Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 511: -What is slaughter?

People are sometimes so strange, obviously everyone has become a prisoner, but there are still a small group of people who think they are superior.

Look, you are not locked with shackles, which shows that your threat is too low.

Basically, these are the patriarchs who are still standing now and despise Shamu and them.

For them, Ji Thief did not have any polite thoughts.

Thousands of people are reluctant to kill themselves. Why, even a few stingers can’t be helped by yourself, right?

Ever since, Ji Zei waved his hand, and the hunter came in stride. He had already taken off the double knives on his back during the journey, and while shaking, he pierced the chests of the patriarchs a few times.

These patriarchs didn't figure out what Ji Thief said until they died.

With a plop, the dead body fell into the mud, and the hunter stood respectfully behind Ji Thief.

Those white bone coalition forces were dumbfounded. For a while, regardless of men, women, young or old, they all looked up at Ji Thief in horror.

I saw that Ji thief continued to open his mouth and said: "You can choose not to obey me, or I can kill you. Anyone who refuses to obey, stand up and try my weapon sharpness."

When this sentence fell, everyone knelt in the mud: "We are willing to obey, we are willing to obey."

The thief nodded: "Well, in that case, Aliang, take them all back."

A Liang was stunned for a moment, then turned around and asked Ji thief: "Master Patriarch, are you really planning to take these people into the tribe?"

Ji thief took a look and didn't explain to him.

When returning to the copper mine valley with these guys, it was already night.

Compared with the Li Volcanic Valley, which can accommodate at least 3,000 people, the Copper Mine Valley is too small and naturally cannot accommodate so many people. Because of this, these bone captives were placed outside the valley, and the hunter led the army. The two departments of the military and imperial government watched.

Having seen the thunderous method of killing people by hunting, these people have every reason to believe that hunting and killing them is as simple as eating, and that is the case, no one wants to escape.

In the valley, the thief summoned Ah Ju and they talked about how to place the bone captives. When the words fell, Alian was the first to express his doubts.

"Master Patriarch, we are like this, what's the difference between raising them?"

Ahu, who was relatively more calm, thought for a while, and said, "I think the patriarch does not mean that we raise them, but they raise themselves. The patriarch also said just now that if they don’t work, they don’t. Food to eat."

The thief nodded: "Yes, the definition of employment is that they are not responsible for them except for working for us. If they are attacked, we don't need to protect them. It is equivalent to saying that except for working for food. Besides, they cannot have any treatment from our tribesmen. Moreover, they have to act completely on our faces."

A Liang pondered for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, I understand, I understand all."

Ji thief: "···"

Ah Ju thought for a while: "Where do you plan to place them, the patriarch?"

A Liang snorted: "These guys are so dirty, I think just throw them to the edge of the mountain, let them continue to toss."

Ji Zei shook his head: "No, it would be too far to put them on the edge of the mountain. In this way, our control over them is slightly weaker."

A Liang scratched his head: "Could it be to bring them to our tribe?"

Ji thief rolled his eyes: "What do you want? Aliang, I ask you, you often go out hunting, are there any preys that are relatively rare and not too far away from our tribe?"

Aliang thought about it carefully, and then said, "Are there places with few prey in the Eastern Plain?"

The corners of Ji Thief's mouth twitched: "Think about it again."

Aliang pondered for a while and patted his thigh: "The tribe is about half a day east of the tribe. There are a lot of rocks, basically there is no grass or anything. There are basically no large prey, but there are many small animals. Can this work? "

The thief looked at him and asked, "Is this place enough to support eight hundred people?"

Aliang chuckled, "Master Patriarch, are you kidding me? That place is enough to support three hundred people."

Ji thief pinched his chin: "So in other words, this place is completely suitable for them, and it's not far from our tribe, so it's easier to be controlled by us."

Aliang nodded.

Ji thief snapped his fingers: "Well, in this case, put them in this place."

As he said, the Ji thief rushed to A Ju and said: "A Ju, you will go out and talk to those guys later, and say that I have allocated land to them for their survival, but they must strictly abide by our orders. If you dare to go out of the circle, it will be regarded as a challenge to our dignity and kill you all!"

Ah Ju looked at Ji Thief suspiciously: "Don't you want them to help us work?"

The thief chuckled: "Usually, when taming prey, the wild nature will be ground first, and these guys are the same. How to say, they were also the overlords of the Bone Wasteland in the past, you directly let them work for us, it will not take long, these guys Zhunsheng rebellious heart."

A Liang patted his thigh and said, "Don't be afraid. If they dare to have this idea, I will kill them."

Ji Thief glanced at A Liang: "These are precious labor for building our tribe, why are you so bloodthirsty?"

When the words fell, Ji Thief followed and explained: "Leave them alone, look at them, there is only such a piece of land for them to make, and it won't take a few days. With their temperament to eat and kill, they will not have enough food. To When there is no food, they will definitely try to get out of the ring to find prey. At that time, Aliang, you call Shanghun, and you two will bring the hunting department to punish these guys. Remember, you only need to kill the chickens and the monkeys, don’t come. Time to clean up people from misfortunes for me, understand? As long as they know what the rules are, they will automatically send representatives and bow their heads to find us for help. At that time, let's talk about the exchange of work for food. To ensure they accept it."

A Liang nodded, and suddenly asked, "Master Patriarch, what is killing chickens and monkeys?"

Ji thief: "···"

There are no chickens in this era, so how can I explain to you what is meant by killing chickens and monkeys?

Ah Ju asked puzzledly: "Why is the hunting department? Isn't the patrol a matter of alternating military combat and military use?"

Ji Zei curled his lips and said: "First, Ahu will take the military department instead of the military department to stay in the copper mine valley, and Acai will take the military department back to the tribe to heal his wounds. Second, Aliang’s hunting department has left these guys in their hearts. An indelible shadow, just like it was during the day of the hunter. It would be more appropriate for them to do this thing, understand?"

Ah Ju nodded, expressing understanding.

After that, Ji Zei confessed for a while, Ah Ju turned around and went out, and according to Ji Zei's instructions, he explained what Ji Zei had decided to leave behind.

When they heard the news that they could stay in the Eastern Plains, these refugees in the Bone Wasteland cheered.

They never expected that they would invade the eastern plains. Not only were they not punished, but on the contrary, they could stay and survive.

For a time, these refugees, who were only concerned about the fear of hunters, all had joy in their hearts.

If you knew this, you wouldn't use it to invade the Eastern Plains anymore. Just come over and discuss with the demon riding a tiger.

There was no words for a night, and the next day, after Ji thief arranged everything, he brought the crowd back.

While walking, Ji thief also asked Ah Ju how the refugees reacted yesterday.

Regarding this, A Ju just told the truth.

The Ji thief who understood the process just shook his head and smiled. After all, his heart is a group of poor people who are easily satisfied.

"Master Patriarch, these guys add up to so many people, they don't even have a decent animal skin on them, should we help them?" A Ju asked Ji Thief.

Ah Ju's thinking is very simple. After all, in such a cold day, if a lot of people freeze to death, the loss will be the labor force of the Lihuo tribe.

However, the Ji thief shook his head: "No, they have survived for so long. Don't worry, these guys have their own way to keep warm."

Seeing what Ji thief said could not be rejected, Ah Ju had no choice but to nod his head: "Then, then all right."

While talking, everyone rushed back.

Halfway through the division, Ah Ju took the clansmen left by Chief Lin and the others went straight to the south of the eastern plain, but Ji thief led Aliang and them to the place where these bone refugees were settled.