Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 373: -Songtsan tired in the grove

Songtsan glared at the Mao Monkey bitterly, and then hurriedly said with a smile: "Actually, I saw my father in the morning, really, really, sister Zhen, you believe me."

The witch shook her head: "Have you seen it before, what is my business? Okay, don't bother me. I have to see a doctor for the people."

Having said that, the witch pushed Songzan away and went to the next place of the injured tribe.

Only Songzan with a gloomy face and the woolly monkey stood in place.

"That, Lord Songtsan?" Woolly Monkey tried to raise his head and shouted.

Songtsan turned his head back sharply: "Shut up!"

As he said, he turned to the old patriarch's place with a displeased expression on his face.

When the fat elder and the others cleared out the ruins of the cave, the old patriarch was lying weakly on the ground, his legs were bloody.

When Songzan was almost there, the fat elder was discussing something with the old patriarch.

"Master Patriarch, you have been lying down for a day since you were injured, and Master Songtsan won't tell you to come and see you. Is it really worth it?"

The old patriarch endured the pain, and the beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down like money-free. He gritted his teeth desperately and trembled: "It's worth~ worth it! Songtsan is me, my son!"

Hearing that the fat elder sighed unconsciously: "Hey, patriarch, you are like this..."

Two consecutive sighs fully explained the complicated mood in Fat Elder's heart at this time.

Not to mention anything else, the fat elder felt distressed just looking at the legs of the old patriarch.

Blood was constantly oozing out of the wound that was simply bandaged. Just looking at it, there was a toothache. How could the old patriarch be able to bear it? You know, the old patriarch had two injuries on his body that almost killed him.

"Song, hasn't Songtsan come yet?" the old patriarch asked.

The fat elder did not speak, but shook his head.

Seeing this, the old patriarch was a little bit lost, and no matter how strong his will was, it would inevitably become disintegrated.

He gasped, saying, "But, maybe Songtsan is busy with the tribe~"

As he said, he puffed out blood, panicking that the fat elder was about to call someone.

Songzan exclaimed at this time and hurried out: "My father, what's the matter with you?"

The fat elder turned his head in a daze and saw Songtsan rushing over in a hurry, and when he reached the old patriarch, he pretended to gasp.

For a while, the old patriarch, who was about to pass out of pain, did not know how to recover some energy again, and looked at his son lovingly: "You must be exhausted today, and the tribe should be exhausted under management."

Songzan shook his head quickly: "No, my father who is not tired at all."

The old patriarch said: "Don't lie to my son, I have been in charge of the tribe for so long, I don't know if I'm tired?"

Songzan shook his head: "No, my father, I'm really not tired, really."

Songtsan is telling the truth. He is really not tired. After this day, ask him what he has done.

He had been comforted by Mulian. He was full of food in Mulian, turned around and remembered the witch, so he took the water and offered a great wave of hospitality.

However, the witch ignored him.

To be tired, witches and Babu are the most tired. One takes care of the injured tribe and the other deals with the problems after the earthquake. What is Songzan?

When he was most tired, he was still in the grove of the valley, when he was with the manglietia.

The old patriarch turned his head and glanced at the fat elder, with a little pride in his eyes, as if he was talking about it. Who said I'm not sensible?

That was no chance before. Now that the tribe has encountered such a big turmoil, wouldn't Songtsan come forward?

Looking at the happy expression of the old patriarch, after all, the fat elder did not have the courage to tell the old patriarch that the witch already knew the truth.

It's just that the fat elder who didn't know what Songzan did today was a little strange to Songzan's practice.

No matter how busy the tribe is, you shouldn't be busy until now.

The old patriarch is your father.

"Songzan, our tribe, how many prey are there now?" the old patriarch suddenly asked.

Songtsan was busy pretending to be respectful: "Back to my father, there are only four or five cubs that haven't run away. Father, if you don't want to think of a solution, our people will have no more food today."

The fat elder frowned unhappy, and said in his heart that the patriarch was hurt like this. You still asked him to find a way. Is your son a decoration?

You are the next patriarch.

Opening his mouth just about to talk, the old patriarch’s words came out before the fat elder: "You’re right, these four or five preys are not enough for our tribe to eat. There were warriors who gave us the seventy heads. We can stay a few more days to find a solution to the problem. Now, oh, I'm afraid something has happened in the Eastern Plain. I just asked, and I'm embarrassed to pass it."

Songzan originally didn't want to care about this matter. His thought was that there was an old patriarch, so he should worry about it. However, when he heard that something happened in the Eastern Plains, his mind suddenly became active.

"My father, or else, let me go."

Songzan said suddenly.

The old patriarch and the fat elder looked back at the same time, looking at Songzan.

Songzan touched his nose and said, "Or, I'll go to the Eastern Plains."

"Don't talk nonsense, what do you call it when you go to the Eastern Plains. This matter is resolutely not discussed!" Aiko's ardent old patriarch quickly stopped.

He doesn't know about others, but if Songzan goes there, there will definitely be a problem.

It's not an exaggeration that Ji Zei ate him raw.

It is precisely because of this that the old patriarch resolutely opposed.

Songzan hurriedly said: "My father, it's okay, it's a big deal, I went to beg Ji Thief, really! If I ask him personally, Ji Thief will definitely agree."

When he said these words, Songtsan also showed a compassionate appearance. It seemed that he was a great image of self-sacrificing.

Of course, he said these words completely for the fat elders.

Look, even though the thief attacked my father, what if I just beg him for the tribe and everyone? Isn't this the consciousness that a patriarch should have? I already have it now.

Only Songzan knew that his performance fell in the eyes of the fat elder who already knew the truth, and in exchange for it, it was just more contempt.

But the old patriarch didn't think so. All he thought was that he had treated Ji Thief the way he did before. Ji Thief could let him go and not hold himself accountable. If Songzan had gone, it should be fine, right?

Moreover, as a patriarch, this is what he should do.

"Well, if that's the case, then Songzan you go."

The old patriarch thought twice and nodded.

Songzan was overjoyed when he heard the words, stayed and said something more, then turned around and left.

He is now going to find Mulian to give vent to his excessive energy.

Immediately after he left, Elder Fatty approached the old patriarch and said, "Master patriarch, Songtsan will go to the Eastern Plain. The warrior will definitely not let him go."

The old patriarch shook his head and said, "Old fat, you don't know. The warrior is still very kind in his heart. We are already so miserable. He will definitely allow us to hunt in the Eastern Plain. Don't worry, Songzan will be fine this time. Moreover, the people of the tribe can also see his efforts and his dedication to the tribe. In this way, even if something happens to me, if he sits directly on the patriarch, everyone will not be disgusted."

Looking at the old patriarch's swearing look, the fat elder sighed heavily.

Yes, it is true to say so, but the kindness of the warrior is aimed at people.

For you, the patriarch, the warriors can make you a way out, but what about Songzan?

The situation became like this, and it was all caused by Songtsen. If he reaches the Eastern Plain, can he come back?

Songtsan is not the patriarch, you?

The warrior and him have only hatred, no friendship.

With a worried face, the fat elder dared not say what was in his heart. In that case, the old patriarch would have to vomit blood in a hurry.

Moreover, Songzan will also hate himself.

Alas, I just hope that Ji Thief will not do anything to Songzan, but it is impossible to think about it.

No, if that's the case, I will follow Songzan secretly tomorrow. If Ji Thief finds Songzan, he has the desire to move Songzan. He came out and asked Ji Thief in the name of the old patriarch and asked Ji Thief to let Songzan go.

After all, that was the son of the old patriarch, who was badly injured, and he still hopes to stick to it!