Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 221: -Who is an idiot?

When the head of the Lin tribe raised his wooden spear and pointed at the white fox coalition that was more or less panicked in front of him, the reinforcements who came with him to support him all roared and launched a charge while shouting.

Among many people, A Niu was even more in the lead. He suffered a blow to his scapula and saw no fatigue. He looked like a little calf. Several enemies who stood in front of him were overturned with a spear. It seemed, Is so brave and invincible.

Usma watched Aniu's fighting posture on the cross bridge, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this time, he wanted to fight with the white fox allied forces like Aniu.

But Aniu said before he went down that he was the one who was responsible for using his brain. He had poor skills and had not fully recovered from his injuries. Just stay behind in the tribe, and leave the fight to him.

Although Aniu's words sounded very uncomfortable, it was as if he was completely rubbish. But even so, Usma moved Aniu.

There was an urge to go down and fight with Aniu in his heart, but Usma knew that in his own state, if he went down, it would be a hindrance to everyone.

He looked around and saw the big drum on the horizontal bridge. He trot to the front, picked up the two bone mallets, and started smashing down.

When the dull drums once again resounded above the cross bridge, and resounded over the battlefield, everyone in front of the valley was enraged.

Aniu looked back from the air, and when they were together so far away, he seemed to see Usmana's will to work together and fight together.

Aniu's breathing became rapid, he turned around and screamed, rushing to the Arctic Fox Alliance.

Even if I die today, Aniu is worth it!

With the thought of death, Aniu was brave and invincible for a while.

When the patriarchs of other tribes saw Ah Niu's performance, they all showed a surprised look. Good fellow, how can the warrior find anyone around him who is so ferocious?

For a time, the patriarchs were unwilling to lag behind, and rushed forward, and together with Aniu, launched an offensive against the Arctic Fox Alliance.

Like the strong wind blowing up the fallen leaves, the morale of the Arctic Fox Alliance has already been flustered, and the people's fierce and crazy play made these Arctic Fox Alliance completely flustered.

Countless white fox allied forces turned around and ran into the jungle under the push of their companions.

The defeat is already impossible to stop.

Seeing all this, Feng Chuan almost burst his lungs with his breath, and he desperately stopped him, unable to stop the defeated tribe.

Several patriarchs saw this scene, and they all quietly left the battlefield. Only Fengchuan himself was left, still working hard to resist.


During the war, Aniu noticed Fengchuan and shouted violently.

Feng Chuan, who was fighting with reinforcements, was stunned when he heard the sound. Looking back, he saw that Aniu rushed towards him like a mad rhino, and raised his wooden spear from a long distance away.

Fengchuan saw Aniu and shouted aloud as well, and the two sides charged each other.

As soon as they contacted, the battle between the two entered a white-hot stage.

Both sides are fighting for their lives, the kind of fighting that sees blood.

Kazekawa wins in physique and majestic strength.

On the other hand, Aniu wins with a firm mentality, even if he exchanges an injury for an injury, he does not hesitate.

What's more, Aniu made the determination to die in battle.


With a sound through the body, Feng Chuan stabbed Aniu's abdomen with a spear. Before the smile on his face showed up, Aniu's backhand spear hit the middle of his chest.

This spear penetrated Fengchuan's lungs completely.

His strength quickly dissipated with the heavy damage to his lungs. Even if Fengchuan wanted to fight and was willing to fight, his body was no longer under his control.

There was a plop.

Feng Chuan fell heavily to the ground, and the wooden spear in his hand fell to the side even more.

Immediately afterwards, Aniu took a step forward, stepping on Fengchuan, the wooden spear pointed at Fengchuan's nose, and gasping for breath: "Knot, it's over."

Feng Chuan, who has become a fish on the chopping board of others, not only has no fear at all, but a crazy smile on his face.

Blood was constantly spraying out of his mouth. At this time, the patriarch seemed to be frustrated and crazy: "Waste, waste, if there were no reinforcements from the forest tribe, your Frost Valley tribe would have been defeated by us! "

Aniu hit Fengchuan's face with a fist, staggering the guy.

