Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 616: -Two thousand people have overslept?

Mulian's words fell, and everyone was silent.

They looked at each other and didn't talk. In the end, Bu took the lead to break the silence, gritted his teeth and asked Mulian, "Is there really no way for Ji Thief?"

Mulian swallowed and looked left and right: "Except, unless they can destroy their trebuchet, no, otherwise there is no way."

"Damn it!"

Bu angrily roared.

"How many people are in the Lihuo tribe? Probably the entire mountain range is in their tribe." At this moment, Azhi suddenly opened his mouth.

Everyone looked up at him blankly, not understanding what Ah Zhi meant.

When I saw it, Azhi gritted his teeth and said: "The big deal is that we will surround the Lihuo tribe and not allow their people to come in and out, so they will always starve to death."

Zhuya clapped his palms: "Yes, it's like Ji Thief stopped us out of a large mountain range before hungry us."

Bu's eyes shone brightly, and he looked up at Mulian.

"You've been in contact with Ji thief, how about this method?" Bu asked.

Mulian was stunned, and finally nodded: "It can be, but the Lihuo tribe has a habit of storing food. Even if they don't need to hunt, the food they store is enough for their people to eat for more than 100 days."

All of what Mulian said was what A Jie told her, of course, this was before the harvest of Ji Thief's wheat.

Now, let alone a hundred days, even half a year, the Lihuo tribe is fine.

But Mulian didn't know, she just told Bu what she knew.

When the latter heard what Mulian said, he immediately rubbed his chin and began to meditate: "For more than a hundred days, I am afraid that there are no people. The entire mountain range is in the Lihuo tribe. Does the Ji thief care about them? People, I don’t believe they can last a hundred days."

With that, Bu turned around and asked Ah Zhi and the others: "How long can our food last?"

Azhi thought for a while: "The prey harvested in the various tribes of the large mountain ranges can be eaten for about 70 days. However, if it is given priority to the tribesmen of our own tribe, it will definitely surpass the Lihuo tribe."

Closing a fist: "Okay, give priority to food for our own people. Those who surrender to our tribe. Every day, just eat one meal and not die. As long as you don’t let the thief get food, then we will You can also hunt for food outside."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch."

Bu's hatred order was issued, and none of the Qingfeng people who stood up to stop him, on the contrary, everyone agreed very much.

After all, every member of the Qingfeng tribe thinks that they are superior. Those tribes who surrender to them are their slaves. Since they are slaves, there is nothing wrong with eating one meal a day. This has not allowed you to eat for two days. It's a meal.

Everyone thinks so, and they also think that there is nothing wrong with this approach.

Anyway, there is their own powerful strength here, even if those tribes have any ideas, they dare not act.

Wasn't it all like this in the past?

However, both Bu and Azhi have forgotten one of the most important points.

The smartest people of the two Qingfeng tribes have forgotten that in the Qingfeng Mountain Range, those tribes who surrendered to them did not dare to resist because there was no powerful tribe that could resist the Qingfeng tribe. Those who surrendered to the Qingfeng tribe only had to dare Against the Qingfeng tribe, they who have no powerful tribe to rely on have only one end, and that is death.

But now it was different. Hao was frightened by Usma and lost his spirit. Without the indomitable momentum of the past, it was equivalent to saying that Qingfeng tribe had lost an advantage first. Then there is the Lihuo tribe of Ji Thief.

When he was in the northern fortress before, the thief had already fully proved the strength of him and his tribe.

Hundreds of people can resist the attack of more than three thousand five hundred people for more than 30 days without losing. This powerful combat power is even the most elite fighter in the Qingfeng tribe.

Secondly, that is that Ji Thief has a big killer like a catapult in his hand.

After everyone has seen this big killer, all that is left to everyone is more and endless fear.

With blessings for various reasons, Bu dared to give this order, which was her own way of doing harm.

