Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 716: -It's a waste of saliva to communicate w

After Li Ya finished speaking, she stared directly at Ji Thief. No, to be precise, she should be staring at the pot of fish.

The thief was speechless when he saw this, and knocked on the edge of the pot with his hand.

With the buzzing sound, Li Ya returned to her senses and looked at Ji Thief blankly.

"If you surrender, this matter is not easy to say, and it is not difficult to say it."

"Do you have a way?"

The thief nodded: "There is a way."

Li Ya looked at Ji Thief with a weird expression: "What does it mean to be a way, if there is, there is, if there is not, there is no."

Ji thief smiled, looked at the two sisters, and then opened his mouth to ask: "Let's not talk about anything else. First of all, you first tell me your surrender method."

Wei Duo was a little confused: "Does this have anything to do with your approach?"

Ji Thief stretched his waist and said, "Of course it does matter. Tell me about the methods you have used, so I can think of a better method based on yours."

After hearing the words, Viduo nodded, and said that it made sense, so he said the method she had used before.

Specifically, Wei Duo and Li Ya came to surrender, basically, just one word, forced.

Fight without surrendering.

After listening to the two of them, the corners of Ji's mouth couldn't help but twitch: "According to the method of the two of you, there will be ghosts if others are willing to surrender."

Li Ya was a little dissatisfied: "What's the matter? We used to call surrenders like this in the past, and it was not only us who used this method. Why, isn't your tribe using this method?"

"Of course not." As he said, Ji thief suddenly remembered the Lin tribe and the others. It seemed that when they recruited the captives, they also used this method with a lot of effort and low effect.

Although this method can also recruit captives to surrender and provide temporary stability, it will be very easy to form hidden dangers for a long time.

Because you, as the host of the surrender, didn't treat the captives as your own, even if they surrendered, they weren't on the same mind as you.

"Thief, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Ji Thief not speaking, Li Ya stretched out her hand to beckon in front of Ji Thief and asked.

Ji Thief recovered and shook his head: "Oh, no, nothing."

With that said, Ji Thief looked at the two of them and asked: "First of all, your method won't work."

Li Ya looked at Ji Thief, and when she was about to refute, Ji Thief stopped her words: "Don't rush to talk back to me, I ask you, if you were caught by someone... "

Li Ya immediately snorted, "How could I be caught?"

Ji Thief said: "That's why I said if, if you are caught, the other party will surrender you."

"Then I might as well die."

"Do you still want to listen to my way?"

Wei Duo hurriedly held Li Ya: "Li Ya, shut up first and listen to the thief."

As he said, Viduo said to the thief: "A thief, leave her alone, keep talking."

The thief nodded: "If Li Ya is caught, you can't die if you want to die, and the other party makes you surrender by hitting, will you be with them?"

Two grunts came from Li Ya's nose: "Then I will kill him if I find a chance."

The thief slapped his slap: "That's not it. Such things as surrendering are not as simple as it seems. At least, you can't treat the other party as a prisoner and not treat the other party as a person.

Viduo hesitated for a moment: "But, they were prisoners."

The thief looked back at Wei Duo: "That was before, when you planned to turn them into members of your own tribe, they were no longer captives. They are all future tribesmen, companions, family members who can share the joys and sorrows together. You have to understand. Only when you let them feel a better environment and better treatment than their previous tribe, they will join you willingly and treat you as their own."

The faces of Wei Duo and Li Ya both showed embarrassment.

The thief said: "You are like this, you treat your own people as you usually do. Human hearts are grown. If you lower your attitude like this, I don't believe it. They really don't want to treat them better. Continue to return to their tribe. But most people have the idea of ​​being a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail."

Li Ya rubbed her head: "That thief, don't say it so difficult to understand, try to say something I can understand."

Ji thief: "···"

Victor comforted Li Ya: "It's okay, I don't understand either."

Ji Zei sat there, listening to the words of the sisters, he could fly into the sky with all eyes blank.

"Simply put, it is to move them, let them break free from the idea of ​​captives, and let them know that you really intend to be companions with them. It's that simple, understand?" Ji Zei said. , I did not forget to spit out: "Communicating with you two is really a waste of saliva."

Two people: "···"

"Besides, you should pay more attention to it." Ji Thief said.

The two of them didn’t understand, so they asked directly: "Pay attention to what?"

"What are they thinking about, such as why they refuse to surrender."

Li Ya said: "I wish I knew what they were thinking."

Viduo looked at Ji Thief twice, and when he saw his self-confidence, she couldn't help thinking, and asked Ji Thief, "A Thief, do you know what they are thinking?"

Ji Zei pursed his lips: "Probably know some."


"It's very simple. The reason for their refusal to surrender is that they don't feel sincerity with you. The most important thing is that they don't trust you."


"Yes, what is the strength of the Bailian tribe? What is the strength of the Gaoyan tribe? They are nothing more than worrying that after surrendering you, they will go to war later and surrender again. At that time, they will be punished. It means insecure. Understand." Ji Thief said.

Li Ya stood up directly: "What strength is back for us? Their Gaoyan tribe just let me defeat them, they dare not worry about us?"

The thief looked at Li Ya: "It's just a success or failure. It will only make them feel that you have run into luck. They will definitely be worried. You have to give them a feeling, a feeling that you can protect them after surrendering. "

Viduo hesitated: "But, we recruited them just to make them fight."

The thief nodded: "I know, and not only I know, but they also know. But you have to give them hope, give them a hope that as long as you follow you, they can defeat the Gaoyan tribe. Otherwise, why would they surrender? ?"

Wei Duo and Li Ya looked at each other and stopped talking.

Neither of them dared to say that they would eat the Gaoyan tribe.

Seeing their performance, Ji Thief knew what they were thinking in their hearts, so he stood up, turned and went to the side of his own shop.

Wei Duo didn't understand, so she asked Ji Thief what he was doing.

I only saw that Ji Zei patted for a while next to the floor where he lived. Finally, he took out the spear thrower he had made and polished before from the floor and threw it to Li Ya.

Li Ya received it in her arms and asked Ji thief in wonder: "What is this?"

Ji Thief sat down and replied: "This is the spear thrower I told you before. With it, the wooden spear can be thrown to a position forty steps away."

Li Ya was full of disdain: "What is this? I can also throw it."

The thief screamed and asked Li Ya: "But with it, you can throw an antelope directly to death within forty steps, causing effective damage to the enemy, and the accuracy will not be more than one arm away. , Can it?"

Li Ya shrank her neck when she heard the words, and looked at the spear thrower in her hand: "This thing is really so powerful?"

Ji thief pointed his finger at the side of his floor, and said, "There is a wooden spear I made for spear thrower, you can try it out."

Li Ya was about to stand up and get a wooden spear. At this time, a clan member walked into the cave. When he saw three people in the cave, he was shocked, and then opened his mouth: "Master Vidor, Master Li Ya."

The two looked back and saw the tribe: "What's the matter?"

The clan member respectfully said: "The patriarch will ask the thief patriarch to come over and say something."

The sisters watched Ji thief at the same time.

Ji Zei couldn't help but was stunned when he saw this. He asked what he was doing, it was okay, what did Bai Lian tell himself to do?

After thinking about it for a while, but didn't want to understand, Ji Zei raised his head and responded: "Okay, I will go now."