Return To 1998

Chapter 520: I know there is a mass grave

, The fastest update back to the latest chapter of 1998!

A few days later.

Shazhou County, Sanlang Township, Yuwan Administrative Village, Weiwu Natural Village.

A postal bicycle usually rides into Weiwu Village. The postman with long legs and tall postman looks bitter, and from time to time he raises his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The weather is too hot for this ghost, and the sun is shining again today, making him uninteresting, but in order to live, he has to continue his job.

After entering the village, he asked a few people, stopped the car several times, and sent two letters out.

"Hey! Little Angnie, where is Wei Chunlan's house? Don't you know?"

When handing the second letter to a little boy, the postman wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked the little boy in passing.

Do as the locals do.

"Little Angnie" is what Sanlang Township calls a little boy.

If you are a little girl, you will usually call "girl", but the pronunciation will be very strange, the kind that can't be typed in Chinese Pinyin.

Little Onnie looked up at him, and pointed at a red brick house a dozen or so outside. "There! That's it!"

The postman glanced in the direction of the little boy's fingers, thanked him, stepped on the bicycle and left.

Wei Qiuju sits impatiently at the gate peeling edamame. This is her most annoying job every summer vacation. She cooks badly. Her sister Wei Chunlan has thin nails, which is called "water nails" according to the local parlance. It is thin and thin. If the edamame is soft and peeled, the nails will tear soon after.

As a result, as early as the age of 12, after their parents gave their sisters the work they had done during the busy farming period, the two of them divided the work.

Sister Wei Chunlan is in charge of cooking and cooking.

But Wei Qiuju, who chooses vegetables and peels beans, does the job.

However, she is not patient.

Let her sit for half an hour, or even an hour or two, to concentrate on choosing vegetables and peeling beans. That really cost her life.

Therefore, she usually pulls her sister Wei Chunlan with her when she chooses vegetables. As for the agreement back then? They are all sisters. What is the agreement? In front of the family, what is it?

Fortunately, her sister Wei Chunlan was soft-tempered, and slowly acquiesced to this change.

But even if Wei Chunlan wanted to help peeling soybeans, Wei Chunlan couldn't help a few times. After peeling it once or twice, her nails would tear. When the nails were torn, even if they wanted to peel it, they couldn't peel it.

No, this life has become her exclusive work for Wei Qiuju.

It happens that during the summer vacation every year, the weather is hot and most of the vegetables in the ground are not good enough. Leeks and edamame grow best and become real home-cooked dishes.

Let me put it this way!

She has to peel the edamame every day during the holidays.

The day has fallen.

Simply sour.

Think of her as a sports special student. In school, she will be smashed when she has nothing to do. No matter how bad she is, she will run wild on the school playground and be a girl with the same wind.

When I went home, I sat at the door every day, sitting for more than an hour, peeling the edamame...

She hates edamame!

At this moment, the postal bicycle stopped in front of her house and the bell rang twice. After drawing her gaze, the postman riding on the bicycle squeezed out a smile and asked, "Hey, this is Wei Chunlan's house. ?"

Wei Qiuju frowned, and looked at the green cloth bag hanging on the bar of his bicycle, "Yes! Have a letter from my family?"

The courier let out a sigh of relief, nodded, and got out of the car while saying: "Yes! There is a letter from your house, right, are you Wei Chunlan?"

Wei Qiuju put down the bean stalks in his hand, clapped his hands, got up and walked over, "Yes, I am! Who sent me the letter?"

She looked suspicious.

Although she is not her elder sister Wei Chunlan, she and her elder sister go to college together. In her daily life, she spends more time together. For a while, she really couldn't think of who would send Wei Chunlan a letter this summer vacation.

Could it be that which bad species in the school fell in love with her? Want to soak her in this summer vacation?

"Here! See it for yourself!"

The postman found a letter and delivered it to Wei Qiuju.


When walking home with the letter, Wei Qiuju was still squinting at the words on the envelope.

The recipient did write Wei Chunlan.

The home address is also correct.

But who the sender is, it is not written on the envelope.

Sitting back at the door, she had an urge to take it apart and take a look.

My sister couldn't beat her anyway.

The main reason is that she was afraid that it was a letter written to her sister by some bad species in the school, and wanted to ask her sister.

In her mind, elder sister Wei Chunlan has always been thoughtless, very stupid, and easy to be deceived.


With a soft sound, the envelope was torn open.

At this moment, the door to the west was opened with a creak, and Wei Chunlan walked out of the room quickly. When he saw the envelope that Wei Qiuju had just opened in her hand, Wei Chunlan's expression changed and she screamed, "Wei Qiuju!! Who will let him? Did you open my letter? Do you want to die?"

Shouting, Wei Chunlan rushed over at a speed faster than usual, and before Wei Qiuju could react, she snatched the letter back.

Wei Qiuju just had time to quibble: "Who, who said it is your letter, is clearly mine!"

With that said, she got up and wanted to grab it back.

Wei Chunlan pushed and patted and pushed away.

Wei Chunlan: "You are talking nonsense! On this envelope, my name is clearly written, huh! I heard the postman asking my name just now in the room, you still want to lie to me? You are too much Wei Qiuju! You next time If I dare to open my letter, I will tell my mother!"

Wei Qiuju's dark face was a little red.

Hearing that, he curled his lips, sat back at the door, picked up the bean stalks and continued to peel the edamame, muttering disdainfully: "How old is it, it's still the same thing. If you can tell mom, you need to show your face! It's a sister! I'm not like you." Counseling sister..."

Wei Chunlan didn't bother to argue with her, tell her mother what happened? Don’t be afraid of mom!

She wrinkled her nose and snorted to Wei Qiuju. As soon as Wei Chunlan turned around, twisted her waist, she returned to the room.

Before he fell on the door, he left a sentence: "Don't work hard! Hurry up! The time is running out, and the cooking is delayed. Let's see how Mom comes back to clean up you!"

main entrance.

Wei Qiuju rolled her eyes as a reward.

Wei Chunlan slammed the door, glanced at the envelope in her hand, blushed and walked quickly to the desk by the window, eagerly pulling out the letter paper from the envelope.

Uh, it's a few pure white manuscript papers folded together.

The word...The writing was uglier than she thought.

Just like a person who hasn't written for a long time wrote it out.

The strokes are a bit blunt.

But the content of the lower part of the letter seems to be written fluently, and the font is much better.


I promised to write to you. I haven't written to you for so long. Are you in a hurry? Sorry! It's not that I don't want to write. Actually, I wanted to write to you a long time ago. The reason why I have waited so many days is mainly because I want to save more things and words before writing to you. I hope you can understand.

By the way, how are you doing at home this summer? Is there anything interesting to share with me?

If yes, you can write back to me, or when you call me, tell me that I want to hear.

Also, if you are very idle lately and feel bored, you can also come to the city to find me. I will take you to play fun and eat delicious food, huh, by the way, don’t you like archeology? I know that there is a mass grave, or, I will take you to dig and dig it?
