao turned off the car, he heard the joyful voice of his sister Ge Yuzhu.

"Xiaolu, come and help me move things!"

Xu Tongdao, who opened the door and got out of the car, greeted his younger brother, opened the rear door, and took the lead in moving things down from the car.

When he came back today, he bought a lot of goods.