Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v1 Chapter 55: -captive

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that Ji Thief spoke quietly in the crowd.

The witch asked suspiciously: "Warrior, do you have anything to say?"

The words of the witch made everyone stunned, and they were busy straightening up, listening to what Ji Thief had to say.

Under the gaze of many gazes, the Ji thief sat up straight in embarrassment, trying to make himself more serious, and said: "Master Patriarch, I have a word, I don't know if I should say it."

The old patriarch hid, and said indifferently: "Warrior, what you said, just say anything."

"Yeah, warrior, just say what you have." The primitive people shouted.

Having experienced a battle with the Black Mountain Tribe, in the eyes of everyone, the status of Ji Thief can be said to be superior.

Ji Thief has something to say now, and everyone will naturally not refute it.

Upon seeing this, Ji Thief groaned and said: "That's it, I'm thinking, what would happen if they didn't kill them?"

When this sentence was spoken, Ji Thief could see clearly, everyone's expressions that were still smiling the previous second, this moment, it immediately solidified, there were doubts, doubts, and even some awkwardness.

"Warrior, what are you talking about?" Seeing that the people's expressions were wrong, the witch quickly pulled the thief, trying to divert everyone's attention.

Xue also asked softly: "Warriors, why don't you kill them? They have eaten many of our people."

The thief nodded: "I know, I know."

The old patriarch frowned, as if thinking about why Ji Thief would say such a thing.

The crowd began to whisper.

"What's wrong with Lord Warrior, why don't you kill them?"

"I don't know, it may be that Lord Warrior has other ideas. Anyway, I believe Lord Warrior is right. He will never let us down."

"But, many of our people have been eaten by them..."

"Master Warrior must know this, and you must be right to hear from Master Warrior."

"Okay, okay, just listen to Lord Warrior,"

For a while, the crowd was watching the thief.

It can be seen from this, what prestige has reached in the hearts of these people.

Even the hatred of generations says to let go. This is really not what ordinary people can do.

The old patriarch asked Ji thief very cautiously: "Warrior, you don't mean to kill them, do you want to keep them? Is it the same as raising the Sabretooth Tiger?"

Ji Zei waved his hand and smiled: "How is it possible that the Sabretooth tiger won't hurt me. These guys are different. Although they are individuals, they don't do human affairs. Moreover, I have to waste food if I keep them. Yeah."

The old patriarch breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "That's good, that's good."

Ji Zei's eyes rolled, and then said: "However, you can't kill them either."

The words of Ji Thief made everyone even more confused. You don't keep them or kill them. What are you going to do?

Ji Zei's words were surprised when they fell in the ears of the tribe, but they were shocked when they fell in the ears of the Black Mountain cannibals.

At this time, they all understood that their life was between Ji Thief's words, and for a while, they all looked at Ji Thief with expectant eyes.

"Warrior, you confused me? Just tell me, what do you think." The old patriarch didn't understand what Ji Thief meant, so he asked directly.

Ji thief smacked his lips and said, "Is this kind of patriarch, kill them, what can we get? It's nothing more than everyone sighed, but we are outside the valley and have killed more than 100 people from the Heishan tribe. It’s not bad at all."

People look at me, I look at you, all quietly waiting for Ji Thief's next words.

The Ji thief continued: "But having said that, to keep them, we have to waste food to take care of them, it is not worth it. So, I thought very simply, return them to the Heishan tribe."

When the words were spoken, everyone was shocked, and the thin elder was the first to refute: "No!"

Ji Thief looked back, and the thin elder flushed and said: "You can't return them to the Black Mountain tribe. If this is the case, they will attack us!"

All the clansmen nodded, obviously, they also agreed with the thin elder's words.

"The people of the Heishan tribe are very cruel by nature, warrior, I don't think it's good to return them back," the old patriarch said in his heart.

The crowd started talking in a rush.

"Yes, Lord Warrior, you must not return them, otherwise, they will definitely continue to attack us."

When the black bear over there heard the words that Ji Thief would send him back without killing himself, he wanted to lie on the ground and kiss the feet of Ji Thief, but after hearing the voices of opposition from the thin elder and most of the clansman, his heart became dead. .

At this time, the witch spoke: "I think the Warriors shouldn't just put them back in this way, the Warriors may have his ideas."

Some steady people nodded and agreed.

The old patriarch was taken aback: "Is that a warrior?"

Ji Thief gave a hum.

Seeing this, all people of the tribe happily asked Ji Thief: "Sir Warrior, can you tell us about it?"

Ji Thief licked his lips and laughed hehe: "I also said just now, kill them, we won't get anything, and we have to deal with their blood and corpses. Instead of this, it is better to send them back. However, it is not for free to send it back, it has to be beneficial."

When it came to the word benefit, Ji Thief could see clearly, and everyone's eyes lit up.

They looked at Ji Thief, a little excited and speechless.

Ji Zei shook his head and continued: "I heard that there are many people captured by the Heishan tribe, so we will use them to replace their captives."

Everyone bowed their heads and thought, in the end, the old patriarch took the lead to ask, "What are the benefits for us?"

Ji Zaixin said my pro-uncle, do you really don't understand or pretend to me?

Speechlessly, the old patriarch opened his mouth to explain: "Master patriarch, may I ask, what is the most important thing about a tribe?"

The old patriarch thought for a while: "Of course it is food."

"But what about just having food? If there is no clansman, wouldn’t it be useless?" Ji Zei’s words gave the old patriarch a daze, and then he understood what Ji Zei meant: "You mean, we return the prisoners Come back, join our tribe?"

Ji thief snapped his fingers, and said in an obscure tone: "So smart, I love you so much."

The black thread at the end of the old patriarch.

The people around are all urged to vomit.

"These Black Mountain tribesmen, plus a black bear, can at least exchange 30 captives for us. There will be 30 more tribesmen in the tribe, patriarch, don’t you think this is better than killing them? Is it more profitable?" Ji Thief asked back.

The old patriarch immediately turned around to discuss with the witch and the fat and thin elder.

Finally, the thin elder was the first to ask: "However, they originally belonged to another tribe. Is it feasible to let them join our tribe? What if they run away?"

"People believe in the strong. We have defeated the Heishan tribe. Who is more powerful than our tribe? More importantly, all the people in our tribe can eat cooked meat. This should be placed in other tribes. , I think, not at all? In this case, if you change to another person, you know how to choose, don't you?" Ji Thief's words completely moved the old patriarch and the witch.

After thinking for a while, the ordinary people below also understood what Ji Thief meant, and all grinned.

The old patriarch asked everyone unsure: "Don't kill them?"

Everyone in the Black Mountain tribe, especially the black bear, nodded with his head: "Yeah."

The thin elder kicked over: "What's your business, get out."

The black bear was kicked and staggered, and then the people roared with laughter.

Amidst the laughter, they passed unanimously and exchanged these Black Mountain tribe adults for their captives.

"Of course, ordinary Black Mountain people can get a prisoner. As for this black bear? No more than ten. If they don't have so many prisoners, tsk, we can only kill the rest." Ji The thief shook his head.

The old patriarch grinned again, smiling very brightly.

Only the twenty-odd Heishan tribesmen were scared like quails one by one.

They have always been hunters, have they ever had such an aggrieved experience? For a time, these people just hope that there will be enough captives in the tribe, and extremely hope that the beasts in the family will start slower and slower.