Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1035: -Please trust the military department

On the way to the charge, the tribesmen of these limestone mountains saw many of their companions falling and dying. They were frightened, angry and afraid.

Naturally, they were surprised that these guys could attack from such a distance, but the anger was that all their companions died before they even touched the enemy.

Those who are afraid naturally don't need to say more. In the past, they believed that the battle was a way of close combat, relying on personal courage and whoever is weak.

But these enemies in front of them seemed to have stronger means, and it didn't matter what they were, they lost their lives in confusion.

Right now, these limestone tribes have only one idea in their hearts, that is, if these well-dressed guys like Gaoposhan fight close to them, they will throw out these weapons with only one arm, and they can hit them on the ground. .

"Damn bastards, I don't believe it anymore, everyone keeps rushing, and you're about to run into them!"

A guy who seemed to be in a low position in the limestone mountains screamed, holding a wooden spear in his hand, and rushing up with his head.

When everyone is scared, if one person can stand up, the rest will dare to charge their lives.

After all, this is how I came here when I was in the Limestone Mountain Range. For these thin Limestone tribesmen, it was almost an indispensable daily routine.

Everyone bleeds in the past, but not as much as today.

At the moment, everyone rushed forward desperately, but only three waves of arrow rain before and after, the forward of the limestone tribe had already approached Gaopo.

In the high ground defense formation, A Liang smiled softly and said: "A Ju, it's up to you, the hunting department, depending on the situation, to suppress and support, save a little bit, we have to support it until the evening."

When Aliang's words fell, all the hunting tribes shouted: "Yes!"

Instead, Ah Ju pushed away the two clansmen in front of him, and walked forward with a big knife in his hand. Cang Lang Lang and the sound of gold and stones hummed, Ah Ju's eyes widened and shouted, the big knife dragged on the ground was suddenly lifted and pointed in front of him. A man from the Limestone tribe who rushed up slashed it with one knife.

The guy just rushed up and was excited. Suddenly he felt the bad wind on his head. He raised his head and said, he raised the wooden spear in his hand to stop it. The big knife was already carrying the wind and thunder.


With a sound, the big knife split the wooden spear and slashed directly at the head of the limestone tribe.

As soon as he hid himself, the half-faced blade of the big sword was embedded on the guy's shoulder and penetrated directly into the bone.

In a sneer, Ah Ju lifted a leg and kicked out on the chest of the Limestone tribe.

I saw a person flying up in the air, rolling on the ground and groaning constantly, clutching the wound on his shoulder and shouting.

Ah Ju pointed forward with a big knife in his hand: "Military and Armed Forces, defensive formation, kill!"

Hundreds of shouts yelled in unison, the sword in his hand rose and fell, and the blood drifted.

In the past, even the Lihuo tribe liked to rush forward when fighting. Later Ji Thief discovered this problem and corrected it consciously.

After thinking about it for a long time, he figured out some defensive formations. To put it bluntly, it was a cylindrical formation.

Once casualties occurred in the front, the tribesmen behind immediately made up for it.

There is an endless stream.

And this cylinder formation, the military department is the first to start training.

They were originally infantry units, and this was even more handy when playing. Apart from their personal habits at the beginning, they didn't cooperate with their teammates much. Later, under the beating and scolding of Ah Ju, they all became honest.

No, the broad-sword team fought off the large-scale charge with their swords, and the sword and shield soldiers used short swords to solve the enemies that came close to them.

The matching room is seamless and the formation does not retreat.

Aliang led the hunting department to command behind him, and to see which direction there were more enemies rushing up, he directed the tribe to throw a wave of arrows to block their subsequent attacks.

The two departments cooperated for the first time since the reorganization, but it was also handy.

Soon, from the beginning, when the enemies met again, everyone was in awe, worrying that the three hundred people on their side would not be able to withstand so many enemies. Gradually, they became comfortable and relaxed.