"Come on! Kill me! I have long known the ambition of the Frost Valley tribe, what to say to eliminate the Black Mountain tribe for everyone, in the end, you will not become the next Black Mountain tribe! I only hate those idiots of the Forest Tribe. I still believe your panic, hateful, hateful!"

Death was approaching, and Feng Chuan was still screaming.

The defeat on the field was irreversible. The Lin tribe and the six patriarchs came to the front and looked at the only Fengchuan who had not escaped and was left on the field. For a moment, he frowned. When he was attacking the Black Mountain tribe, the Fengchuan tribe He is so brave that everyone has a good impression of them.

Just, why? Why does the Fengchuan tribe form an alliance with the white fox tribe that has entrapped everyone?


None of the six patriarchs wanted to understand, just as Feng Chuan couldn't understand why Lin Tribe would choose to help Frost Valley Tribe.

Feng Chuan, who was hit hard by Aniu, was already at the end of his life. At this time, he just kept spraying blood out.

"It's almost, it's almost the Frost Valley Tribe that we will defeat. If it wasn't for you guys to come out and make trouble, we should be the winner now."

Feng Chuan said with annoyance.

The Lin tribe clenched the wooden spear in his hand and looked at Feng Chuan with a pursed lips: "I don't know how to help destroy the black fox tribe that destroyed the Black Mountain plan. You almost killed everyone. How could you be a winner."

Feng Chuan’s face showed a thick disdain, and they looked at the Lin tribe’s eyes, as if they were looking at fools: "The white fox pitted the alliance? Haha, isn’t it that the thief instructed the white fox to use the trebuchet at a critical moment? Destroying the elite of our clan? It’s just that he didn’t expect that his own approach would only fail the plan. The cunning Ji thief, the treacherous Ji thief, even pushed this thing on the white fox. It really makes people feel that Disgusting! Pity you idiots who don’t know the truth and form an alliance with the wolf."

All the patriarchs were unmoved, saying that we are stupid, you are the stupid.

If the thief is really killing everyone, then why would he return twice and destroy the Heishan tribe?

You who were unilaterally deceived by the white fox are truly stupid.

"Stupid, stupid!"

Amidst the laughter, Feng Chuan coughed violently, and a huge mouthful of blood spurted out of his chest.

Seeing that Fengchuan’s body had begun to shake violently, the Lin tribe patriarch stepped forward: "Idiot, if the warrior really has the idea of ​​annexing our tribe. At the beginning, when we attacked the Frost Valley tribe, the warrior was completely There is a reason to attack us. If the warrior really intends to annex us, when we came to the Frost Valley Tribe to participate in the meeting, he was completely capable of killing us all, but the warrior did not! The wolf in your mouth, never Did not take the initiative to provoke the war in the mountains. On the contrary, the white fox tribe you said was wronged, but it is the first to make trouble, and the last to provoke the battle. From beginning to end, the only goal of the warrior is the white fox. You are just the white fox. Cheating, just work for him."

Fengchuan widened his eyes to look at the Lin tribe chief.

He wanted to ask, is it true, is it really the same as you said?

However, he was seriously injured, but he couldn't say anything, so he opened his mouth, and the ruptured internal organs mixed with blood sprayed out of the mouth.

With a plop, he could no longer support the weight of his body, and Fengchuan slumped directly to the ground.

As his breathing began to become more intense, everyone present clearly understood that Fengchuan's time was running out.

Inhaling more and more, and exhaling less and less, soon, soon, Fengchuan stopped moving.

Until his death, this straightforward and grumpy patriarch was in the same thing.

The White Fox Tribe, really deceived everyone?

Damn, why didn't you investigate it in advance?

With endless annoyance, Feng Chuan lost his life.

The patriarch of the Lin tribe looked at Fengchuan's body, sighed, and took a step forward, placing his hand in Fengchuan's eyes, and gently closing his open eyes.