Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1060: -be careful and live long

Everyone who heard the shouts looked back, only to see that a carriage came quickly, and finally stopped beside the team with a creak.

Immediately afterwards, six of them, Xiao Hong, Xiao Lan, jumped down from the carriage.

For a while, the tears that the patriarchs of Beast Blood Gaoshan couldn't help were about to fall.

Look, what is a pro-girl, this is a pro-girl.

Unable to bear it, several patriarchs greeted them.

However, before they could get close, a few people directly bypassed their fathers and ran towards Ji Thief directly, holding Ji Thief’s hand here and Ji Thief’s clothes over there, and said with a worried look: " Lord Warrior, you must protect your body when you go out this time. Don't do anything wrong."

The corner of Ji's mouth twitched.

The faces of the beast blood are all green, we are your father.

"Uh, what, I will take care of myself, I will take care of myself."

Coughing embarrassingly, Ji Thief can only be the Tao.

Soothing Xiaohong Xiaolan and the others, they set off for the team and set off from then on.

Fighting between the north and the south, he naturally didn't worry about the Ji thief. If he was worried, it would be Alian's side.

Therefore, there are more people here in Aliang than in the north.

There are 1,700 people, and Aliang’s team is at least 900.

Not to mention the six patriarchs, six hundred people, the military is full, half of the military, hunting fifty archers, plus fifty slingers, that’s three hundred.

Except for the cavalry, Aliang has all types of troops in his team.

There are more people than Ji Thief's own team.

Saying goodbye again, Ji thief took Aliang’s hand, and the patriarchs who followed Aliang on the southern expedition said carefully and heartily: “This time, remember not to kill indiscriminately. Don’t let your brain do it because of the moment’s joy. Do you understand the stupid thing? I have noticed on the way back from the Tianchan Plain before. There are about three places along the way. The total number of enemies is more than 7,000. There are a lot of people, there are 70 or 80 tribes. You are not too eager to achieve success, these tribes will not unite together to resist. This is very beneficial to your campaign plan."

A Liang remembered seriously: "I understand the patriarch."

The thief went to look at Gaoshan again: "Brother Gaoshan, you are usually more alert and cautious. You should persuade A Liang a little bit more in everything. He has a quick temper and always gets angry because of small things."

Gao Shan said: "Don't worry, warrior, I will look at Aliang."

The thief looked at A Liang again: "Did you understand what I said just now? Don't be impulsive to know?"

Aliang spread his hands: "I didn't have any impulse when I commanded the battle before."

"I'm making you pay attention, do you understand?"


"Okay, it's useless to tell you so much, but you remember one thing, we have the most elite fighters today, the most sophisticated weapons, as long as we steadily push past, no one can be our opponent."

"I wrote down the patriarch, what? It will be too late if we continue."


Ji Thief laughed and cursed: "You kid, all right, I know, hurry up, I should set off too."

With that said, Ji Zei turned around, turned on the Sabretooth Tiger, carrying the flag spear, and bid farewell to Xue once again on the tiger's back. The two teams, amid the sound of gongs and drums, ran in opposite directions and headed north and south.

When the team went out, there were two dragon flags high in their respective formations.

In addition, the flags of the various tribes, and the flags of the various combat departments were all raised. For a time, the flags covered the sun and opened in mighty.

Riding on a war horse that was purchased for a thousand dollars, the beast blood glanced back at his tribe, and then at the tribe of the Ji thief, and suddenly said in a sour tone: "Warrior, why are your tribesmen wearing What about the same clothes? This, this is too prestigious."

The thief screamed. Looking back, all departments were wearing military uniforms with red background and black pictures prepared by the Textile Department, showing the spirit of the young man, so he smiled and replied: "Three months ago, I asked Ah Qi to start preparing. It was also not long ago that the military uniforms needed by the people were prepared. If you feel good, Brother Beastblood, when we come back from the expedition, I will ask the Textile Department to prepare it for you. You can choose the color at that time."

