Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 646: -Heads-up

Seeing that neither of them paid attention to each other, Azhi looked around, then walked over to Bu, lowered his voice and said: "Master Patriarch, you will put up with him for a while, and wait until you defeat Ji Thief. It’s not too late to vent his anger."

Bu saw the same Ah Zhi, and muttered softly, "It can only be this way."

As he said, Bu took a deep breath and said to A Jie: "Sorry, I was impulsive just now. Let's talk about how to defeat Ji Thief."

Although A Jie couldn't hear what Bu and A Zhi said, but A Jie only guessed and knew that the two of them were definitely not at ease. They specified that they were calculating themselves.

A Jie didn't care either. He knew very well in his heart that his role for Bu was to defeat Ji Thief, and as long as Ji Thief was undefeated, Bu would not do anything to himself.

Besides, when I came this time, what I was holding was to assist Ji Thief and divorce the Qingfeng tribe's plan.

Immediately, A Jie snorted, pretending to accept it reluctantly: "Okay, I forgive you."

When Bu heard this, he almost crooked his nose, and was about to explode immediately, but when he thought of the big event of defeating Ji Thief, he could not help but persuade himself to calm down.

Both the white ape and the gray fox who had witnessed A Jie hit the cloth and had to bow to A Jie were stupid.

This is too powerful.

For a while, the two faintly regarded A Jie as an idol.

"Then A Jie, what can you do to defeat Ji Thief?" The two were admiring here, suddenly hearing Bu's awkward laughter.

When the two looked back, they saw Bupi's smiling face.

It looks very awkward.

A Jie tilted his head to look at the cloth: "Defeat Ji Thief? When are you still thinking about defeating Ji Thief?"

Bu Wenyan was taken aback, staring straight at A Jie.

"The enemy has broken the supply line. If we don't get it back as soon as possible, let alone defeat the Ji thief, we are all in danger of starving to death."

The white ape and the gray fox looked at each other, and said to their hearts that we would not go no matter what they said this time.

The pig's tooth, who has never suffered from the bitterness of the hussars, stood up and patted his chest and said, "Master Patriarch, give me a hundred people. I will definitely be able to drive these guys away on horses, oh no, fifty people, fifty people. That's it."

Bu's eyes lit up, but he stopped when he wanted to agree, and turned to look at A Jie, to hear what A Jie meant.

Seeing this, A Jie sighed: "Pig Ya, don't underestimate the Hussar Club."

To A Jie, the simple-minded Zhuya was somewhat convincing, but for Huqi Bu, Zhuya did not look at it that way.

He grunted: "Everything, this and all, are all rubbish. I only need to take fifty people and I can defeat them."

When this sentence fell, the faces of the white ape and the gray fox were immediately covered with a layer of gray, which was ugly and scary at the time.

Bu noticed it but didn't say anything. She also believed that 300 people beat 40 people and they were beaten badly. This can no longer be described by the word waste.

But A Jie frowned and retorted Zhu Ya: "You can’t say that. The Hussar Division is the most elite department under Ji Thief. They are fast and extremely powerful. I didn’t know it was the Hussar’s division and hurriedly let them go. Patriarch White Ape and the others went, it was my fault, but Zhu Ya, you can't underestimate the Hussar Club."

Zhuya didn't say anything, but Bai Yuan and the others were about to cry.

Good people, nice people.

Look, I said there are still good people. No, only A Jie can understand us.

The changes in the expressions of the two were caught by A Jie. He turned to Zhuya and said, "If you go, you will also bring three hundred people. Otherwise, there will be no way to defeat the Husbandry Club."

A Jie's words were completely rushed to anger Zhu Fang.

Sure enough, the latter was fooled when he heard the words, and immediately annoyed: "No, I will take fifty people."

As he said, Zhuya turned and knelt down on the cloth: "Master Patriarch, give me fifty people. I promise to defeat this hussar and get through the supply line."

Bu was overjoyed at the time: "Okay, okay, I'll give you fifty people, don't learn from certain people, let me down."

Needless to say who these certain people are referring to in the exposition, as long as they are not fools, they can know.

