Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 406: -You calculate this by yourself

That day, Aliang and the others came back from hunting, and they faced the right amount in front of everyone. Today, the amount of prey received is much less than yesterday.

From more than three hundred to less than two hundred.

Although this was a situation that had been guessed in advance, Ji Thief still vaguely felt a little uncomfortable.

This understanding is very simple, which is equivalent to getting a perfect score in the first test and only passing the second time.

This feeling of loss is something everyone will have.

"Master Patriarch, according to this situation, I think I can catch about 100 prey tomorrow." A Liang said softly.

A Jie said: "So many people were dispatched, but they caught the prey from the hunting department a day before."

The thief looked back at A Jie: "Of the many prey caught before, more than 80% of them are dead. Can you keep them all living?"

Usma said, "Master Patriarch, I think the prey of our tribe should be enough to build a house for everyone."

The thief nodded: "So, tomorrow, all the tribesmen will return to their posts, Usma, don't rush to rest, let's discuss how to deal with the problem of tenon and tenon joints."

Uthma nodded when he heard this.

I gave some simple orders, and after everyone had eaten, they all rested.

Only Ji Pi and Usma discussed until the next morning approaching. In the first half of the night, Ji Pi had been explaining the functions and functions of the tenon and tenon joints to Usma. In the second half of the night, he had some understanding of the tenon and tenon joints. Usma can only put forward his own opinions.

In the end, the answer they got was to first draw a mark on the wood, and then use a sharp stone to carve it. The simplest and simplest mortise and tenon joint is also the same.

Although the two's method is primitive, but there is no trick. You can't wait until the copper is out and the nails are made before you start building the house.

Let’s not talk about when it was built, but Ji Thief wanted to make these copper weapons and equipment for the tribe to deal with the coming Qingfeng tribe in a year.

After yawning, the thief just felt sleepy. He said to Usma: "If there is nothing else, you can go to work first, and I will take a rest."

Usma looked at the sky that was about to shine, nodded, and turned away respectfully.

Ji thief wrapped in animal skins and lay down on the grass where the hoarfrost had begun to fall to sleep.

Tushan, who was sitting next to him with his eyes open all night, saw Ji Thief go to sleep, took a piece of animal skin and gently covered Ji Thief's body, and then stayed aside to guard.

This time, Ji Zei slept until the afternoon. When he woke up, the tribe was already busy.

Usma led the engineering department to carve imprints on the trees previously obtained, and everyone was practicing the mortise and tenon skills on the trees.

The thief yawned and walked over: "Usma, these pieces of wood have not been bark and processed. Even if you get the tenon and tenon out, you can't build a house."

Usma, who hasn’t rested since the thief’s farewell, smiled slyly: “Isn’t that the gate of the tribe is gone? I just wanted to re-establish the gate. By the way, let the tribes practice the patriarch The tenon and tenon technique you taught me."

The thief nodded: "Yes, this work attitude, if the tribe selects a model pacesetter, it is absolutely yours."

While talking, the thief stayed and squatted on the spot. If Usma did something wrong or didn't understand, the thief would point out and explain to him, and the two overcame the difficulties together.

About the evening, six tribes sent the first batch of trees.

It's really as they promised. Most of the trees they fell were oak and pine trees. Each tribe didn't say much. On average, it was about 30 logs. The total number of six tribes was 180. .

Many Ji thief dare not say, but these pieces of wood, built five or six houses, still no problem.

You should know that the span of each piece of wood is about ten meters, and it can be used as the wall of two houses.

The thief's idea is this, the houses to be built are not located in the valley alone one by one.

In this case, not to mention the land occupation, but also waste materials.

Therefore, Ji Zei planned to build four rooms and four rooms, so he arranged them in the shape of Tian.

In this way, the wood needed for the four walls is directly saved, and the top and bottom of the house can also be directly blown down, and the four-built houses share the same bottom and roof.

And on the roof, a triangular roof for drainage is used, so that if it rains, there will be no accumulation of water on the roof.

Well, other than that, when making each house, you can prepare two beds for the people to rest in, a table, this kind of simple furniture.

As for the technical problem of how to let the bottom of the house hang in the air, Ji Thief also has a solution.

First of all, four main beams were erected on the four corners of the house. Next to the main beams, there was a wooden stake that could stand about fifty centimeters above the ground. On the two corners of the wooden stakes, a solid oak was placed. Make the frame and pave the base with smooth and smooth trees.

If you are worried about quality problems, you can pave two rows of trees in a horizontal and vertical shape as the bottom. Although this is a waste of suspicion, it is Ji Thie's ethics not to do the tofu project.

As for the question of whether the short stump would be too high, Ji Thief also deliberated.

This height is just right.

As a result, the height of fifty centimeters will not overflow into the house due to rain.

Secondly, if it is a little higher, it will be convenient for the tribe to get in for repairs if something goes wrong with the house.

Moreover, in view of the problem of rain and wind, Ji Thief also has to consider. When building a house, every tree must be polished, polished and painted. After the construction is completed, a similar Arrange and woven the mixed clay with leaves the size of a fan for the second rainproof process.

Apart from these, the most important thing is the wooden piles used to support the weight of the house.

Ji Zei's idea is that every field-shaped house is supported by thirteen wooden piles, one at each corner of the house, plus one under each house.

In addition, the interior of the house should not be forgotten to be fixed with a cross to prevent the house from collapsing.

Ji thief went through his plan in his heart, and talked to Usma. The latter looked at Ji thief with a frown at the time: "Master patriarch, if you count according to your situation, you probably need one for every four houses. Hundreds of trees, I’m afraid so many, our prey is not enough."

"One hundred roots are one hundred roots. The main reason is that the people live in safety. Moreover, you have not found that the manufacture of four rooms and four rooms is much cheaper than a single room. If I did this, one house would cost four. There are more than ten trees, but now they are folded down, and each house only needs twenty-five trees?"

Usma was taken aback, yes.

Ji Zei followed: "The tribe now has nearly 600 people. Such a farm-shaped house can accommodate eight people. Therefore, we only need to build up to 75 such houses."

Usma raised his head and calculated: "Our current prey is about 1,200. According to the algorithm you said, Lord Patriarch, our prey is not enough."

The thief looked at Usma speechlessly: "Why don't you say that you have no cleverness. In those prey, there are dozens of cows that can replace ten wood, and there are hundreds of wild boars. Let's talk about it. , We are not only relying on these prey, we will use the prey at the same time."

Usma looked at the thief suspiciously: "Master Patriarch, are you talking about the income, is it the harvest of Aliang and his hunting department? That's too little."

The Ji thief sighed: "Can the spear thrower be sold? Can the Flying Stones be sold? Let's help the six tribes to domesticate the tribes. Does it count as one of their prey every day?"

Seeing that Usma was still a little sluggish, the thief said: "Imagine that each of the six tribes of the Lin tribe has eighty male tribes, do you need eighty spear throwers and flying stone ropes? No more, a spear-thrower, two prey for them, the flying stone is simpler, one prey for them. 480 people, that is more than 1,400 prey, plus help them train The rent of the tribesmen is equivalent to saying that these prey were pulled out and slid around. It was still ours, and there were more. Let’s see what we got and what we lost? We used some cheap spear throwers and exchanged them for nothing. A house that can shelter all people from the wind and rain. Don’t tell me that your engineering department is still not good at making spear throwers. At the beginning, I could make 20 sets of spear throwers in six days by myself. If you do it, it should be easier. I won’t talk about this account, you do the calculation yourself."