Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 261: -Can you sit still?

In the cave, the two are still sitting opposite each other.

The old patriarch gritted his teeth: "Warrior, you can't leave."

Ji thief asked the old patriarch: "Why?"

The old patriarch opened his mouth, but he couldn't think of a reason for staying with Ji Thief.

"Sir Warrior, it's not good, A Jie and Maohou quarreled."

At this moment, there was a fight outside, and a member of the tribe ran in and said in a panic.

When he saw that the old patriarch was also there, he couldn't help but was taken aback: "Master patriarch, you are also here."

The old patriarch hummed, but felt a little uncomfortable.

The situation was basically the same as in the past, with the thief found in advance, but at the moment it fell in the eyes of the old patriarch, but the taste changed.

Although there was something about the previous Frost Valley tribe, the clansmen came to look for the Ji thief the first time, and whether it was the old clansmen or ordinary clansmen, they were already accustomed to this approach, and everyone followed this approach. of.

But you know, that was before, not now.

Now Songtsan is back, and the future patriarch's son is back.

With both the current and future patriarchs present, it would be very uncomfortable for everyone to go to the Ji thief for everything.

The old patriarch was also a human, he didn't think so openly.

Why did the clansmen of my tribe find you Ji thief in advance instead of me as the patriarch? Not Songzan, the future patriarch?

In the past, the old patriarch looked at Ji Thief as the next patriarch, and naturally he wouldn't think there was anything wrong with doing so.

But now it's different. My son came back, so if he did that, it wouldn't work.

Ji Thief didn't know, just for a short while, the old patriarch thought about how many things were in his heart.

Because all his attention was focused on the quarrel between A Jie and Woolly Monkey.

what happened?

Didn't I let A Jie choose the prey to give to the six patriarchs? Why did he quarrel with the monkey again?

With a chuckle, Ji Thief stood up and said: "Take me quickly."

The clansman agreed and led Ji Zei to go.

Upon seeing this, the old patriarch hurriedly followed.

When Ji Zei and the old patriarch rushed to the logistics department one after another, they saw A Jie and Maohou facing each other in two separate stations.

"Master Songtsan said, let me look at the logistics department well, and don't allow other people to control it at will."

The monkey stopped in front of A Jie and said.

A Jie was so angry that he jumped and cursed, "What do you want to dominate at will? Which one of your eyes saw me dominate at will? Lord Warrior said, I will pick out 120 prey and give them to Chief Lin. To make up for the relationship between us, this is an order from Lord Warrior. One is not in charge of the tribe, and the other is not the chief in charge of the tribe. When will it be your turn to be chattering, chattering!"

Some members of the logistics department all support A Jie: "That is, it is up to you what matters, this is the decision of Lord Warrior and the approval of Elder Babu."

The crowd's counterattack made the Mao Monkey almost tilted his nose in anger. He panted heavily and pointed at the crowd: "Okay, okay, you are fine, I will tell Master Songtsan to go."

A Jie laughed: "Get out of here."

The Woolly Monkey, who had been out for a few steps, listened and stared at A Jie angrily: "You say it again!"

"Say it again!"

Suddenly, Ji Thief shouted.

The triumphant A Jie was taken aback when he heard Ji Thief’s voice. He looked back and saw Ji Thief walking in stride, and his face was full of surprise: "My Lord Warrior, here you are.

Ji Thief gave a hum, and stepped to the front.

The monkey didn't look pretty when he saw Ji Thief's expression, he hummed and walked forward: "Ji Thief, what do you mean? Why do you control the prey in the tribe as a warrior at will!"

Ji Zei indifferently swept the Mao Monkey: "No matter what my reason, this is not the reason for you to ask, may I ask, who are you? Why do you ask me that?"

The monkey was dumb when he heard the words.

"Just because he is my person, he is my brother, and I, the future heir of the Frost Valley tribe, is that enough!"

An abrupt voice sounded, and the Mao Monkey looked back with joy.

I saw that Songtsan led Atu and more than 20 people to come.

He stood only ten steps away from Ji Thief, and seeing the beads of sweat on his face from his impatience, it was obvious that he had just arrived after hearing the news of the Mao Monkey.

"Ji thief, you give the tribe's 120 prey to other tribes at will. Isn't it a bit too much to do so? This prey is also obtained by everyone, not you alone." Songzan said.

Ji thief screamed and asked, "It's not that you broke the relationship with your allies first, so I will take out so many prey to remedy it?"

Songtsan didn’t know what to say about Ji Zei’s words. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, “Even so, we can’t give our prey to other tribes. It’s all our tribe’s hard catch. You Give the prey to other tribes, well, then you can send it with your own prey."

Aliang walked out from the crowd: "I brought these prey back to the tribe. They used the hunting methods taught to me by Lord Warrior. Therefore, there are part of Lord Warrior among these prey. Warriors took out some of them and gave them to other tribes. , What can't it?"

Seeing Aliang Songzan makes me angry. After all, this is the only guy who quit at the meeting yesterday.

However, while being angry, Songtsan still wants to thank Aliang. If there is no Aliang, how could Atu be in charge of the Ministry of Resources?

He sneered: "There are hundreds of prey here, do you dare to swear that you captured them all? Do you dare to say that they were all captured by Ji Thief!"

When asked this sentence, Songtsan was ready to laugh at A Liang.

After all, when the Fengchuan tribe hadn't been subdued before, the resources department of Aliang had only 30 people at full budget. How could it be possible to catch so many prey?

Moreover, I also inquired about Ji Thief from the witch last night. It took less than a hundred days for Ji Thief to come to Frost Valley Tribe. The most important thing is that the total before and after the establishment of the Ministry of Resources is three or four. Ten days, these thirty or forty days, is it possible that thirty of them will catch ten prey in one day?

how is this possible.

Even if there are ten prey, don't the people of that tribe eat it?

It is precisely this way that Songtsan feels that so many prey is definitely not something that A Liang's department can do.

However, the imagination was beautiful, but the facts slapped Songtsan's face severely.

When his words fell, A Liang looked at him with a sarcasm: "I didn't catch it. Could it be you caught it?"

The people standing in the circle outside also responded: "The Lord Warrior said at the beginning that there are seven departments and each department has its own work. We can prove that these prey were captured by Aliang and his department. ."

Songzan's face turned into pig liver color at this moment.

"What else do you say? A Jie, start picking the prey." Ji Thief said.

A Jie yelled triumphantly, and ran over happily to lead the prey out.

"Yes, even if this is the case, you can't take these prey out! Just as what Aliang said is true, but he is a member of the Frost Valley Tribe and is sheltered by the Frost Valley Tribe, then the prey he brought, It's from the Frost Valley tribe, how to allocate it, it doesn't matter to you!"

When Songzan's words fell, everyone around was angry.

Even if you are the son of the patriarch, but when you come back, you are arguing and intervening in tribal affairs. Isn't it something wrong?

How much did the Lord Warrior put in for the tribe? When it comes to you, it's nothing?

For a time, the sentiment was infuriated.

"Master Aliang is inseparable from the hard work of Lord Warrior. Why can't he control the prey?"

"That's right, Lord Warrior!"

"I support Lord Warrior."

One after another, the voices of agreeing with Ji thief sounded one after another, which made Songzan, who had an unsightly complexion, his complexion richer.

He trembled angrily, his mouth kept opening and closing: "Okay, okay, okay!!!"

Three good calls in a row, but they couldn't let out a fart.

Ji Zei glanced at the old patriarch who was standing in the distance, who was not leaning over. He looked at him with a shriveled expression, and said in his heart that he had reached this point, patriarch, can you still sit still?