Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 442: -You just deduct it

Usma replied vigorously, turned around and quickened his pace and ordered to go.

Time came to the evening very quickly, and under the hillside, it was really lively as Ji Zei said, eating and drinking.

A breeze blew, blowing the aroma of the barbecue to the top of the mountain.

The people of the White Fox tribe who were originally hungry and lacking energy, either lying or leaning on the ground, smelled the smell, and couldn't stop drooling from their mouths.

"Okay, it smells so good..."

A white fox clan murmured.

His words fell, and other people nodded, "Yes, it smells good."

"Why can they eat and drink below? We starve on the top of the mountain? They are all human beings. Why!"

A member of the White Fox tribe said annoyedly.

His words fell, and a member of the White Fox tribe murmured next to him: "Aren't you all talking nonsense? They are from the Lihuo tribe, and we are from the White Fox tribe. There is no comparison at all."

"Hey, why am I not from the Lihuo tribe."

"Shh, are you an idiot? Can you keep your voice down? It would be miserable if we heard it."

"What's wrong, I'm telling the truth, don't you want to eat meat?"

"Nonsense, of course I think, but how to eat? We are not from the Lihuo tribe."

The white fox tribe looked around and whispered suddenly: "Or, let's go down the mountain and surrender to the Lihuo tribe, right?"

At the exit of this sentence, all the members of the White Fox tribe around stared at him.

The tribe was a little guilty: "Why, it's hard, do you all want to be hungry all night, tomorrow when the Lord Warrior comes up, die for the white fox? I don't know what you think, anyway, I don't want it."

Several other clansmen hesitated: "Who is willing to die if you can live? There is no possibility of victory at all with the Lihuo Allied Forces and the Warriors."

"Yeah, we are all human beings. Why should we die for the white fox? When that guy usually allocates resources, he takes all the benefits because he is the patriarch. Have you ever thought about us? Huh?"

"But, if we continue like this, what if the Lord Warrior doesn't want us?"

The white fox clansman waved his hand: "It's impossible not to leave us. Have you forgotten the words the Lord Warrior said during the day?"

"What is it?"

"The Lord Warrior said that there is a debt for what he has said."

A clansman with a good memory on the side glanced at him: "It's the wrongdoer, the debtor is the owner."

"Hmph, you remember clearly, then what do you mean by this sentence?"

After a word, everyone present was silent.

"Well, didn't we discuss how to surrender Lord Warrior?"

Everyone: "···"

The tribe who picked up the conversation first coughed a few times: "Ahem, um, Lord Warrior said during the day today. He only asked our leader to settle accounts. Don't you know who is the leader?"

"It's the white fox!"

The tribe member who exclaimed this sentence quickly covered his mouth, looked down at the left and right, and only breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that it had not been transmitted.

"It is the white foxes that the Lord Warrior wants to avenge. It has nothing to do with us. Let me say, we might as well go down the mountain and surrender Lord Warrior. We will also be members of the Lihuo tribe in the future."

"It's still you smart, just listen to you, then when should we go down the mountain?"

"Shhh, wait a minute, after the white fox and his son are asleep, let's go down the mountain."

"Yes, that's too right."

Ever since, an invisible betrayal, no, it should be a plan to abandon the dark and cast the light, so it was finalized.

Down the hillside, Usma has already started to roast the meat for the third time, and the Chongji thief said: "Master Patriarch, if you eat it again, you will eat it."

Ji thief lay on the ground, swaying Erlang's legs with his arms on his pillow, and said: "Have all the clansmen eat it?"

Usma nodded: "I have eaten it."

"Which prisoners are included?"

"They are all struggling."

Ji Zei hummed: "Then roast a little bit more to roast all of Aliang's harvest today."

"All, are they all baked?" Usma was a little startled.

The thief nodded: "Yes, otherwise, if people come down from the mountain and surrender later, we have to cook them freshly, isn't that much trouble?"

