Return To 1998

Chapter 832: Hidden but not revealed-Ruan Qing Barley

That evening.

A black big rushed into another villa manor in Tianyun City—Greenland Nathan Manor.

The Big Ben finally stopped in front of a villa, the door opened, Ruan Qingyun with white temples got out of the car, and then his secretary also got out of the car.

Ruan Qingyun took the purse from the secretary and put it under his arm, waved his hand with the secretary, and strode into the villa alone.

As soon as he walked in, the maid stepped forward to help him get his slippers and took the leather bag in his hand.

Ruan Qingyun asked her, "Where are the ladies?"

Maid: "They are dining in the restaurant!"

Ruan Qingyun said, put on his slippers and went to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, his parents and wife were dining, but their daughter Ruan Qingyu was not seen.

Ruan Qingyun frowned, and while sitting down waiting for the maid to serve him food, he asked, "Where is the barley? Has she finished eating?"

His old mother shook her head and sighed: "Highland barley, no! She doesn't want to go downstairs to eat tonight, saying she's not hungry."

His wife also sighed lightly and said, "I'm going to eat in a while, and I will bring her some food upstairs, but she has been in such a bad mood recently. It is estimated that as much as I have delivered, there will still be as many meals to take down afterwards, alas!"

Ruan Qingyun frowned more tightly.

He is such a daughter as Ruan Qinglan, and this daughter is naturally the jewel in his palm.

His daughter was reluctant to eat for several days, which naturally made him very worried.

It bothered him more than he could not eat by himself.

No, the maid brought him a bowl of rice. He picked up the chopsticks, he hesitated, stretched out the chopsticks and put some of the dishes his daughter likes in the bowl, then got up and went to get a tray and another A bowl, a spoon, scoop a bowl of chicken stewed mushroom soup, and then carry it along with the freshly prepared meal on a tray and leave.

"I'll go give food to the highland barley!"

He hasn't eaten it himself, and only thinks of his daughter in his heart.

On the second floor, Ruan Qinglan's bedroom.

Ruan Qingyun knocked on the door of the room with food, and Ruan Qingyu's dull voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

"Highland barley, it's me! Dad."

Ruan Qingyun answered quickly.

After a few seconds of silence in the bedroom, Ruan Qingyu's voice came, "Dad, come in by yourself!"

Ruan Qingyun agreed, quickly opened the door and walked in carefully holding the tray.

In the bedroom, a beautiful back was sitting in front of the dressing table, facing this side, Ruan Qingyun who had just entered the door could only see her daughter's profile face.

She can see clearly what she is holding at this time.

—It's a photo frame, in which is a photo of her and her boyfriend Ren Niaofei.

In the photo, Ren Niaofei has a strong spirit and has divine eyes. Ruan Qingbari is holding his arm, Ren Niaofei has a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and Ruan Qinglin has a happy face.

The two people in the photo have very good looks. Anyone who looks at them will think that they are a pair of golden boys and girls.

Ruan Qingyun frowned when he saw this scene and his daughter looked at the photo idiotically, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

That Ren Niaofei was so dead.

It doesn't matter if this short-lived ghost died, but he killed his daughter Ruan Qingyun miserably.

Thinking of this, he wanted to smash Ren Niaofei's urn.

Of course, he dared not show his emotions in front of his daughter. He barely squeezed out a smile, walked over lightly, put the tray in his hand by his daughter, and said softly: "Barley, I heard your grandmother say that you are again today Haven’t eaten? Let’s eat some! You see what your dad gave you is your favorite, let’s eat some! Okay?"

Ruan Qinglan shook his head slightly, looked away from the photo, and looked at his father beside him.

"Dad, I went to his funeral today and heard people say that the car accident was man-made, wasn't it?"

Ruan Qingyun frowned slightly, "Who did you hear?"

Ruan Qingyu shook his head, "Dad, do you say that? Is he really murdered?"

Ruan Qingyun: "..."

Seeing his father's silence, Ruan Qinglan closed his eyes, and two lines of clear tears slipped down when he closed his eyes.

Between father and daughter, there was a silence.

After a while, Ruan Qingyun said: "Barley, people can't come back from death, let them pass when they are in the past! Okay? Let's look forward! At least you have to eat something, don't you think you? If this body breaks down, what do you ask Dad to do? Right? So, the barley, just take it for Dad. You can eat as much as you want? Okay?"

Ruan Qinglan opened his eyes, looked at his father sadly, and said softly, "Dad, can you help Fei Ge get justice? How is the police investigation?"

Ruan Qingyun frowned and shook his head, "Barley, this matter is now confusing. There are all kinds of rumors outside, but no actual evidence can be found. According to my opinion, the investigation of this case is not clear in a short time. , You eat first, okay?"

Ruan Qingyu looked at him and suddenly said: "Brother Fei told me before that Uncle Ren did not agree that he was with me. They had quarreled several times about this matter. Dad, today I heard someone say that there are people out there now. Chuan Fei’s car accident was arranged by Luo Ran’s father, and some people said it was arranged by Uncle Ren, Dad! Who do you think made it?"

Ruan Qingyun was dumb.

Seeing that he did not answer, Ruan Qingyu asked him a moment later: "Dad, did you say it was Uncle Ren? Or Luo Ran's dad? Say it!"

Ruan Qingyun frowned, got up and leaned against the edge of the dressing table, raised his hand to touch his forehead, and looked at his daughter, "Barley, these are rumors, and, you know, whether it's your uncle Ren or Luo Yong Mr. Luo, they are not simple. Even if Dad helps you out, it’s hard to get them. Besides, the case is unclear. Who is the murderer is unclear. What can you do with Dad? You let Dad deal with it alone. Are they two? Ha ha, your father has no such skill! Unless, unless..."

Ruan Qingxi frowned, UU reading "Unless what?"

Ruan Qingyun smiled and raised an eyebrow at her, "Unless you help me personally, Dad will definitely not be able to deal with the two of them alone, right?"

Ruan Qinglan: "..."

A few seconds later, Ruan Qingbari took out a napkin from the tissue box, gently wiped the tears on his face, nodded slightly, and said softly: "Okay! Dad, this time I will be with you. Let's fight side by side. Since Uncle Ren and Luo Ran her father is suspicious, so let's find a way to clean them up, then...should be able to avenge Fei Ge!"

Ruan Qingyun looked surprised, and left the dressing table, "Really? Barley, are you really willing to take your money out of the stock market?"

Ruan Qingyu nodded, "Well, who made Uncle Ren and Luo Ran's father's company not go public? How can I fight with them if I don't withdraw the funds?"

Ruan Qingyun said excitedly: "Okay, okay! Great! Barley, I have long advised you to withdraw your funds and use it for your father. You just refuse to do so. By the way, Barley, you are probably on the stock market now. How much money is there? Is there a billion?"

Ruan Qinglan smiled faintly, "More than that."