Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 742: -frank

Ji Zei's words are for this reason, Bai Lian is not embarrassed to say anything, she just muttered to herself: "If the Black Vine Tribe is not credible, then I will not ally with them."

Ji Thief pushed his hand and said, "Don't talk about forming an alliance, I will help Patriarch Bai Lian deal with these guys."

Bai Lian nodded, and suddenly his heart moved, watching Ji Thief ask: "By the way, you haven't said your identity yet, this time I want to listen to the truth! Yesterday, Li Ya told me that Wuyun is very afraid of you. What happened, and also said that you came out of a large mountain range, right?"

Ji Zei blinked, then nodded.

"Are you really the patriarch of a big tribe?" Bai Lian asked frowning.

"Yes, that's right."

"But why are you in the Tianchan Plain?" Bai Lian stared.

The Ji thief shrugged and said speechlessly: "I told Patriarch Bailian you at the beginning, but I can't help you if you don't believe me."

Bailian: "···"

The thief gradually narrowed his eyes: "We have to start with the summer one year ago."

"One year? What is that?"

"Oh, that's a way of timekeeping for our tribe. Thirty days are one month, three months are one season, and four seasons are one year."

Bai Lian lowered her head for a moment and thought: "That is three hundred and sixty days?"

"Well, but to be precise, it was nearly 500 days ago."

When talking about this, Ji Thief couldn't help but sighed, saying that he had been in primitive society for so long.

At the moment, Ji Zei explained how he came from the primitive society, how he led the Frost Valley tribe to develop and grow, and then was wronged to establish Lihuo, until he defeated the Qingfeng tribe.

Of course, Ji thief didn't directly say that he had crossed over. He just described himself as a wanderer in his own story. When he was about to be eaten by the Black Mountain tribe, he happened to meet Xue.

"Tushan, Aliang, Aju, these are my friends, my subordinates, the backbone of the Lihuo tribe, the person in charge." Ji Thief said.

His words fell, and there was no response for a long time. For a while, Ji thief was a little puzzled. Looking back at Bai Lian, she was sitting on the spot with a shocked face. If she didn’t know, she might have thought that there would be a sitting Buddha with open eyes. .

Under the doubt, Ji Thief stood up with his thigh and walked towards Bai Lian. When he came to the front, he waved his hand gently and said, "Patriarch Bai Lian? Chief Bai Lian? What's wrong with you?"

After shouting several times in a row, Bai Lian was clever, and he recovered, looking at Ji Thief with a complicated expression.

He is really the chief of a big tribe, and the thief is really the chief of a big tribe! No, it shouldn't be the patriarch of the big tribe, it should be the patriarch of the super tribe!

Good guy, a tribe with more than 1,600 people, and ten tribes with more than two hundred and three hundred people as solid allies. This, this sub-power, is like a joke.

The Gaoyan tribe, with only four hundred people and more than two hundred male tribes, would dare to run wild on the Tiansan Plain. If this is to pull a tribe from the large mountain range where the thief is located and place it on the Tiansan Plain, it would not be the sky. The production plain must be unified.

No wonder, when the thief first left, he said that no matter what kind of trouble it was, he could help solve it.

It's ridiculous that I thought that the thief was talking big, but in the end he didn't expect that he did have this strength.

After all, the Qingfeng tribe of three thousand five hundred people were all destroyed in their hands. In terms of strength, the Gaoyan tribe was among the enemies mentioned by the thief, such as Black Mountain, White Fox, Qingfeng, and White Bone. , I am afraid that it is not ranked at all.

After the split Frost Valley is not counted, listening to the words of the thief, they have not been regarded as enemies.

Gudong, Bai Lian couldn't help taking a sip of water quietly.

The thief looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Patriarch Bailian, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Lian waved her hand quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, by the way, A thief, that dark cloud, how did you meet him?"