Usma frowned and looked at the thief: "Master Patriarch, how do you know that someone will come down from the mountain?"

The thief looked at Usma: "What, don't you believe it? Should we make a bet or something?"

"Bet?" Usma was stunned, often following Ji Pirate, he also understood some of the meanings of the words Ji Pirate said.

"What bet?"

Ji Thief became interested in an instant. He turned over and sat up with a chuckle, and said with a smile: "I'll bet whether someone from the White Fox tribe will come down the mountain to surrender today. Well, as for the stakes, how about we bet five hundred currencies?"

To be honest, Usma was a little tempted, but after he thought about it carefully, he shook his head and refused: "No more."

The thief said, "Why?"

Usma was a little twitched: "Well, patriarch, did you say that before, it's a bad bet."

Ji thief was stunned, and then he sipped: "Look at the way you buckle and buckle. You pay one thousand currency a month, what's the matter if you take out your half-month salary and make a bet. Think about it," If you win, you will have 1,500 currency this month."

I don't know, it's okay if the thief doesn't say this. When it comes to this, Usma blows his beard and stares.

"Master Patriarch, you are so embarrassed to say. You said, are you planning to let me do it for you?"

Usma suddenly became angry, and the thief didn't understand what it meant, so he asked: "No, why do you say that?"

Usma groaned: "The five prey I took a few days ago, and before it gets warm, you bet you will win it clean. Only this month, there are only 600 currency left for your salary. Also bet with me!"

Ji Thief snorted: "Well, a small bet is happy, a big bet hurts your body, isn't it?"

Usma turned her head, looking like she was not listening, chanting scriptures.

Seeing this, Ji thief rolled his eyes and said treacherously: "In this way, if you win our bet, I will give you one thousand currency. If you lose, you can give me five hundred."

Usma chuckled, "Master Patriarch, when you treat me stupidly, you will suffer for nothing? This shows that I can't win. If you want to bet the Lord Patriarch, you still go to Aliang, he is twelve thousand per month. Hundreds of currency is enough for you to pit two or three times."

The thief sighed, "Didn't I look at Alian too hard, am I embarrassed to cheat him?"

Usma wanted to cry without tears: "Co-authoring the patriarch, you are embarrassed to cheat me. I don’t do less work than Aliang every month? Every day I wake up in front of all the clansmen, and sleep until dark. After all the tribes. I don’t have any time to rest all day except to eat. How easy is it for me?"

Ji thief: "···"

He smiled shyly: "Then, let's lower the bet? How about two hundred currencies?"

Usma firmly shook her head: "Don't do it, don't do it!"

Ji Thief cursed: "Just buckle it. There is absolutely no woman who looks after you."

"Master Patriarch, you don't deduct. Why do you always cheat me if you don't deduct?"

The two of them were joking around here, and a teenager from the Thunder Fire Department trot over to the front and whispered to the Ji thief: "Master Patriarch, there is movement on the mountain."

Hearing this, the thief immediately stopped the quarrel with Usma, stood up and walked down the mountain.

Upon seeing this, Usma also quickly followed.

When the two came to the intersection guarded by Aju, they saw more than twenty primitive people holding their empty hands not far in front, saying: "Don't, don't attack us, we are here to surrender."

The thief turned his head and glanced at Usma, his eyes said you owed me two hundred currency.

Usma came here, but I did not promise you.

"Don't be stunned, greet people soon." Ji Zei urged.

Both Aju and Usma hurried forward, greeted all the White Fox tribes who had come down the mountain and settled in a secluded place. They brought water and food.

It can be seen that these white fox people are really hungry. After receiving the food, they can't say a word, and they just grabbed it and stuffed it into their mouth.

See what they look like when they eat, and they are reborn as the ninth hungry ghost.

"Slow down, slow down, don't choke." Ji Zei couldn't help but say.

These are all members of their future clans, but they can't choke to death because of eating a bite or two of meat. How can they be so embarrassed?