Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 123: -I give you prey, you lend me people

So, are they ten or eleven prey?

Babu didn't know, but what Babu knew was that Aniu and the rest of the morning, twenty tribesmen, caught so many prey, and they all caught up with the ten days of the entire Fenggu tribe.

The most important thing is their number.

What did the Black Mountain Tribe say yesterday? There are only 20 people in the Frost Valley tribe, right? There are only twenty people hunting.

A Jie grabbed Babu's arm and whispered softly: "Master Patriarch, did you hear it wrong yesterday? The Black Mountain tribe said that they only have 20 hunting clansmen, not counting the others?"

Babu glared back, "How can I get it wrong!"

"But, the number of them..."

Before he finished speaking, he swallowed the remaining half of A Jie's words abruptly, what do you think? It turned out that there were more than a dozen tribesmen carrying wood and rocks in front of him, talking and laughing, and when they saw Ji thief, they all raised their hands and smiled and said hello: "Master Warrior."

Ji thief nodded gently.

Babu was not calm now. He moved a few steps to the Ji thief, looked left, looked right, and gently asked Ji thief: "Warrior, how many people are there in your tribe?"

Ji Zei said casually: "Not much, that is, seventy-three?"

With that said, the thief also asked Aliang to help Aniu by transporting all the prey into the tribe. According to the regulations, three antelopes and one wild boar were separated and sent to the witch to feed the horse money, and the rest were left in the hunting process Those who were killed were sent alive to the fat elders in the back mountain enclosure.

Everything is so organized.

On the other hand, Babu was shocked in his heart, standing still in a daze.

Seventy-three, this number is far more than the Heishan tribe said fifty. Is the Heishan tribe ignorant? Or did the Frost Valley Tribe intentionally conceal the number of their tribe from the Black Mountain Tribe?

The former is impossible, after all, their wizards are as good as monkeys.

The latter is a bit of a statement. Why does the Frost Valley tribe conceal the truth about its tribe? What is their purpose for doing this?

At this moment, Ji thief spoke, knowing something: "Sometimes, what you see is not always true. For example, now everyone knows that we have a close relationship with the Black Mountain tribe, but who knows? , We all want to put each other to death."

After hearing this, Babu was taken aback, but he heard some clues from it.

What do you mean?

Isn't the Frost Valley tribe being so obedient to the Heishan tribe?

Could it be that they still have the mind to resist?

Isn't this kidding? What do they resist?

"Patriarch Bab."

At this moment, Ji Thief shouted.

Babu subconsciously recovered: "Uh, yes, what's the matter?"

The thief Ji smiled and said: "Please come with me, I will take you to see our patriarch, to discuss things about the prey."

Babu nodded blankly. At this moment, he was completely shocked. Hearing Ji Thief's words, he followed Ji Thief.

When he came to a cave, Ji Thief explained his intentions to the two guards, and the two guards nodded, stepped aside, and let Ji Thief and Babu in.

The rest of the people were all blocked outside the cave.

When he entered the cave, Babu saw the old patriarch of the Frost Valley tribe sitting on a bed in animal skins behind two blazing fires.

At this time, the old patriarch's forehead was full of sweat, and he couldn't help rolling down.

No way, it's hot.

When it was originally hot, I was sitting behind two bonfires in thick animal skins. This feeling was like an old-fashioned country kitchen surrounded by the stove. I was grateful for not being unconscious by the heat.

It's not that the old patriarch's head lacks roots, but that Ji Thief insists on saying this way, which is more mysterious and solemn.

Regarding Ji Thief's statement, the old patriarch almost didn't use his cane to beat Ji Thief. There is a sense of mystery and solemnity. Why don't you come by yourself?

"Master Patriarch, Pabu Patriarch is here." Ji Zei stepped forward and said gently.

The old patriarch hummed and opened his muddy but wise eyes: "Well, sit down first."

When the words fell, Ji Thief agreed, and moved a stump covered with animal skins from one side, and placed it behind the Pabu chief.

