Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1037: -You know how to read

In the final battle, Aju and Aliang made no reservations and used all his strength to fight.

The reserve team, which was requested by A Liang and kept by A Ju, also played at this time.

Under the high ground at dusk, fight a group.

The two departments of the hunting military and military are confident, first, because they have made preparations on the periphery and have backup support.

Secondly, the tribesmen in large mountain ranges have no night blindness that primitive people often have with their daily food and nutrition.

In the evening, it was the home court of the Military and Armed Forces Department.

The battle continued to ferment. When the sun was about to set, blood flowed into rivers on the battled highlands. At the same time, unknowingly, a thousand more people had emerged from the periphery of the limestone tribe to complete the encirclement.

Beast Blood rubbed his hands and looked at Yi, and asked, "Are you attacking now?"

In the vast mountain ranges, Yi is far less important than animal blood.

After all, Beast Blood is the identity of the patriarch, and is equal to Ji Thief, as for Yi, that is just a person in charge of Ji Thief.

It stands to reason that animal blood does not require Yi's opinion.

However, Beast Blood knew that Yi was a rare wise man in the Lihuo tribe, and he was also one of the responsible persons highly valued by Ji Thief.

It's okay to ask for his opinion.

Immediately, Yi looked at the battlefield, pondered for a while, nodded, and pulled out the knife at his waist: "Everyone prepares!"

With an order, the sound of brushing, lifting the spear and pulling the knife continued to sound.

Yi yelled, and the bronze knife in his hand pointed forward: "Kill!"

When an order is issued, Yi Zou is about to move forward.

Ahu immediately stopped Yi: "I'll take someone up, you watch from behind."

Yi was stunned, and then smiled: "You don't need Master Ahu. When I was in the Tianchan Plain, I used to charge and kill the enemy frequently, not the kind of person who can't fight."

While speaking, Yi bypassed Ahu and rushed forward with the knife.

A thousand people came out of the cage like tigers, and they slapped them behind their **** in the limestone mountains.

Originally, Liyan and the others were hitting the Military and Military Department. Suddenly they heard the continuous shouts behind them, and they were immediately taken aback. They looked back and said, "Who are these guys?"

No one answered him because everyone was in a mess.

Known as the second wave of the large mountain range, the blood of the tiger and the beast rushed to the front. The tall and mammoth he held a knife specially made from the Lihuo tribe, dancing in the wind, yelling.

Don't ask who is the number one tiger, just ask for it.

Every time a knife fell, it carried an unrivaled force, so to speak, there was no one in front of the beast blood.

Anyone blocking his way will be slashed by him.

Think about it, the animal blood has been rested for an afternoon, the state is full, and there is no place to spread the strength of the whole body.

On the other hand, these Limestone tribesmen fought for an afternoon, and their morale was not worn out.

In addition, now that the sky is gradually dimming, the eyesight of the gray rock tribesmen who suffer from night blindness is greatly reduced. Many times, animal blood rushes in front of them. These gray rock tribes still ask you who are blank.

It collapsed at the touch of a touch, and collapsed for thousands of miles.

Above the high slope, Alian who saw this scene laughed loudly: "It's finally here, Aju, ready to counterattack!"

A Ju's hand holding the knife trembled, one because of weakness and the other because of excitement.

Almost as soon as Aliang's words fell, Ah Ju shouted loudly: "Military Department, counterattack!"

The cylindrical formation instantly changed into a sharp cone formation and rushed forward.

The limestone people who are attacking are all stupid, no, no, aren't you beaten, how can you still attack us?

Caught off guard, just a countercharge, these limestone tribes couldn't hold it anymore, and they retreated one after another.

With this retreat, they could no longer bear the defeated forces. Retreat like a mountain.

Ah Ju rushed forward desperately with the military department, and no one could survive.

Before and after the battle, it was about half an hour and less than forty minutes. On the court, there was no standing limestone tribe.

It's not that they were all killed, but except for the Limeyan tribe who fled in the chaos, all the rest surrendered on the ground with their heads in their hands.

