Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 198: -Wolves

Ji Zei, who was arguing with A Liang, turned his head and looked. When he saw the lush growing tree not far away, Ji Zei's eyes suddenly became round.

Tung oil! It really is tung oil!

"Haha, baby, I finally found you!"

Seeing the tung tree, Ji Thief immediately lost control and ran forward. The others were afraid that Ji Thief might lose, and hurriedly followed.

When I came to these tung trees and saw the full seeds on the canopy, Ji Zei couldn't hold back anymore: "Quick, quickly, get the skins."

Seeing Ji Thief so excited, everyone knew that their purpose of coming this time was finally about to be accomplished.

Ever since, everyone hurriedly picked up the skins they brought when they were out of the tribe, and climbed up the treetops to pick the Tongzi.

One by one Tongzi entered the bag, and Ji Thief stood on the ground looking at it cheerfully.

After nearly half an hour of collection, the skin bags carried by more than forty people were all stuffed.

"I knew so much earlier, so I asked everyone to bring more skins." Ji Thief said with some regret.

Aliang jumped down from the tree and wiped the sweat from his face: "Sir Warrior, if we take off the animal skins, we can bring more."

Ji Zei's eyes rounded: "Good idea!"

After talking, everyone began to take off their skins.

Once again, the skins were swollen, and Ji Zei began to stare at the skins wrapped around everyone's lower body.

For a moment, everyone in the clans couldn't help holding their hands underneath.

"Forget it, let's take this first, and we will have more people tomorrow. In addition to collecting these seeds, we will bring back some wild **** onions." Ji Thief said.

When his words fell, the big guy was relieved.

Phew, fortunately, Lord Warrior has no urge.

At the same time, all the tribesmen on the tree climbed down one after another, picked up the collected seeds, wore wooden spears on their shoulders, and walked back triumphantly.

On the way, Ji Thief couldn't help looking at these seeds and giggling.

The joy of successfully obtaining the seeds made him completely forget the threat from the wolves in the eastern part of the mountain range.

Looking at the road ahead and walking, and passing the wild wheat field when he came, Ji thief glanced at the full wheat with a bit of dismay, countless birds were coming and pecking at the grains of wheat in the ears, watching When they arrived at Ji Zei, not only were they not afraid, but on the contrary, they even screamed.

Ji thief waved away silently: "Go, go, I've contracted this wheat field, so I'll get rid of it."

The birds flew up a lot because of the actions of the thief, but they did not choose to go away. Instead, they hovered for a while, then flew back to the place, and continued if no one was pecking at the wheat, it was like these little guys came here on purpose. Provoked to Ji thief.

"Nima's, at most three days, I think these wheats have the surname Ji!" Ji thief swears viciously in his heart, and at the same time waved to everyone with a depressed wave: "Let's go."

The voice fell, and a group of people moved forward.

Everyone's state is unusually relaxed, not as nervous as when they came.

Everyone is thinking about the same question in their hearts. It is possible that the wolves are busy with other things, and there is no time to come over and pay attention to us.

The seven or eight wolves encountered earlier should be the biggest danger in this operation, right?

You see, even the Lord Warrior is so happy. If he relaxes his guard, then there should be no problem.

These people thought in their hearts, really like a thief, put down their guard.

The group of people continued on like this.

Just walking along, the Ji thief who led the way in front suddenly stopped.

He hissed, turned his head to look, and said in his mouth: "Did you feel anything wrong?"

Tushan asked puzzledly: "What's wrong?"

Ji Zei raised his head, feeling the wind passing behind his head, and then said: "Did you not find out? We came so many animals, where are all the animals now?"

When Ji Zei said that, all the clansmen felt that something was wrong.

Yes, when you came down, you could come out with countless small animals. Why is there no one animal now?

This is too abnormal.

Tushan asked, "Could it be that they were all hungry and went back to eat?"

