Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 447: -Lihuo Coin

Oga raised his head upon hearing this.

The thief looked at him and said, "In the past, Oga, you were not able to lead people. Then, while I and Aliang Hunting Department got the horses together, you will learn the basics of how to train the people with Aju. Huh?"

Oga nodded: "I understand the patriarch."

Ji Thief clapped his hands and said, "Very well, let's go to work next."

"Warrior, I have a question."

Xue suddenly raised his hand and asked.

Ji Thief looked back at Xue: "What girl?"

Xuedao: "What's the name of the currency?"

"Currency is currency, what else can be named." Ji Thief smiled.

"My patriarch, I don't think it's right. We should have a name as much as we do for each department, with different names and different division of labor."

Ji Thief said silently: "But there is only one way to use currency, and there is no division of labor or anything. Forget it, you can choose a name, what do you think is good?"

Tushan said, "My patriarch, your sign is the Sabretooth Tiger, how about it called Tiger Coin?"

Ji thief: "···"

Everyone hissed: "Why do you always feel that this name is a bit wrong?"

Ji Zei rolled his eyes: "Of course something is wrong, Tushan, if you can't speak, shut up first."

Tushan: "Uh."

Ji thief thought for a while: "How about calling Lihuobi."

Everyone hesitated a little: "Although it doesn't sound very good, it's much better than the tiger coin that Tushan just said."

Unanimously passed, the name of the currency was finalized.

After tens of thousands of years before this time, an undersea archaeological team composed of elites from various countries discovered a new monument on the seabed.

To borrow the words of an archaeological diver, the monument is magnificent.

Rough historical sites, among the historical sites covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, various shapes are superbly crafted and eye-catching. Everything in it proves to the archaeologists its splendor when it exists.

More than a dozen archaeologists who went to the sea spent a long time under the sea, until the oxygen was about to run out, these archaeologists who had taken countless pictures reluctantly floated up.

"Zhou, you absolutely don't believe what I saw below just now!"

A blond diver climbed onto the archeological ship and said to a companion who was obviously Asian.

The man looked back: "What do you see?"

The blond diving eyes chuckled: "I saw an ancient city, my God, you absolutely don't believe it. It was created by our ancestors tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, they should It's still the state of ape-man."

"Wait John, what did you just say, you said you saw an ancient city?"

"Yes, that's right, and I also found this inside."

While speaking, the foreign archaeologist named John solemnly took out a round copper piece with him.

The Asian called Zhou Zhou opened his eyes and ran up: "What is this?"

"I think this may be currency."

"How is it possible? It was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years before history."

"Then the ancient city is not harder to make than currency?"

"No, no, I mean if this is currency, then our ancestors, apes, are too smart."

"No, it's not necessarily ape-man, it may also be another advanced civilization. Maybe, this is an ancient civilization comparable to Atlantis. Hurry up, report the news and say that we have surveyed and found the remains of the ancient civilization. ."

"it is good!"

The next day, the world's major information websites were maxed out by a hot news.

Headline hits remain high.

The title is a high level of civilization that existed in prehistoric times, Atlantis, maybe it really exists.

Click into it and you will see hundreds of pictures of the ancient underwater city, leading everyone to understand the existence of ancient civilizations.

In addition, a picture of a round copper coin is posted at the end of the article.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Some netizens think that the ancient city may exist, but the currency is somewhat fake.

There are also netizens who think that prehistoric civilization can make even such a big and difficult ancient city, and make money. Isn't it easier?

Netizens with different opinions are arguing on various social networking sites and forums all day long.

However, no matter which school of view it is, it is believed that prehistoric civilization may actually exist.

On the other hand, the author of the envoy who caused all this is now taking Tushan Aliang, and the 30 selected hunting team players, patrolling back and forth in the eastern plain.

They are not aimlessly patrolling, the purpose of the thief is to find the horses that wandered in the eastern plain before.

In fact, before Oga came, the thief had also considered domesticating war horses.

However, several horses were captured, no matter how the Ji thief tame, these irritable horses would rather die than give in.

In the end, there was no alternative, Ji thief had to give up and let the people eat horse meat feast.

Although Ji thief also knows one way of tame, that is, the knight rides on a horse, and fights with it with endurance. In the end, if the horse loses its temper, it is considered successful.

But how to put it, Ji Thief did not dare to use this method at all.

Nothing else, the main reason is that the Lihuo tribe goes up and down, and there is no clansman who can ride a horse.

Alas, I hope Oga can do something else.

Thinking about it, Ji Thief raised his head, looked into the distance, and said in doubt: "It's weird, I remember the group of horses occupies around here, why haven't we seen them after walking for so long? Where is the shadow?"

A Liang said to the side: "I don't know too much, but recently many prey have gone to the south. I don't know what happened. It seems that this happened every time before."

Ji thief: "Huh? Going south? Is it because winter is about to pass, and these prey have migrated?"

Aliang looked at the thief: "What migration?"

Ji thief did not answer, and continued to hold his chin in contemplation. If the prey were to migrate south on a large scale, would this be an opportunity for him?

A chance to get rich?

If this is the case, then you have to prepare well, whether you can get rich overnight, it depends on this time.

"Master Patriarch, what's wrong with you?"

Aliang pushed Ji thief.

"No, nothing."

After regaining his senses, Ji Zei shook his head quickly.

"Go, let's get back the horse used by the Hussar Department first."


Nodding, the group turned south.

Three days passed in a flash, Ji Thief and A Liang together, in these three days, a total of 70 or 80 wild horses were captured.

In fact, if it weren't for the capture process, some wild horses were too grumpy and would rather die than surrender. To this number, you could add thirty or forty.

Just in the mountains, count the forest tribe, cloud tribe, and their eleven tribes. On this morning, the thief and Oga walked outside the breeding circle of the Ministry of Agriculture, discussing how to domesticate wild horses.

"Oga, I have a question. I also caught some wild horses before, but there was no way to tame them. What is going on?" Ji Thief asked.

Oga sighed: "Master Patriarch, in fact, there are skills in taming prey. Generally speaking, maternal prey is better to tame, and compared to maternal prey, younger prey is easier to tame successfully. As for horses, our tribe has not domesticated much before, but what do we say about this kind of prey. Compared with antelopes and cattle, this kind of prey is more wild, more grumpy, and more aggressive."

The thief nodded: "I know some of this, the smaller the better, the better."

Oga scratched his head: "If, as the patriarch, you said, let people ride on horses, I personally recommend that you don't hit the male wild horses. Let's domesticate the mares and ponies."

"Then I can't domesticate a batch of mares as war horses. The physical fitness is too bad, or you can think of a solution for Oga." Ji Zei said unwillingly.

Oga snorted: "There is one way, but it's a bit dangerous."

"What way?" Ji Thief asked.

Oga said: "That is to cut them off. In this way, the wildness that they bring as males will be much less, but in this case, the people who started the work may be affected by them. Attacking and resisting, another point is this method. The prey cannot survive because of the wound."

Ji Thief snorted and swallowed unconsciously: "What do you mean by cutting?"