On the battlefield where the smell of blood was wafting, the beast blood raised his head with a **** broad-backed knife, and laughed: "Happy, happy!"

Aliang was also happy and ordered to light a torch to clean the battlefield.

As soon as the statistics came out, everyone was happy to hear from ear to ear. All the casualties that day added up, even if the beast blood was included, the number of war dead was also controlled within ten.

Most of them are injured.

As for the results of the battle, nearly three hundred enemies were killed, and no less than nine hundred captured enemies including the wounded.

There were only about 2,000 people in the Limestone Mountain Range. This time, they only ran less than 800.

Big victory, a real victory!

"A Liang, you are really getting better and better. Even if you are not much worse than the warriors, you haven't wasted the warriors' training for you." The patriarchs all provoked Thumbing to praise A Liang.

A Liang smiled slightly, his eyes turned, and suddenly he saw Yi frowning, he was stunned and couldn't help asking what was wrong with Yi.

When Aliang asked, everyone turned their eyes to see Yi.

This obviously won a battle, why can't you see a smile on Yi's face?

After being watched by so many people, Yi also blushed a little, and said, "That's nothing, I just think that although we have won a great victory, our goal has not been achieved yet."

Beast Blood rolled his eyes: "Yi, you can't say that. There are not many people who have ran away."

"Yi said well. Although we have won, our goal has not been achieved yet."

"We all showed up, and we couldn't catch all of these guys. Now, it's hard to do. They're scared now and won't fight us head-on."

The patriarchs looked at A Liang with puzzled eyes, and looked a little puzzled.

A Liang pursed his lips: "When I first used this plan, I planned to clean them up in one go. Now that they have run so many people, it is not easy to clean them up. If you continue to fight, it will be easy. It delayed our battle plan."

"No, Aliang, how can it be so scary as you said. Their strength is just like that, and they are not a threat to us at all."

"Yeah, their strength is indeed not good. They haven't broken the defense between me and Aju all afternoon, but if we leave them here, we will definitely be harassed after going out for the battle." Aliang opened his hands.

"Then, what should I do?" Beast blood sniffed and asked.

A Liang shook his head: "What else can I do? Of course, continue to fight. Just go around with them in this round valley mountain range. Anyway, they must be wiped out."

Beast Blood and the others nodded when they heard the words, and right now, there was only this way.

Aliang touched his nose angrily: "But I also miscalculated and let them run away in the dark, otherwise, we are far more than just these results."

Everyone laughed. Just as they were about to comfort A Liang, suddenly, they heard the eagle chirping in the sky. When everyone looked up, the golden eagle's huge wings were falling down.

"The patriarch has come." Ah Ju said.

A Liang directly raised his arm, and the golden eagle naturally fell on his arm.

A piece of linen cloth was tied on the golden eagle's leg.

Take off the linen cloth and spread it out. A Liang looked at it for a long time, and his eyes were confused.

They were still wondering about the animal blood and asked, "Why did the warrior let Xiaojin send a piece of linen? What do you mean?

Side Yi explained: "The patriarch did not give the linen cloth, but mainly the content on the linen. That is the text invented by the patriarch, which can be used to convey messages."

The beast blood suddenly realized: "It turns out that the warrior has been studying this these days."

Yi nodded and asked Ji Thief: "Aliang, what did the patriarch say?"

Aliang gave a sigh of relief and handed the linen cloth up: "Then what, I don't know some words, it's easy for you to recognize a lot, just take a look."

Everyone: "···"

A Liang opened his hands and looked innocent: "No way, I am so busy every day, I forgot half of the words I learned."

Hearing this, Yi coughed embarrassingly, took the linen over, and after a closer look, he said: "The patriarch said that he already knows the situation, and is now rushing over with the Hussar, so let's not expose it. Wait. Let's talk when he comes."

"But we have already played one game."

"Then, let's stop here and wait for the warrior to come over?" Beast Blood asked tentatively.

Everyone looked at A Liang after hearing the words, after all, he was the commander-in-chief.

At the moment, Aliang said: "Send someone to stare first, and you must always control their position."