It was for this reason that a few days later, when the Qingfeng high-level copper was poisoned, internal turmoil broke out indirectly, allowing Ji Thief to take the opportunity to attack and win a big victory!

These are all things later, let's talk about the present first.

Frightened by the threat of the trebuchet, Bu did not dare to act rashly for a while. She ordered that all the people of the tribe would only besiege the Lihuo tribe and not attack them, and wanted to use the food issue to trap the thief.

When the morning light was born the next day, Ji Zei came to the Hengqiao as always, poked his head and looked out, and asked: "It's weird, the Qingfeng tribe didn't start on time like work in the first two days. Offense? Why is it so quiet today."

A Liang who followed the thief walked up: "Who knows, maybe they overslept."

Wen Yan Ji thief smiled helplessly: "How can there be more than two thousand people who have overslept?"

With that said, Ji Zei turned his head and glanced at A Liang, and said, "Why don't you go back and rest first, after all, you were injured yesterday"

A Liang shook his head straight, rubbed the wound that was bandaged yesterday, and said, "It's okay, Lord Patriarch, it's just a small injury, it's nothing at all."

Ji Zei sighed: "You, no matter what time you are so strong, listen to me, go down and rest, here I will watch."

What else did A Liang want to say, but Ji Thief waved his hand to send him off.

Immediately, Ji Zei looked up at the Qingfeng tribe outside Hengqiao, eight hundred steps away, and muttered to himself, "What are you playing with?"

Ji Thief didn't understand, so let everyone prepare for the battle.

Yesterday, the Qingfeng tribe attacked for a day. After sweeping the battlefield, the Ji thief made an inventory. The attack obtained more than 8,000 throwing spears, which is equivalent to saying that there is no throwing spear in the hands of the Qingfeng tribe.

Perhaps, they may be cutting down trees to throw spears and plan to use them for the next attack.

When thinking that this might be the reason, Ji thief couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled: "Unexpectedly, this girl of cloth still refuses to give up. There is something, but unfortunately, my spear is not a simple wooden spear, an ordinary wooden spear. The spear cannot be used at all."

When he said this, the thief even concluded that the Qingfeng tribe was doing useless work.

However, the Ji thief, who was considered exhaustive, had completely thought about this matter.

Bu didn't have time to pay attention to the few spears left in her hands. Now she was thinking about how to encircle the Lihuo tribe and defeat Ji Thief with food.

Bu, who is afraid of trebuchets, dare not take the initiative to attack, and can only adopt this clumsy method.

After Li was smashed by Usma with a trebuchet, and as this fierce man who represented the courage of the Qingfeng tribe was injured and lost his confidence, it seemed that the Qingfeng tribe had no spirit of the past.

It can be said that the Qingfeng tribe can maintain its invincible spirit.

When Hao fell, the high morale of the Qingfeng tribe immediately collapsed.

To a certain extent, the position of Li in the Qingfeng tribe is very similar to that of Ji Zei to Lihuo tribe.

Both of them are highly worshipped by the people below, unrivaled gods of war.

But the difference is that if Hao falls, the Qingfeng tribe is nothing.

If Ji Thief falls, there will be more than a dozen loyal and capable persons in charge behind him to support him and lead the Lihuo tribe to continue down.

As the patriarch of a tribe, Bu, like the thief, knows how to delegate power.

Otherwise, Liao will not become the spiritual pillar of the Qingfeng tribe.

The only difference is that when he delegates power, he does not know how to train other talents.

If a large tribe of thousands of people is really looking for it, wouldn't it be possible to find someone who can afford to be a leader?

Don't tell Azhi, the people of Qingfeng tribe are just afraid of him, after all, he acts too disgusting.

On the other hand, it was the Lihuo tribe. With so many responsible persons, most of them were trained one by one from the Wei Mo and even now they can be alone.

The gap in this one can be imagined.

Above the Hengqiao, Ji Thief hit his forehead, muttering in his mouth, "What the **** is the Qingfeng tribe doing? What the **** are you doing?"