Ji Thief didn't speak, but lowered his head and thought for a while: "No, go quickly!"

Everyone didn't understand what Ji Thief meant, and asked hurriedly.

Ji thief speeded up his pace, while saying: "The senses of the animals are more advanced than ours. Since they all hide, it must indicate that something dangerous is happening."

A Liang asked, "Danger? What danger?"

Ji Thief said: "In this land, what else can make these animals feel dangerous?"

Everyone hissed, and after a moment of consideration, everyone was shocked: "It's a pack of wolves!"

Ji thief gritted his teeth and nodded.

That's right, it's the wolves.

Damn, what I should have thought of just now.

This is the territory of the wolf pack. I killed their members. I should be more cautious. Damn it, it's me. When I saw Tongzi, I left the wolf pack problem behind.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

After a series of curses, Ji Thief shouted: "Go!"

However, when Ji Zei's words fell, a frightened voice came from behind him.

"what is that!"

Following the sound, turning their heads violently, everyone hurriedly dispersed to both sides, making way for Ji Thief.

At the end of the line of sight, a cloud of darkness pressed down at the vent.

What is that bunch of things under the clouds?

Ji thief narrowed his eyes to look.

But when he saw a patch of ash on the green grass, and a lonely white patch in front of the ash, Ji Thief's eyes instantly rounded together.

Wolves, wolves!

"Quick, quick, light the torch!" Ji Thief shouted.

As the words fell, everyone saw the shadow of the wolf pack.

Under the leadership of the White Wolf King, there were three hundred wolves spread out, and they surrounded Ji Zei and the others.

In a rush, everyone quickly lit torches.

However, when their torch was erected, the wolves surrounding them had also formed.

Forty people could not help but guard the Ji thief in the most central position, followed by the clansmen standing on the periphery with a torch in one hand and a wooden spear at the hundreds of restless wolves outside, who wanted to pounce on them.

The situation was immediately tense.

The wolves were silent, standing still, as if waiting for an offensive slogan.

Most of the Shuanggu people saw Khan, and the hand holding the wooden spear also faintly became trembling.

Looking down from the sky, Ji Thief and the forty people were like a hedgehog falling into the swamp.

Although there is a short-term struggle, after the struggle, it will eventually be swallowed by the swamp.

The wolf pack is the swamp that swallowed Ji Thief and them.

When everyone was nervous, there was a commotion in the wolf pack, and immediately after that, the White Wolf King walked out gracefully under the cover of five or six guard wolves.

It stepped on the green grass, gently turned its body, a pair of sharp eyes, constantly looking at Ji Thief and them.

To be precise, it was looking at the torch in the hands of Ji Zei and others.

The White Wolf King did not issue orders, and no wolf came forward.

The two sides confronted each other for nearly twenty minutes, and Tushan couldn't bear such a depressed atmosphere, so he rushed to the thief and said: "Warrior, I will kill the wolf king, and then you will take the opportunity to escape with everyone."

With that said, Tushan will squeeze outward.

"Tushan, come back to me!"

The Ji thief, who was guarded by the crowd, yelled anxiously, reached out and grabbed Tushan's wrist, only to cause the wound to crack again, and he took a breath of air in pain.

"Master Warrior!"

Including Tushan, all the tribesmen shouted in panic, and they were full of care in their words.

To be honest, when we met the wolves just now, everyone's move to protect themselves in the middle really moved themselves.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm fine." Facing the caring gaze of everyone, Ji Thief gritted his teeth and said in pain.

"Master Warrior, let me fight it!" Tushan said anxiously.

Aliang also followed: "Tushan is right, Lord Warrior, later, Tushan and I will bring some clansmen to attack the wolf king. If something happens to the wolf king, the wolf pack will definitely be in chaos. Then, you will find the opportunity. Run quickly."

Ji Thief stared at them both: "What are you fighting for? I brought you out at the beginning, but I didn't intend to let you throw your lives here."