The animal blood was overjoyed upon hearing this: "Really?"

"Look at what you said, can I lie to you?"

Both the eagle and herring raised their hands: "We want it, and we want it too."

The thief laughed loudly: "There are all!"

While speaking, Ji Thief suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Acai."

The Acai in the team ran up and said, "Master Patriarch, what are your orders?"

"As the main combat department, the responsibility of the military department is to open the way ahead and be the vanguard. Why are you not moving?"

"Uh, isn't this not out of the Eastern Plains yet?"

"That's not okay. The expedition begins the moment we leave the tribe. We can't be careless. According to the tactics performed by our tribe before, hurry up."

Ah Cai agreed and waved his hand, leading the second team and fourth team of the military department to open the way.

Then, the Hussars greeted under Oga's leadership and patrolled both sides of the team to cover the flanks.

As for the other two hundred members of the hunting department who did not use bows and arrows, they were assigned to the hunter temporarily by the thief. They can be used as spear-throwing teams or infantry to support the battle of the military department.

Two hundred people, led by the hunter, lined up at the back.

And Ahu's military battle with fifty archers, together with the beast blood, defended Ji Thief as the center.

The carts were pulling and transporting the trebuchets needed by the Food and Military Department, and a team of 800 people moved forward in an orderly manner.

When we left the Eastern Plains and entered the Bone Wasteland, everyone stopped to take a look at the cultivated land. Not to mention, these three cultivated land was full of vitality under the care of Ah Wei.

No, the grass seeds left over from the weeds previously removed have grown into new weeds and drilled out of the ground in the past few days.

On the tiger's back, Ji Thief bent down and grabbed a weed and took a look. It was very plump, and with a light pinch, the sap of the weeds flowed across, so that Ji Thief's palm was stained with green.

It can be seen that after Ah Wei's reconciliation, the soil strength of these three cultivated land is sufficient to what extent.

Ji Zei patted his palms, threw the weeds away, and said with a smile: "When we come back from the expedition, these farming fields are almost full of wheat. When we come back, we can eat flour vigorously. "

Speaking of this, the beast blood all laughed.

Moving forward again, I saw a lot of scattered houses built not far from the farming land, and a lot of wood piled in front of the houses.

Come to think of it, this should be the house built by the Engineering Department for Ah Wei to live in. As for the wood, it is used to block the surrounding farmland to prevent birds and beasts from getting in.

On the tiger's back, Ji Thief sighed: "Anyway, everyone is working hard to make life better, let's work hard too."

"On this road, it's the Qingfeng tribe. There shouldn't be any more powerful tribes?" Beast Blood asked.

Ji Thief snorted, really, he didn't know this either.

From the eastern plain to the Qingfeng tribe, there are thousands of miles in the middle.

During this period, how could the various forces be missing?

It is precisely because of unclearness that Ji thief did not dare to pack tickets.

"Well, anyway, it’s always good to be careful. Ahu said, from the White Bone Wasteland to the Qingfeng tribe, there are no less than ten mountains in the middle. Even if these mountains are 2,000 people per mountain, that adds up. There are also twenty thousand. Twenty thousand people are more than twenty times ours. There is such a huge difference in strength between each other. How can we do it if we are not careful?

Ji Thief said.

Beast Blood nodded and then smiled: "Warrior, you are really careful."

Ji thief shrugged: "There is no way, be careful to make the Wannian Ship."

The thing is indeed as Ji Zei said, be careful to make the Wannian Ship, this is not, not long before it left the Bone Wasteland, before entering the next mountain range, Ji Zei team encountered something.

It makes people laugh and cry. This is the trouble that the White Bone Wasteland encounters. It is not the local natives, but a group of thieves who have seen the food escorted by the thief and gave birth to evil spirits.

A group of about forty or fifty, hungry and dizzy wanderers, stared at the convoy of Ji thief.