Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 142: -Tapping the Black Mountain Tribe

Just when Akui was frightened and left in place, Ji thief held the iron spear and spun violently.

The circlip blade is sharp and directly shreds the flesh and bones at Akui's shoulders. He couldn't help but scream in pain. After that, Ji Thief's iron spear yanked back, blood spurted from Akui's body and poured on the ground. It was washed away by heavy rain in an instant.

"Master Aqui!"

While all the cannibals shouted loudly, they all hurried up.

However, the Sabretooth tiger turned around and let out a low roar, which scared the cannibals to stop and dared not move forward.

Ji thief shook his iron spear, raised his weapon, let the heavy rain wash away the blood on it, and took a deep breath: "Kill!"

The tribal coalition forces rushing out of the jungle swarmed up, especially the four bear and tiger tribes in Tushan who were the most sturdy, one by one, just like behemoths in human form.

The morale of the allied forces is like a rainbow, eight hundred to thirty, this is a battle without any suspense at all. Unless, you, the thirty Black Mountain cannibals are all Gundam!

Unfortunately, they are not. These cannibals cannot even organize an effective resistance when faced with an attack by the coalition forces.

Even if you don't need to use a spear thrower, one person can pierce these Black Mountain cannibals into a hornet's nest by stabbing them with a wooden spear.

Soon, only Akui was still supporting the battle against Tushan.


Tushan kicked the weapon in Akui's hand, followed up and hit Akui's wound with a punch, and kicked Akui into the corpse.

"Asshole, asshole! The great Black Mountain Patriarch will never let you go!"

Pillowing his companion's body, Akui screamed.

Ji Zei urged the Sabretooth Tiger to walk towards Akui, without the slightest expression on his face: "After today, do you think there is still the Black Mountain Tribe?"

As soon as Akui opened his mouth to speak, Ji Thief shot a spear and plunged into his throat.

Pu Chi pulled out again, blood sprayed from Akui's neck.

"Cut off his head." Ji Thief said.

Tushan yelled yes, and immediately squatted down with a stone knife, dragged Akui's body, and after a while, raised Akui's head to ask Ji thief for credit.

Ji Zei glanced at Akui's head, who was full of humiliation until he died, and a refreshing feeling of revenge came to life.

It was this guy who attacked the Frost Valley tribe and caused the skinny elder to die for himself.

Now, he was finally killed.

"Pick his head, we attack the Black Mountain tribe!"

Ji Thief's words fell, and the patriarchs responded loudly, and they encountered Akui in a battle, and they easily won, it seems that they have recovered their confidence.

The Black Mountain tribe is not as terrible and invincible as imagined.

They are just like that.

Look, we didn't even lose a tribe, but at most we were injured a few.

It seems that the strength brought by the Black Mountain tribe before is entirely due to their large population.

Now, the situation has reversed, and there are so many people, but it is our anti-Black Mountain tribe coalition forces.

Optimism spread in the hearts of the patriarchs, and even with them, the tribesmen under them also showed a smile because they easily won.

It seems that no one realized that with thirty to eight hundred, not only did none of the Black Mountain tribe surrender their weapons, but insisted on fighting to death.

You said that whether they are iron or iron, or that they are brave, right and left, their strong fighting will makes Ji Thief tremble.

No wonder the Heishan tribe can overwhelm other tribes. How many tribes can do it with just this undaunted will?

Ji Thief didn't know, but Ji Thief knew that if he didn't have the advantage of being crowded, he wanted to push to the Heishan tribe, it would be difficult to climb to the sky.

Ji Zei shook his head and put away his thoughts. After today, no matter how fierce your Heishan tribe is, after all, it will still be a thing of the past.

Thinking of this, the thief took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Everyone prepares, attack, Black Mountain Tribe!"


Qi Qi's shouts resounded through the mountains and forests, and the 800 coalition forces united and advanced towards the Black Mountain tribe.

At this time, everyone is confident and determined to win!

When he saw the gate of the Heishan tribe's valley entrance, Ji thief looked around, slowly raising the iron spear in the air.

