Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 292: -Still not a family member of a tribe?

The genius was bright, and the Frost Valley tribe gathered a team of nearly two hundred people.

Songtsan takes the lead. Basically, males from all departments are among them.

Seeing that Songtsan was in such a big battle, many clansmen who didn't know the truth asked one after another.

"Master Songtsan, what are we doing here?"

"Yes, Lord Songtsan, with so many of us, who are we going to fight with?"

Looking at faces full of curiosity one after another, Songtsan didn't dare to say that he was looking for A Ju, no, to be precise, he was looking for trouble with Ji Thief.

Observing these days, Songzan fully believes that even if Ji Thief is carrying the infamy of attacking the old patriarch, once everyone knows that it is a war with Ji Thief, most of them will stand by Ji Thief.

These people, their greater role is to intimidate and deter.

The main force is still the 20 Atu and Fengchuan and Mulian tribes, which are nearly 100 male tribesmen.

It can be said that only half of these 200 people can be driven by Songzan.

However, this half is also sufficient.

Anyway, dragging these people over is only a powerful force.

According to the old patriarch, Songtsan didn't need to bring so many people. After all, these people were very easy to shake after learning the whereabouts of Ji Thief.

But he didn’t know what medicine Songtsan had taken wrong. He remembered the scene where Ji Thief was alone that day, and with the help of the three hundred coalition forces of the other six tribes, he scared himself and Atu and others not to move. Suddenly, Songtsan, who was jealous, wanted to replicate the situation that day, and come to learn now to sell, planning to use threats to make Ah Ju give up resistance.

Thinking triumphantly in his heart, Songtsan opened his mouth and shouted: "Everyone is quiet, everyone is quiet, our goal this time is the Eastern Plain!"

"Eastern Plain?"

Everyone who heard Songzan was taken aback.

What to do in the Eastern Plains?

"It's like this. Atu found a huge group of prey in the eastern plains before, but only relying on the Ministry of Resources, there is no way to completely take this group of prey, so today, please trouble everyone with me. One trip, at that time, everyone can be assigned at least three prey!" Songzan said loudly.

At any time, interest is always something that can move people's hearts.

All the sake is red face, and the wealth is touching.

The wine is white, and the face is red after drinking.

Money is cold, but in my arms my heart is hot.

In this primitive society, prey is not equal to money.

For a time, everyone was moved.

Three prey! They are three prey that belong to me, my God, this is enough for me to eat for a month without work.

Everyone is gearing up, shouting for Songtsan to act quickly.

Seeing this scene, Songzan smiled with satisfaction, come on, what he wanted was this effect.

Outside the crowd, stood Usma.

He was the only adult male who did not participate in this operation.

It’s not that it’s useless to go up because of Usma’s low combat effectiveness, but Songtsan clearly knows that he is a diehard loyal to the thief, and that he is also the administrator of a department. If he was in the Eastern Plains Suddenly he raised his arms and took away most of the tribe to join Ah Ju. What should I do?

Songtsan still has this insight.


Looking at Songzan and his party walking out of the tribe, Usma muttered to herself.

"As for the animals in the Eastern Plains that the stupid people will not run away when they arrive, do they really need so many people to go?"

"No! Songtsan's goal is not the prey, but Aju's military department!" Usma suddenly reacted with a violent spirit.

You know, the eastern plains are no longer suppressed by wolves, and there are few opponents who need so many people to fight together.

Even if there is a group of prey as big as Songtsan said, but you have to understand that the current Ministry of Resources has more than 110 people after being supplemented. So many people, with the help of spear throwers, what? Can't get the prey?

Thinking about it this way, Songzan's goal is only possible with Ah Ju.

But why did Songtsan attack the military department?

Exclude dissidents? But in the tribe, Elder Babu is still alive and well.

No, if Songzan really wanted to move Aju, he would deal with Elder Babu first.

If it is not for this reason, why does he take so many people to the Eastern Plains again?

Is there any reason why he has to do this?

The answer was crazy in his mind, and suddenly, a flash of light illuminated his mind.

Could it be that...

No, it shouldn't be. Didn't Lord Warrior say not in the Eastern Plains?

But apart from this reason, what reason does Songtsen have to go to the Eastern Plain?

Damn, is it possible that Lord Warrior is really in the Eastern Plains, protected by Aju!

Thinking of this, Usma was not calm, he needed to do something urgently, at least, he had to go over and see if the thief was in the Eastern Plain.

If you are, then take someone to rescue Ji Thief.

Even if he isn't there, he will be going to the Eastern Plains to collect materials.

Thinking of this, Usma quickly turned around and returned to his department. While letting the people in the department clean up, he sent someone to the old patriarch to inform him that the Engineering Department was going out to collect materials or something.

In the past, the Engineering Department often did this, but at that time, the Resources Department, which cooperated with the Engineering Department, helped.

But now, all the male tribesmen in the tribe are gone. If you want others to help, you can't find a helper.

Because of this, the old patriarch agreed without even thinking about it. It seemed that even the old patriarch didn't think Usma had found any clues.

Soon, a total of forty or fifty female members of the engineering department salvaged the soaked tung oil rattan tiles, covered them with animal skins, held them in their hands, and arranged them in a battle formation to set off.

Their goal is the Eastern Plain!

When two groups of people left the Frost Valley tribe, the other tribes quickly received news.

The Lin tribe patriarchs reacted quickly, eh? Why do so many people from the Frost Valley tribe go to the Eastern Plains?

Could it be that they discovered the whereabouts of the warrior?

But isn't A Ju and his military department in the eastern plain?

They were puzzled in their minds. These patriarchs who were learning to think about the problem, but in fact, were still a little impatient in their hearts, couldn't control so much. With an order, the six tribes came out together, adding up to no less than 300 Members, marching towards the Eastern Plains together.

As for the White Fox Alliance, they were stunned when they heard the news that a large number of the Frost Valley tribes had gone out, especially when they already knew that the Frost Valley tribe's target was the Eastern Plains, they were even more happy.

"Songzan's waste must have fought with the military department. Hey, this is just right. They have left so many male tribes. Then their tribe should be very weak now. Let's set out and end their tribe. Take away their people!" The white fox exclaimed excitedly.

After such a long time, this product has not changed at all, only knowing that it is in danger.

But in any case, after Songtsan's unauthorized attack this time, too many people were taken away, the Frost Valley tribe was about to face the biggest crisis ever since the Black Mountain tribe.

In the entire mountain range, except for the five neutral tribes of the Yun tribe, the remaining thirteen tribes all moved.

Vaguely, the large mountain range really wants to restore the past state of the chaos of demons.

Songtsan, the author of all this, did not realize the consequences of his actions.

At this time, he was full of only one thought, that is to kill Ji Thief, and kill Ji Thief anyway.

Seen in this way, the upcoming turmoil in the large mountain ranges is also inextricably linked to the Ji thief.

It's ridiculous to think about it, Ji Thief is the real person lying in the cave, the pot coming from the sky.

In the valleys of the eastern plains, Ah Ju returned from training in the morning. When he stretched back to the cave, he turned his head and saw A Jie squatting on the ground in circles.

"Eh, Jie, when were you here? Did you not rest last night?"

A Jie pursed his mouth and turned his head, with bruises and purple marks on his face, he glared at A Ju: "You still said it. It's not because of you. The **** Aliang beat me up without saying but I was kicked out! Are we relatives from a tribe? Huh?"