Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 343: -Poor Usma

Although knowing that these decisions may not be effective in this life to a large extent, the thief who often plays strategy games knows that only if your defense is strong, will there be time and space for development.

In fact, for defense, the arrow tower is better. It is seven or eight meters high and can overlook the fortifications outside the valley with bows and arrows. It is undoubtedly the best choice in the cold weapon era.

However, the crux of the problem lies in the arrow tower. It is not enough to have a tower without an arrow.

The tower is so easy to say that if all the people of the tribe are mobilized, it will die, that is, a few dozen can be erected in the tribe in a month, but what about the arrows?

There must be a bow if there is an arrow.

Ji thief had been fascinated by bows and arrows, the most powerful weapon in the cold weapon era, so he checked a lot of information specially.

Although, bows and arrows were also produced in the middle and late stages of primitive society.

But how to say it, the earliest bow and arrow were only a kind of single-body bow, and the degree of simplicity of the bow and arrow, Ji Zei said.

The range is similar to that of a spear thrower, slightly worse than a flying stone rope, and far less like the compound bow that can kill 70 steps accurately and effectively kill at 120 to 150 steps like the later generations.

Just do it well, so the reason Ji Thief never made bows and arrows in the past is because of this.

Compound bows are made of six materials, collectively referred to as six materials.

They are dry, corner, tendon, glue, silk, and lacquer.

The main stem is the selection of the bow body, which is generally divided into two types: the main trunk and the bow body. The trunk material is undoubtedly the best wood, followed by the wood, and then the bow body can be made of tougher wood.

Bamboo and white wax are good choices. In comparison, white wax is better than bamboo.

The horn is used to take care of the animal horns. The horns and horns can be anything. Because the prey is paid every day, the horns are the easiest part.

After that, the tendons to assist the bow body strength are usually used. This is also very easy to obtain.

Glue refers to the glue used to explain animals, such as mouse glue and cow glue, which is not difficult to obtain.

In the case of silk, the main function is to combine the tendons with the arch, and at the same time it looks more beautiful.

However, silk is currently not available to the thief at all, but after the hemp rope comes out, he can use hemp rope instead.

The last is lacquer. The role of lacquer is to prevent the bow from getting damp. The thief doesn't want to waste a lot of effort to make the bow because of the damp. Therefore, the lacquer is a must.

In nature, the resin of lacquer tree can be said to be a natural paint, and it could not be better used on the bow.

After the above series of complicated procedures, it can barely be regarded as a bow.

Don't think that as long as these materials are clamped together, a bow is made. The production of compound bows is divided by seasons.

In winter, we analyze talents, make angles in spring, make tendons in summer, and combine all the materials together to make a composite bow in autumn. Then, in winter, the bow body is placed in a prepared mold and shaped.

It can be said that a powerful compound bow takes a year and a season.

Although the time has been a little longer, the bow power produced by this is undoubtedly huge, at least, if it is taken out in primitive society, it will almost go sideways.

The production of bowstrings and arrows is a trivial matter. Cut a piece of raw leather with sufficient tenacity and wind it with silk. The bowstring will come out. For arrows, it is also divided into arrows and arrows.

When a piece of wood is sharpened, it becomes an arrow, and when a feather and an arrow are added, it becomes a arrow.

Although it is a bit cumbersome, this is nothing compared to the more complicated compound bow.

After walking for a long time without seeing Ji thief, Tushan looked back and saw that Ji thief stopped where there was no movement. He ran back to the front and asked suspiciously, "Master Patriarch, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Tushan's words, Ji Thief came back to his senses and said in a daze, "Huh?"

The next second, he hurriedly said: "No, nothing."

Tushan just looked at Ji thief in confusion.

"Let's go."

While speaking, Ji Zei walked forward, and at the same time, he made a plan in his heart.

It is autumn now, and we can prepare the tools for making bows first, so that in winter a year later, we can almost see the first batch of bows.

It's just that I only understand theoretical knowledge, and I have never done it personally. Well, how about telling us the idea? Among the entire tribe, except for A Jie, he understood his meaning best.

Moreover, Usma was able to calm down, with a stubborn stubbornness who didn't understand that he had to study and understand, and gave him the bow to make it. She was completely relieved. Besides, isn't the engineering department responsible for this.

Well, just smelting copper, building arrow towers, building tribes, so much work is piled up in one place, I wonder if Usma will be exhausted?

Well, it seems that rib soup and goat's milk have to be completely opened to the engineering department.

By the way, there is also the extraction of plant fibers. This has to be put on the agenda. Without plant fibers, no rope can be made. Without a rope, the production of a bow is completely useless.

Continuing to walk in the valley, Ji thief took advantage of this free time to stroll around the entire valley.

Unlike the Frost Valley tribe, most of the eastern plains are flat areas with many plains. In the southeast corner of the valley, there is a very large open space next to the river. Here, it is very suitable for planting crops and so on. Just pull the weeds. Just do it.

Moreover, it is completely fine to put the breeding circle here.

It is close to the water source, which is convenient for animal breeding and sanitary problems.

Whether in the Frost Valley Tribe or the Eastern Plain, he has been paying great attention to health issues since the Ji thief crossed over. Previously, it was the Frost Valley Tribe, but now it is the Eastern Plain.

The thief clearly requested that every member of the tribe should wash their hands before eating and take a bath before going to bed. Otherwise, they would reduce their food supply the next day.

Moreover, Ji thief deliberately asked Aniu's Public Security Department to supervise this. Whoever does not do it, directly report to himself.

If anyone thinks that it’s okay not to eat once or twice, then I’m sorry, you go to the jail of the Ministry of Public Security and stay for a few days. In jail life, Ji Thief clearly stated that there is no meat supply.

So looking at it this way, the hunter is still privileged.

The reason why Ji Zei values ​​hygiene so much is not to say that he came from later generations and loves cleanliness.

You know, he is considered half an otaku, and usually doesn't tidy up at home.

The fundamental reason is that Ji Thief does not want to cause infectious diseases because of health problems in the primitive society with highly backward medical treatment.

You know, even if human civilization has been established and medicine has begun to take shape in ancient times, many people have died because of infectious diseases.

Let alone primitive society.

Therefore, hygiene has always been the top priority of Ji Thief.

"There is also a large open space in the northwest corner of the valley. This can be used as a gathering place for the three combat departments of the tribe. When nothing is wrong, you can also train or something. It is space, there are few trees, well, in this case, Then let Usma's engineering department make some training equipment for them."

Ji Thief was muttering in his mouth, basically, he had made up his mind.

Alas, it's poor Uthma, it will take a while.

Forget it, those who can do more work.

Continue to walk, the busy clansmen in the tribe will stop and call the patriarch after seeing the Ji thief.

As he walked, Ji thief suddenly saw that there were more than a dozen children who were about the size of A Jie by the river, all of them were fifteen or six-year-old children who were arrogantly scrambling.

They were divided into two sides, eight or nine on each side, and they rolled into a ball on the ground, fighting fiercely. Moreover, these children's actions are so brutal, basically, they are rushing to injure and mutilate. In their posture, if they are given a few weapons, they will definitely dare to kill each other.

Seeing this scene, Ji Zei froze for a moment, then frowned and asked Tushan: "What's the matter?"

Tushan scratched his head: "I don't know either."

Ji thief was a little dissatisfied when he saw this, and walked over.

"Stop it all!"

When the thief arrived, he roared.

The children were scuffled and stopped when they heard the sound. Looking back, they were shocked when they saw Ji Thief and Tushan. One by one, they hurriedly stood up from the ground in place, bowed their heads, and did not dare to look at Ji Thief. .