The thief said: "When I was the number one warrior in Frost Valley, Wuyun's father Fengchuan and their tribe formed an alliance with the white fox tribe, and they fought with us as enemies. At that time, they were attacking Shuanggu. Gu's action was blocked, Fengchuan was killed, and Wuyun hated me like that. Besides, after several actions, I scared this guy, so he remembered what I remember best. ."

Bailian: "···"

The thief went on and said: "At first, when I cleaned up the Arctic Fox Alliance, I was wondering why I couldn't see the dark clouds. Now I think about it, 80% of it was after he was rescued, he left the Arctic Fox Alliance and wandered to the sky. Produced the plain, and then joined the Gaoyan tribe. Inferred from time, this is probably the case."

When Ji Thief said so, Bai Lian felt even more uncomfortable.

The black cloud that was bullied by the thief on the ground at the beginning, came to the Tianchan Plain and turned over and became the overlord. Where would you go to reason?

If it is said that the thief does not follow the Tianchan Plain, it is impossible to say that the 16 tribes of the large mountain range except Gaoyan will be bullied by the dark clouds.

Alas, they are all people, so why is the gap so big?

Bai Lian looked up at Ji Thief: "Then what you said was betrayed..."

The thief nodded: "It's also true."

As he said, Ji Thief stretched out his hand to touch the wound on his back that almost killed him, and calmly said: "This wound is what he left me."

Bai Lian couldn't help being surprised: "Then you went back because of him?"

The thief nodded and shook his head: "Partly because of him, and partly because so many people from the Lihuo tribe are waiting for me. I can't help but go back."

Ji thief couldn’t control his speaking skills, and said sadly: “I used to train him as a deputy. After Qingfeng’s First World War, I promoted him to become the deputy head of the patriarch. However, I did not expect, I did not expect, I trusted the most. , The most important person, but because of a treacherous woman, will kill me."

Bai Lian stood up and came to the side of Ji Thief.

Ji Zei looked up, looking at Bai Lian with some puzzled sadness.

Bai Lian patted Ji Thief's shoulder gently: "A Thief, I know how it feels to be betrayed. When the fathers of Viduo and Li Ya were betrayed and killed, I almost felt like I was going to die. Really, if it weren’t for Wei Duo and Li Ya, and dozens of clansmen waiting for me, I’m afraid I would kill myself into the Gaoyan tribe, catch the **** Azhong, and kill him directly! Although I can’t do it , But at that time, I just wanted to fight him hard!"

Bai Lian's words resonated with Ji Thief. It can be said that the psychological changes of the two were exactly the same at the beginning.

"You have helped us so much, and I will also help you. After the Gaoyan tribe is eliminated, I will bring the Bailian tribe to help you return to the large mountain range, to help you regain your position in the hands of the traitor." Determined to say.

Ji Zei shook his head: "No need for Patriarch Bai Lian, I will take your thoughts, but this is my own family affair. My Ji Zei has not fallen to the point where I need help from others in my own housework."

"Of course, Patriarch Bai Lian, these words do not look down on you." For fear of Bai Lian's misunderstanding, Ji Thief said in a hurry.

Bai Lian laughed: "It's okay, I know everything, don't worry."

Ji Thief gave a hum.

Bai Lian crouched in front of Ji thief, and said in a voice like someone who came over: "A thief, although I don’t know how much our Bailian tribe can help you, but I know that if you don’t have anyone to help you, you can take back your patriarch position , How difficult it is. Although you used to have high prestige in your tribe, you have to know that most people listen to people who can better protect them. The traitor you said..."

"His name is A Jie."

"Yes, the A Jie you mentioned, can you guarantee that he won't control the Lihuo tribe for these dozens of days? You also said that his ability is very strong, plus, there is the woman named Mulian Help him. Have you ever thought about it, what if you go back when the time comes, Lihuo tribe, no one recognizes you?" Bai Lian asked.

Jiye blinked, and then shook his head: "No, the eighteen leaders of the Lihuo tribe, except the traitor A Jie, all obeyed my orders."