The two patriarchs sat face to face, the old patriarch tugged the animal skins on his body and coughed: "I have heard the warrior say about Pabu’s intentions, but before that, I have a question to ask Pakistan. Patriarch of cloth."

Babu's heart shuddered, and his heart came. He put his hands on his lap and sat sternly: "Say."

The old patriarch said: "The Frost Valley Tribe can provide prey to friends, and even the prey you handed in, we can also package it all, but what is the benefit of doing this?

Bab was stunned, okay, good?

The old patriarch continued: "Our prey was captured by the tribesmen with great pains and pains. If it is said to be handed over for no reason, I don’t think the people below will agree. Therefore, Pabu patriarch, I have to Know, what can you give us if we do this?"

Babu hurriedly waved his hand: "Misunderstood, we only need to hunt, really."

The old patriarch laughed: "The method is the same as that of other tribes. Even if I say it, Pabu patriarch will not catch as many prey as we do."

"Why?" Babu puzzled.

The thief took the old patriarch's words: "It's very simple, because the Fenggu tribe has no flying rocks."

"Flying stone rope?"

The thief nodded: "Yes, it is the flying stone rope that we used to defeat the Heishan tribe. This weapon, in the entire mountain range, only our Frost Valley tribe can use, and the other tribes don't know it."

Babu was silent, and it took a long time before he looked up: "However, we can't get anything out now."

The thief said: "Don't say that about Pabu chieftain, you still have people, I remember, your Fenggu tribe, there should be more than 30 people."

Babu rubbed and stood up, angrily: "Do you want me to exchange prey for you with my own people!"

Ji thief is not anxious or annoyed: "No, to be precise, it is borrowing. We use prey to borrow people from Fenggu tribe."

"Borrow?" Babu didn't understand again: "What do you mean?"

Ji thief said: "A prey, borrow your two tribesmen for a day, you need to hand over to the Black Mountain tribe with five antelopes and a wild boar every day. It is equivalent to saying that we borrow 12 people from your tribe. Of course, your tribe’s daily expenses , We can also be responsible, but you still have to take your tribesmen as collateral, for the sake of everyone being friends, so let’s borrow your fifteen tribesmen and be responsible for giving you six antelopes and two wild boars every day. kind?"

"But, you obviously already have 73 tribesmen, why do you want to borrow someone?" Babu couldn't understand.

Logically speaking, considering the number of Frost Valley tribesmen, they don’t seem to lack tribesmen at all. Why should they borrow people? This simply doesn't make sense.

The old patriarch looked at Ji Thief, who nodded slightly, then smiled, and said: "How much do Pabu chieftain think of the Heishan tribe?"

"Of course, there are more than 300 of them."

"Yes, there are more than 300 people in the Black Mountain tribe. Where is the Frost Valley tribe? There are only 70 people. Doesn't Pabu think that the difference in strength between the two sides is too great?" Ji Zei asked.

"The gap is a bit big...Wait, what do you mean?" The Pabu Patriarch, who realized it later, reacted and asked Ji Thief in shock.

Ji thief licked his lips: "It's very simple, I borrowed someone to defeat the Black Mountain Tribe."

With a scream, Babu stood up directly: "This is crazy! The Black Mountain tribe is so powerful, and lending the tribe to you, what is the difference between it and death? No, no, I can't agree."

The thief also stood up: "Does Pabu think that if you hand in a large number of prey to the Black Mountain tribe every day, it’s not to die? Without the help of our Frost Valley tribe, do you think Pabu Patriarch will be killed in ten days? How many people are taken away to make food for the Heishan tribe?"

Just this sentence directly silenced Babu.

One tribe was taken away if one less prey was missing. In ten days, the Fenggu tribe had to hand in sixty prey.

However, the Fenggu tribe can only obtain 30 prey in ten days. So, after waiting for ten days, I am afraid that the Fenggu tribe is the only one left.