Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v2 Chapter 809: -Don't understand

In the past, Addo believed that after his tribal valley was forged by the thief, his defense power had already exploded.

Until he watched the defense of the Lihuo tribe from a distance, he immediately felt ashamed.

Compared with the valley of the Lihuo tribe, the defense of the Bailian tribe is simply a younger brother.

The kind of defense of the Lihuo tribe can be regarded as unbreakable, unbreakable.

In addition, the weapons used by Ugly are not just a few simple ones, but the entire tribe is equipped with such weapons.

Ado had experienced the sharpness of a bronze knife. He felt that this kind of weapon was far superior to other weapons.

Aside from anything else, let’s compare the Gaoyan tribe. Don’t look at their 600-odd people, but if the Lihuo tribe holds a copper knife and spear, up to 100 people can make the Gaoyan tribe disappear.

Not to mention that there are thousands of people in the Lihuo tribe.

This is what makes Ador really feel what is meant by wealth.

For a while, Ado also believed the fact that Ji Thief was the patriarch.

That's not a big deal, the main thing is that while Ado believed this fact, he admired the thief even more.

The patriarch of such a big tribe, how did the thief do it?

It's too powerful.

After returning from the Eastern Plains, Ado did not change anything else. As always, he added a venomous tongue. The only thing that changed was that his indifferent attitude towards Ji Zei from the beginning became awe.

At the moment, Addo was very obedient and well-behaved to tell him over the past few days in the Eastern Plains.

Including what Xue had heard about the Lihuo tribe, he also told Ji thief.

When Ji thief heard that A Jie was persecuting the people in charge and Mulian showed up to instigate the people, his fists couldn't help clenching.

Later, when he heard that Xue was forced to leave the Lihuo tribe and wandering outside, Ji thief couldn't help being angry and wanted to set off back to the eastern plain immediately.

"A thief, Xue said, what the Lihuo tribe was like when you left, she will give you what the Lihuo tribe is like."

Hearing what Addo said, the thief was taken aback: "Did Xue say that?"

Duo nodded: "Of course, I heard clearly. I was right by when Xue said this. Moreover, Xue has a very complete plan."

After hearing Addo's explanation, Ji Thief was dumbfounded for a long time, and then smiled: "It seems that sister, she has her own ideas."

Ado? After a cry, he asked Ji Thief: "Aren't you going to go back?"

Ji Zei shook his head: "No, I have determined that Xue is not in danger. Why should I go back so anxiously? Besides, there are ugly and they protect her. It's nothing big, the eastern plain is so big, unless A Jie is used for launching. The clansmen went to look for it, otherwise, they could not find Xue. But if they had too many people, Xue would have heard the news and left. Even if the eastern plains can’t stay, Xue can run to the vast mountains to hide. Not to mention there is beast blood, the patriarchs of the eagle can let Xue take refuge. Since Xue Xue plans to solve A Jie by herself, then I will not intervene."

Ado shrugged his shoulders: "Your heart is so big, I have heard that the people in charge in your tribe have been caught by A Jie, you are not afraid that they will die?"

"A Jie will not kill them in a short time, unless A Jie is mad and wants to make the Lihuo tribe become turbulent. He will only attack Usma and the others if he takes the hearts of all the people. Time, I believe that Xue has already figured out a way to rescue the people. As for me, my task is very simple. It is to help you eliminate the Gaoyan tribe and then support Xue. This time, I will fight Xue."

While talking, Ji Thief laughed.

A big rock in my heart fell to the ground, and it was no longer as nervous as before.

At the moment, Ji Thief smiled slightly: "Ado, go call Patriarch Bailian and Patriarch Heiteng, let's discuss the battle against Gaoyan tribe."

Ado nodded hurriedly, without saying a word, stood up and went out.

In this regard, Ji thief has some doubts. He said in his heart what happened. If he left it in the past, Ado would not have to bargain with him, so he left after a long time after he came back.

How did the thief know that Addo was completely conquered by the strength of the tip of the iceberg displayed by the Lihuo tribe and became his own little fan.

Soon, Bailian, Heiteng, Yi, Wei Duo, and Li Ya all arrived.

When the five of them arrived, Bai Lian was the first to ask, "A thief, I heard that you are planning to do something against the Gaoyan tribe?"

Ji Thief smiled and nodded, let everyone sit down first, and then said: "Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's a good time to start, plus, we have been training for so long, it's time to attack."

Li Ya curled her lips slightly: "You also know that after training for so long, it's time to start."

Bai Lian glared at her daughter, and then asked Ji Thief: "Then, when do you plan to do it?"

Ji Thief thought for a while: "Don't delay, tomorrow, just do it tomorrow."

When the words fell, everyone was stunned: "So fast?"

The thief nodded: "Yes, you should be caught off guard by the Gaoyan tribe. What are the Gaoyan tribes doing now?"

Yi Tan opened his hand and said: "Before he was wary of us. Recently, it seems that we don't know how to do it, so I relax."

Ji thief snapped his fingers: "It just so happens that tomorrow, I can beat them by surprise. How many men can fight in the tribe now?"

"The tribes of the two tribes add up to 1,500. For male tribes, there are about 700, but only half of them have been training, and the others have not been trained much."

Ji thief thought for a while: "Half, it's completely enough, the rest only needs to go for a cutscene and scare the Gaoyan tribe."

"The thief, how are you going to deal with the Gaoyan tribe?" Li Ya asked.

Ji thief rubbed his chin: "How to deal with it, isn't it easy? All the members gathered together, surrounded the Gaoyan tribe, and then pushed them horizontally. If they surrendered, they would surrender. "

"That's it?" Li Ya wondered if there was a problem with her ears.

The thief said, "Yes, that's it, otherwise, what do you think?"

Li Ya scratched her head, a little embarrassed: "No, I think if it were you, you should have done a little bit. Didn't you say that head-on-head is the most stupid way of fighting?"

Ji thief: "···"

"I just advocate the next work, but it's not really the next work."

Bai Lian interrupted the quarrel between Ji Thief and Li Ya, and asked: "A Thief, you must have other ways. Don't lie to me, I know, you will never really fight the Gaoyan tribe. "

The thief patted his chest: "It's still Patriarch Bailian, you understand me. In other words, do you remember that we attacked the eight tribal captives who helped the Gaoyan tribe before?"

Viduo said, "Are you talking about the three hundred weak and old prisoners?"

The thief nodded: "This time the solution to the Gaoyan tribe without blood and blood is on them."

Everyone blinked and didn't understand what Ji Thief meant.

However, Ji Zei didn't explain the meaning to them, but said: "Everyone, go and prepare first. Tomorrow morning, prepare to set off. The fastest five days, the latest seven days, the Gaoyan tribe will be removed from the Tianchan Plain! "

Although everyone was surprised at what Ji Zei said, but seeing the things Ji Zei did in the past, everyone couldn't help but believe it.

It can only be said to be doubtful.

Even Yi, the smartest among the crowd, couldn't figure out what the Ji thief would use. Without loss of a tribe, Gaoyan tribe could be wiped out within five to seven days.

That's six hundred people, not six hundred fish, everyone's bite.

Don't understand, don't understand.

Shaking his head and sighing, everyone except Ji Thief in the cave showed a stunned expression.

There was no word that day. At dawn the next day, the 700 male tribesmen, plus the previous 300 prisoners, all stood neatly outside the tribe.

Li Ya is doing pre-war mobilization.

She is still talented in this, just a few words, it makes everyone's morale become high, very suitable for brainwashing work for people.