Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 740: -Territory merger

Heiteng is not a fool, and he immediately understood what Ji Zei meant, but he was a little reluctant in his heart.

What's the matter, we are co-authoring our efforts and we have died and injured so many people without saying, I have to bow my head with you, right?

Everyone is a patriarch, so why should I accommodate you?

Seeing Hei Teng's dissatisfied and bulging look, Ji Thief hurriedly said: "Don't worry, brother, Patriarch Bai Lian, I have already explained to her, this time the captives will be divided equally between the two parties. But Patriarch Bai Lian is afraid The next person disagrees. You lower your head and say a good thing. Once everyone comes to form an alliance, secondly, you have also benefited, brother. You have to think carefully about this win-win situation."

Hei Teng still didn't speak. If he wanted to do this, Bai Lian would be able to speak to his people, but what about himself?

What do their people think about themselves?

At this moment, Yi leaned over, looked directly at Ji Thief, and whispered: "We can bow our heads for the alliance, but only this time, and only this time."

After all, Yi looked at Ji Thief, and conveyed to Ji Thief an expression of not treating us as fools.

Ji Thief snorted, and immediately patted his chest as a guarantee: "Don't worry, there will never be any in the future."

With that said, Ji Thief ran to Bai Lian again.

After he left, Heiteng still took his son to complain: "Yi, why did you agree to him? If I bow my head, what do the people think of me?"

Yi shook his head: "My father, I think this thief can defeat the Gaoyan tribe and let us return to the middle of the Tianchan Plain! If he can do this, then this time bowing is nothing. Anyway, Wuyun must have known about our support for the Bailian tribe. Since he has torn his skin with the Gaoyan tribe, it is better to continue walking and stand on the side of the Bailian tribe."

Hei Teng stopped talking when he heard the words, these things were not something he could consider and understand.

However, Heiteng has an advantage, that is, let his son think about things he doesn't understand.

He knew that his son was much smarter than himself.

Immediately, after he figured this out, Hei Teng nodded and said, "Well, if Bai Lian is willing to form an alliance, it is nothing if I bow down once. If she doesn't want to..."

Yi said directly: "Let's go straight away, anyway, we will be wiped out by the Gaoyan tribe together."

Black Teng gave a grunt.

The father and son were talking here, and the thief had already arrived in front of Bai Lian, and said softly: "Patriarch Bai Lian, I have already said on the side of Hei Teng. In order to show his sincerity, he will bow his head to you and let you be in front of the tribe. There is something to say."

Bai Lian was taken aback: "Hei Teng will bow his head?"

The thief nodded: "Of course, if you don't believe it, you won't know later? But, I think, since people are willing to take the initiative to bow their heads, we can't let them suffer in vain. After all, we are all allies, so , I promised to give them half of the prisoners. How about it."

Bai Lian stared at him and was about to roar, but Ji Thief first held Bai Lian's hand and said, "Patriarch Bai Lian, don't say anything, you promised him first, and I will explain the specific situation to you later, OK? Really."

Seeing Ji Thief’s kind request, Bai Lian also hesitated, thinking of Ji Thief’s mysterious identity, Bai Lian nodded and hesitated: "Okay, well, I, I can promise you, but, You must give me a good explanation! And, I want to know your true identity!"

The thief made an ok gesture, and then took a step back: "Okay, both parties enter."

Bai Lian and Hei Teng glanced at Ji Thief at the same time, and took a step forward.

The thief cleared his throat and said, "Worship the world...oh no, it's the beginning of the meeting, the beginning of the meeting."

Two people: "···"

At the moment, Hei Teng cleared his throat and said loudly: "I'm sorry, Patriarch Bai Lian, we have come to rescue you without your consent. I'm sorry, and I hope you can forgive. We are too anxious to ally with you, no good the meaning of."

All the people of the Heiteng tribe stared at their patriarch, one by one, their hearts kept trembling, and they said what happened to the patriarch and how they bowed their heads with the woman Bai Lian.