After twenty minutes of fierce fighting, these limestone tribes couldn't hold it.

After desperately rushing for so long, they didn't even break through their defenses.

They are not hiding in the valley and fighting against themselves by terrain advantage.

It's almost the gentle **** that is peacefully indistinguishable from each other, so everyone can't help them?

What are you doing.

Someone started backing off.

Soon, all the limestone tribes backed down.

On the gentle **** of the high ground, in front of the Military and Armed Forces Department, there were more than 20 dead bodies, 70 or 80 injured, clutching their wounds and climbing down, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, calling the limestone tribe.

Ah Cai carried the broadsword and said excitedly: "A giant man, shall I take someone to kill these guys?"

Ah Ju said solemnly: "Don't mess up the formation. Our goal is not to kill the enemy, but to act as a bait to attract their attention."

A Liang nodded: "That's right, what Ah Ju, you let me make a way, let's go out and collect the arrow."

Soon, twenty hunting tribesmen came out and recovered the arrows shot within forty steps along the high ground. One more step, they didn't go out.

A Liang came to Ah Ju and asked, "How about the casualties of your military department?"

Aju looked at Acai, and Acai said, "Just after the statistics came out, three members of the tribe were injured and no one died in battle."

Ah Ju said: "The record is not bad, Aliang, where is your hunting department?"

A Liang spread his hand and laughed: "They didn't even break through the defense of your military department, and we didn't have any casualties. It's just that we used more bows and arrows."

"Then how many bows and arrows do you have?"

"It probably took more than six hundred arrows in the blockade just now. I'll see how many people can recover later. I knew this earlier. When I came out, I should ask everyone to bring more arrows." A Liang said with a smile.

Ah Ju also laughed: "No one thought that these guys would come out to make trouble. To be honest, with so many of us, it is enough to deal with three hundred wanderers. Otherwise, the patriarch would not confuse him. The riding department and your hunting department second team and third team stay."

A Liang sniffed, looked at the flat land under the high slope, and said, "If Oga is here, a charge can knock them back."

"It's a pity that the road from the large mountain range is too narrow to walk, and the Hussar can't come."

"That's why I said it's a pity."

"Master Aliang, everyone recovered about two hundred arrows within the range you mentioned. If you go out again, it will be out of the range you said." A hunting tribe rushed back to Aliang and said.

Aliang snorted: "Then don't go out, just within the range of forty steps. If it's farther away, it won't be difficult to retreat when they come up next wave."


"Aliang, we have to change the way of fighting, but if this is the case, your arrows will run out sooner or later. Without the support of your hunting department, even if our military department can fight again, these guys will run out of strength and appear. It's the death of the battle." Ah Ju said solemnly.

A Liang nodded: "What you said makes sense, so I plan to reduce the suppression of their charge in the future. In this way, I won't lose too many arrows."

Ah Ju thought for a moment and said, "A Liang, it's better to get rid of all the suppression."

Aliang was stunned: "Are you all gone?"

Ah Jun said: "No matter how powerful we suppressed when they charge, they can still rush up. Instead of blocking their charge, it is better to use it later to support the battle of the military headquarters."

Aliang said, "Can it work?"

A Ju gritted his teeth: "You can do it, I believe the military department!"

Aliang also made up his mind: "Well, then I will support your military department with the arrows that suppressed their charge. In this case, it will be easier to recover the arrows."

"it is good."

As the two said, they suddenly looked at each other and laughed.

A Liang looked at these two, just muttering in his heart, saying what's the matter with these two? Going wrong?

Between talking and laughing, these limestone people began to charge again.

This time, Aliang didn't let the Hunting Department take the initiative to suppress their charge.

Even these people of the Limestone tribe were puzzled, and they were thinking about it in their base.

What's the matter, these guys obviously have weapons that can attack from a long distance, why don't they use them?

In fact, let alone these ordinary tribesmen, even the limestones watching the battle under the high slopes were guilty of the same confusion.