All coalition members knew that this was a prelude to the attack.

"Kill!" Ji thief spit out thunder.


Countless members of the coalition screamed in unison, and everyone rushed forward.

At the valley mouth of the Heishan tribe, because Akui came back to report the news, the black mountain cannibals who had stayed at the valley specially saw the shadow of the coalition forces early, and when they heard the sound of killing that could almost destroy the mountains and seas At that time, these Black Mountain cannibals were so frightened that their feet were soft and almost fell to the ground.

"Quick! Quick, close the wooden door."

When the words fell, the wooden door creaked and closed.

Seeing the wooden door closed, Ji Thief frowned, urging the Sabretooth Tiger under his hip, speeding up, throwing away the allied forces far, and riding forward.

"Oh my God! It's a Sabretooth! It's a Sabretooth!"

Several Black Mountain cannibals were frightened. While opening their mouths and shouting, they quickly accelerated the speed of closing the wooden door.

Finally, when the thief was ten steps away from the wooden door, the wooden door was successfully closed.

Even if they were hiding behind the solid wooden door, the black mountain cannibals slapped their chests with lingering fears, breathless.

Gang, it was too scary just now, how could that guy ride a bladetooth tiger?

"You, did you see that just now, the person riding the Sabretooth Tiger just now seems to be a thief from the Frost Valley tribe."

"Didn't the Frost Valley tribe obey us? How could it be him."

"But I can see clearly, and besides the thief, who can ride the Sabretooth Tiger in the entire mountain range?"

This sentence directly silenced everyone.

They don't understand, it's easy, how could Ji Thief dare to attack the Black Mountain Tribe?

Moreover, where did he gather so many people?

I am afraid that the people in half a large mountain range have been gathered by him.

Damn, with such a big movement, why hasn't there been any news before?

Just as these Black Mountain cannibals were cursing, suddenly, a chubby thing flew into the air.

Plops on the ground, rolling on the mud.

"Then, what is that?"

A cannibal asked curiously.

When these words came out, he went up and stretched out his hand to take a look.

However, when he saw clearly what that thing was, the guy was so scared that he sat on the ground, and he was stupid.

"Black, Lord Black Bear!"

When several other cannibals heard what he said, they all hurriedly looked at it, but the result was exactly the same reaction as this person.

"Oh, it's really Lord Black Bear!"

"It's over, this is over, Lord Black Bear was killed, Lord Patriarch must be angry."

"What should we do, shall we tell the patriarch?"


"Go ahead."

"I'm not going, I want you to go."

While these people were discussing who was going to notify Black Mountain, there was a tiger roar after another outside the wooden door. Following that, Ji Thief’s voice passed through the wooden door through the heavy rain: "Tell Black Mountain, let him come out and lead him to death. "

"Let Black Mountain come out to lead death!"

Immediately after Ji Zei's words fell, there was another tidy shout outside the door, the loudness of which directly suppressed the constant thunder in the sky.

Feeling a shaking, these cannibals were frightened stupidly.


Another round head was thrown in through the wooden door.

These cannibals looked even more stupid.

Ah, Master Aqui.

How could it be possible that Master Akui obviously took the most elite spearman in the tribe to support Master Black Bear. How could both of them be killed at once?

When they were in a daze, the thumping sound continued.

The heads of the Heishan tribe were constantly thrown in through the wooden door.

Look carefully, it is surprisingly the thirty tribesmen who followed Akui out.

With a thud.

A Black Mountain cannibal sat on the ground blankly: "It's over, it's over, it's all over now."

"Black Mountain comes out to lead the death, otherwise, trample your Black Mountain tribe!"

"Tap the Black Mountain Tribe!"

Surprised again and again, even if these cannibals wanted to conceal, the voices were enough for the Black Mountain in the valley to hear.

"Quickly, go and notify the patriarch." A cannibal almost cried.

Outside the wooden door, the thief Lehu walked in front of the crowd, and the patriarch of the Lin tribe came up and asked quietly: "Warriors, why do we have to notify them? Isn't it better to fight directly? If they are not prepared, we may succeed. It will be bigger too."