Immediately, the faces of the white ape and gray fox were as ugly as if they had eaten flies.

We fought desperately for your Qingfeng tribe hungry. As the patriarch of the Qingfeng tribe, instead of comforting us, you also laughed at us instead?

Is this what people do? what?

Humph, return fifty people, if you fifty people can defeat that Hussar, we will give you the head, even if the pig's teeth will be defeated, even people will not be able to return.

The White Ape and Grey Fox thought with dissatisfaction, and both looked at the cloth as if complaining.

The latter did not pay attention, waved his hand, and said, "Okay, Zhuya, you go, I am waiting for your news."

Zhuya was overjoyed, said yes, turned around and left.

Here, don't worry about how Bai Yuan and the others complain and have a joke mentality.

Just talk about the pig's teeth, and after all fifty people were ordered, they rushed to the supply line.

That evening, at the same time and at the same place, Zhuya showed up around the supply line with people.

When the Hussar's whistle took the matter back to Oga in the col, Oga was depressed.

His deputy saw that there was something wrong with Oga, and asked, "Oga, what's wrong with you? Didn't we say that if the Qingfeng tribe comes, we will fight for a while and then withdraw? Hurry up."

Oga shook his head: "It's no longer a question of whether or not to fight. This time, there are people from the Qingfeng tribe headquarters, but there are dozens of them. How do you fight?"

The deputy looked at Oga suspiciously, and asked how he could fight, just like before.

"I don't know if it is the people of the Qingfeng tribe who are too arrogant, or if they are just like this, fifty people, just thinking about defeating us, even if we are defeated, it doesn't look like it, difficult, difficult. "

Oga patted his forehead.

The deputy was stunned: "Then what to do with the Oga?"

Oga shook his head: "What else can I do, let's go first, then everyone will listen to my orders, watch my actions, and be ready to retreat at any time."

"Yes, Oga."

There was a sound of horse hooves, and soon, the Hussar was out of the mountain col again and headed towards the supply line.

In the twilight, Zhu Ya was holding the stone spear and shouting in the same place.

Between the words, it was all words that made Oga and the others come out.

"This guy has no quality at all. The patriarch is much better than him."

The deputy of the Hussar Division saw this scene on the back of Mercedes-Benz, and spit out Oga.

The Ji thief who was far away in the Lihuo tribe sneezed out.

Oga exclaimed, "How can you say that, Lord Patriarch, even though Lord Patriarch does."

The Ji thief of the Lihuo tribe came out with another sneeze, rubbing his nose and filled with doubts: "Is it cold in the sky?"

Oga galloped and stopped at a distance of thirty steps across from the pig’s teeth. He slashed his horse. He only heard a sloppy horse neigh. The horseman stood up, and Oga took the giant axe to watch. Right pig teeth.

As the prince of the beast tribe, Oga knew Zhuya.

Immediately, Oga's eyes scanned Zhu Fang's body.

Zhuya also knows Oga, only to see that his eyes are clear, and he shouted: "It turns out to be the remnant of your beast tribe! Now, have you also defected to the thief?"

The few primitive beast tribes who followed Oga to the Ji thief, who served as the team leader, immediately became angry when they heard that, pointed the copper spear at the pig's tooth, and shouted: "Pig's tooth, you are looking for death!"

With that said, the captains of these teams are about to rush forward with spears.

Only when their movements started, Oga stopped him with an axe: "You are not the opponent of Pigfang."

As he said, Oga lightly urged his horse forward, and said, "Pig Ya, do you dare to challenge me?"

The public hussars were shocked when they heard this, singled out?

To be honest, these ordinary members of the Husbandry Club have not seen Oga singled out against others. Naturally, they do not understand Oga's strength.

But the four team captains are different. They came from the beast tribe together with Oga, and they know Oga's strength.

Heads-up, Oga is really not necessarily Zhuya's opponent.

After all, the strength of the pig's teeth is not a display. If it is from the Tushan or Hunter in the Lihuo tribe, it may be able to win, and Oga's words are a bit unclear.