Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 185: -Justice League?

When the words fell, all the patriarchs were taken aback and turned to look at the white fox.

The white fox clenched his fists: "Now, only by forming an alliance can we fight the evil Frost Valley tribe, fight the cunning thief, and bring peace to the mountains!"

White Fox's words are very technical.

If he only talks about alliances, he is afraid that it will arouse the resentment of other tribes. Seriously, it is not impossible to leave on the spot.

After all, the white fox lied to everyone just now and said that the last alliance was entirely a plot by Ji Thief to annex everyone.

At this moment, when you mentioned the alliance, the seven patriarchs present were more or less in conflict.

However, the white fox's sentence is still a peace of a large mountain range, and it is immediately different.

From sneaking into an alliance to forming an alliance between us, it was a just act. The change in the concept of a righteous act not only eliminated the grudges in the hearts of several patriarchs, but also invisibly brainwashed them.

Our alliance is right and just.

It is different from Ji Thief's alliance, which is entirely out of his own ambition and out of his conspiracy.

This time, the gap was immediately revealed.

All the patriarchs breathe tightly, is there still peace in the mountains?

Perhaps, few patriarchs here have such lofty ideas.

But this reason sounds good.

However, if you form an alliance with the White Fox Tribe, can you really fight the Frost Valley Tribe?

Few people know it, and few people know it.

"White Fox, let me ask you a question." Mulian said.

The white fox was taken aback and nodded hurriedly: "What is the problem?"

Mulian raised her head and looked at the white fox: "Do you think our eight tribes together are the opponents of the Black Mountain tribe?"

The white fox actually wanted to say that it was here, but the Heishan tribe at its peak was really not something that eight tribes could shake.

Among the large mountain ranges, only the bear and tiger tribe can match the Heishan tribe with the same number of people.

The Heishan tribe is strong purely fed with food, coupled with their inherent cruel nature, which led to their fighting power against the sky.

The bear and tiger tribes are naturally strong and belong to the kind of perverted group that drink water. Unfortunately, the bear and tiger tribes did not exceed 30 in their peak period. Otherwise, you can see them and The Black Mountain tribe evenly divides the grandeur of the entire mountain range.

Far away, in the Heishan tribe's peak period, no, even if it was the Heishan tribe who was hit hard by the thief once and only 300 people were left, the alliance of these eight tribes was not the opponent of the Heishan tribe.

Never question the madness of the Black Mountain tribe in fighting, and their perverted strength that can be one enemy three.


"No, it's not an opponent..." Patriarch White Fox said embarrassingly.

He didn't understand why Mulian asked himself this sentence, did he want to make a fool of himself?

This is simply unreasonable.

Or is she damaging her confidence?

Thinking of this, the white fox raised his head and faintly stared at the patriarch Mulian.

Mulian also felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the white fox patriarch. She turned her head, sighed, and said softly: "Our eight tribes are allied, but even the Heishan tribe is inferior to the original Black Mountain tribe, but the Frost Valley tribe But it was possible to wipe out the Black Mountain tribe including the Black Mountain overnight! No matter how it is not the opponent of the Frost Valley tribe, what is the meaning of our alliance?"

It turned out that the Mulian chief was worried about this.

The white fox suddenly realized that this woman was opposing the alliance.

Ask yourself, Patriarch White Fox even had the idea of ​​killing this woman just now.

However, when he heard about the concerns of the Mulian patriarch, the frown of the white fox instantly stretched out.

He looked back at Mulian and asked softly: "Do you think that the Black Mountain Tribe was really defeated by the Frost Valley Tribe?"

"It's not the Frost Valley tribe, is it your Arctic Fox tribe?" After the words of the white fox fell, the patriarch immediately said with a harp.

"We do not have the ability to defeat the Heishan tribe, but we will not brag to the outside world like the Frost Valley tribe that we defeated the Heishan tribe."

"White Fox, what do you mean? Do you know something?"

Smart as the patriarch of the Mulian tribe, he instantly heard something from the words of the white fox and asked directly.

The white fox looked up at him: "If I tell you that the Frostgu tribe defeated the Black Mountain tribe, do you believe it?"

A patriarch stared into the eyes of the white fox, and said quietly for a long time: "Don't you want to say that the Black Mountain tribe was really defeated by your white fox tribe, Bai Fox, this joke is not funny."

The patriarch's words fell, and the other patriarchs also followed: "Yes, Baihu, your joke is not funny at all."

The white fox looked around and sneered: "Is it a joke? I won't know until I finish speaking. Since I dare to say that, it means I must know the inside story."

"Then tell me, the Black Mountain Tribe was not defeated by the Frost Valley Tribe, who defeated it? Ah?"

The white fox hugged his arms and smiled like a stick. He pointed up with his hand: "Water."

"Water?" Everyone was stunned after hearing this. How did the water defeat the Heishan tribe? Is this a joke?

"To be precise, before we attacked the Heishan tribe, it rained for two days and two nights!" The white fox suddenly increased his voice, then clenched his fist and said: "Ji Thief is not the Heishan tribe that was wiped out overnight. But it took one morning, but Ji Thief did not do it himself. He used water to flood the Black Mountain tribe! He won no glory at all. All of us were deceived by this guy! "

All the patriarchs took a breath after hearing the words, and couldn't help but slap their tongues after looking at each other.

Boy, is the truth of the matter like this?

Said that the Frost Valley tribe showed great power and defeated the Black Mountain tribe? All liars, all liars!

"Do you think the Frost Valley tribe is very powerful? In fact, their strength is just like that. Without the trebuchet, the spear and the flying stone rope, their personal combat power is not even as powerful as our random tribe." The white fox continued to splash the dirty water channel.

"But how can we believe that what you said is not false?" A patriarch said: "Did you see Ji thief flood the Heishan tribe with water? Or maybe you were there at that time?"

The white fox shook his head: "No, I was in my own tribe. I didn't see them flooding the Heishan tribe, and I didn't visit it by the side."

The patriarchs sneered: "So, this is your own guess, isn't it? In that case, why should we believe what you said? Huh?"

The white fox looked up to the sky and laughed.

With this burst of laughter, he directly stunned the other patriarchs, and looked up at the white fox one by one, "What are you laughing at?"

The white fox hugged his arms and squinted his eyes: "I didn't see it. It doesn't mean that other people didn't see it."

"Who knows if you deliberately found someone to lie to us?" Mulian grunted.

White fox? After a cry, he turned to look at Mulian: "Is the white fox in your heart like that? Forget it, who made the Shuanggu tribe so powerful, so powerful that everyone is afraid of them."

A group of patriarchs blushed and retorted: "I, we are not afraid! I, we just want to know the truth!"

"Yes! We just want to know the truth. If you let us know that you are lying to us, don't blame us for being rude to you."

Looking at the patriarchs, the white fox couldn't help gritting his teeth, and said in his heart: "Hmph, I will scare you **** to death later."

Thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "I know, no matter who I find out, everyone will suspect that he was the one I negotiated to deceive everyone. Fortunately, as long as the person I am looking for is met, I absolutely believe what he said."

The heads of the patriarchs were all taken aback when they heard the words, and they looked at each other with a confused expression.

No, who is this person Bai Fox said? When he comes out, no one will doubt it?

Is there such a person in the mountains?

It's impossible.

When everyone was puzzled, the white fox opened his mouth and asked: "Don't you know that you know the wizards of the Black Mountain tribe?"

When the words fell, all the seven patriarchs present were shocked!

Black Mountain Wizard! The good-natured white fox talked about what this demon was doing?