All the members of the Bailian tribe also looked at Heiteng with staring surprised expressions.

Young people in some tribes may not know, but the old people who have experienced the white lotus dominance in the middle of the natural plain before know that at the beginning, the white lotus tribe and the black vine tribe had almost one small beating in three days and one large beating in five days.

The characteristics of the two tribes are almost destined to be natural enemies.

Unlike small tribes with a small population, almost all their energy is wasted on hunting and guarding against powerful beasts. The two tribes of Bailian and Heiteng were almost the cards of the natural plains at that time.

The two big tribes are vying for the title of the first tribe in the natural natural plains, so the frequent fighting is far from acceptable to other tribes.

This situation became even more severe after Wei Duo's father sat on Patriarch Bai Lian.

Almost every day, tribesmen on both sides die in the hands of the other.

The two sides also consumed the strength of their own tribe in this long battle, and gave the Gaoyan tribe a chance to rise.

Otherwise, the kind of chicken that Gaoyan tribe just started, has been killed countless times.

It is precisely because of this complicated relationship that people from both clans will react like this when they see Heiteng first bow their heads.

Bai Lian blinked and looked at Heiteng. She didn't expect Heiteng to really bow her head to herself.

In fact, let alone the white lotus, even Hei Teng couldn't think of why he was like this.

You know, Heiteng and Bailian, these two tribes, the patriarchs named after these two tribes, should be born on opposite sides.

But now, Black Teng bowed his head.

Among them, in addition to the words Yi just said to Heiteng, I am afraid that only Heiteng himself does not know what other reasons are in it.

Bai Lian came back from a daze, coughed two or three times, and said vaguely: "Look, for your sincerity, OK, let's form an alliance."

As he said, Bai Lian stretched out her hand.

Hei Teng raised his head and looked at Bai Lian's hand straightly. He couldn't help but flushed his face, but fortunately, his skin was dark and no one could tell.

At the moment, the two clap three times and form an alliance.

The thief began to slap haha: "Okay, okay, good alliance, good alliance."

Bai Lian did not go to see Ji Thief, but stared at Heiteng: "There are forty-one prisoners of the Gaoyan tribe captured this time. Twenty one for you. We want twenty. It is for ours. How about forming an alliance?"

Give it a peach, and repay it with a plum.

Bai Lian may not understand the meaning of these words and how to write it. However, Bai Lian knew that Heiteng had bowed his head to him on behalf of the Heiteng tribe. If he held it again, it would be too much.

Sure enough, when Bai Lian said these words, the people behind the black vine body were relieved.

Although only one person was missing, they all understood Bai Lian's attitude.

As long as you don't think of yourself as an idiot pit.

In a sense, the alliance between the two tribes can be regarded as happy.

The thief hit the iron while it was hot, and said to Heiteng, "Brother Heiteng, if there is nothing else, you might as well go back now and move the tribe over, and then the two tribes live in one place, and the territories are temporarily merged."

When the words fell, Bai Lian and Hei Teng objected at the same time: "No way!!!"

After speaking, the two glanced at each other, snorted at the same time, and turned their heads.

Li Ya also walked over at this time and grabbed Ji Thief's arm, and said: "A Thief, what are you talking about, how can the territories merge!"

Ji Zei pursed his lips: "What do kids know, drink your water, why, I got bored in the salt jar just now, aren't you thirsty?"

Li Ya: "···"

The thief continued: "This is what I think. Since the two tribes have already formed an alliance, if they move together, they can also advance and retreat and defend together better. Otherwise, if the Gaoyan tribe makes a comeback, no matter if it is the Bailian tribe. It's the Black Vine Tribe, and the other one can't immediately support it. If something happens, the two patriarchs don't want to see it, right?"

While talking, Ji Zei shook his head left and right to look at the two of Bailian and Heiteng.