Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1072: -Treasures and Fun

Feixiong's expression became extremely ugly in the clansmen's begging for mercy.

Acai moved away the feet that were on the back of the flying bear tribe, and looked around. The five people either covered their faces and rolled, or lay on the ground without saying a word, just panting.

Swaggering, Ah Cai came to Ji Thief and smiled triumphantly: "My patriarch, the mission is complete!"

The thief laughed, and patted Ah Cai on the shoulder, boasting: "Yes, yes, well done, remember a merit, wait for the tribe and reward it."

Ah Cai said with joy: "Yes, Lord Patriarch."

Ji Zei went to see Flying Bear again, who was as if he had eaten a fly.

Seeing this, Ji Thief couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand forward: "Send someone to take the five of them down and get a good treatment."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch."

Soon, the medical tribes all came out and brought all the five people down.

Ji Zei then turned to look at Feixiong and asked: "Now, do you believe in our strength?"

Fei Xiong was very embarrassed: "I believe it."

Ji Thief smiled: "Very good, so next, I should discuss how to avenge you? Come with me."

Speaking hard, Ji thief walked towards the army account with his hands behind his back.

They all followed the animal blood.

Once seated again, Ji Thief looked at Flying Bear and said straightforwardly: "I can avenge you, but it's not unconditional."

The corners of the flying bear's mouth twitched: "I, I know, let me tell you the news of the various tribes in the Qinggu Plain, right?"

Ji Thief shook his head: "No, this is just incidental, it's just something you must do to surrender me."

Feixion raised his head a little angry, and asked angrily: "What! Want me to surrender you?"

Ji Thief swept over with cold eyes, did not speak, his eyes were just looking at Fei Xiong.

Suddenly, Fei Xiong only felt a chill in his back, and with a sigh, he lowered his head and sat down again.

Ji Thief snorted and pursed his lips: "Do you have an opinion?"

Fei Xiong whispered, stubbornly: "No."

He said no, but his tone didn't seem to mean no.

With a wave of his hand, the thief pushed the earthen jar on the table all the way down.

The clanging sound continued, and Feixion stirred up his head to look at Ji Thief.

"I don't care what you planned. But since yesterday, you have been my captive. You can surrender, and of course you can continue to be stubborn with me, but the price is that your head will leave your body. I don’t raise idlers here, especially those who can’t be my companions. I'm going to make plans for Qinggu Plain. Do you agree?"

As Ji Zei said this, he kept looking at Fei Xiong.

Feixion immediately trembled, looking at Ji Thief with horror on his face.

Ji Thief said: "Now, tell me your choice, is it to surrender or die?"

When the words fell, Ji Thief didn't speak anymore, but kept scanning Fei Xiong with the kind of murderous eyes.

Not just the thief, but the other clansmen in the tent all looked at it with the same expression.

To be honest, with so many real gazes, if the flying bear is not afraid, then there is a ghost.


With a sound, Fei Xiong couldn't help taking a sip of water.

"Qing, Qinggu Plain is the place where I grew up. Although they united and attacked my tribe, I can't give Qinggu Plain to an outsider! You help me take revenge and I thank you, but I can't The Green Valley Plain is here for you."

Being so threatened, Fei Xiong is considered to be a species, and he bit the bullet and said such a sentence.

Hearing that everyone was angry, they stood up and patted the table angrily: "Master Patriarch (Warrior)! Don't think about it, kill him! Kill this bastard!"

Feixiong's face became difficult to look.

Ji Thief snorted and couldn't help being a little angry.

In his opinion, after his own march to the north, the local indigenous people have resistance, it is not a big deal. They should definitely have resistance, but no matter how hard they resist, they can't be so difficult.

This is still the first enemy, no, it's not the first enemy, because his flying bear can only be regarded as a wanderer.

Without a fixed territory, without enough food to feed the people, he is a wanderer.

It was just such a wanderer, but Ji Thief had no choice.

Damn, I don't listen anymore. Do you really think you dare not kill?

Ji Zei was in a hurry, but he would never think of it. This Qinggu Plain would be his saddest checkpoint on his northward march.

It's not that this place has strong combat power. The main reason is that the indigenous people in this place are too stubborn. Although they can't beat you, they just don't surrender you and say they are angry?

Squeezing the anger in his heart, Ji Zei waved his hand, stopped the excited crowd, looked at Flying Bear, and said: "You have no other choice, Qinggu Plain, you can only show surrender to me, because only I can lead Qinggu Plain. Live a better life, let them worry about food and clothing, and only by surrendering to me can I protect Qinggu Plain from the threats of other forces."

"Without you, the Qinggu Plain would not be short of food, and you are threatening the Qinggu Plain now!" Feixion gritted his teeth.

Ji Thief was a little angry: "It seems that you don't intend to cooperate with me. Then, you are useless to me."

Fei Xiong was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Ji Zei waved his hand: "Although I said before going north, I can't kill indiscriminately, but since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for killing, take it out, and chop his head."

Fei Xiong didn't understand what was going on, so he was pulled out by Tushan's neck.

Fei Xiong yelled, yelled, and yelled, "If you kill me, Qinggu Plain will not submit to you!"

"Hmph, joke, they won't surrender, then I will beat them to surrender. I don't believe it anymore. When the Qingfeng tribe went south, all those who didn't surrender in the Qinggu Plain were killed?"

Fei Xiong was surprised when he heard this: "Qingfeng tribe? How do you know Qingfeng tribe?"

Tushan sneered at the flying bear and said: "We don't only know about Qingfeng tribe, we also wiped out Qingfeng tribe. Hurry up, don't talk nonsense."

Tushan’s words caused Feixion’s eyes to flash brightly. He struggled hard, pushed Tushan away, and looked straight at Ji Thief: "You guys, really wiped out the Qingfeng tribe?"

The thief took a look at the flying bear: "What does this have to do with you?"

Fei Xiong's face turned red when he heard this.

Beast blood sneered: "We not only wiped out the Qingfeng tribe, but this time we went north to fight the Qingfeng tribe's nest. Otherwise, do you really think we are willing to come to your Qinggu Plain?"

Feixion sighed: "So, are you not trying to steal the Qinggu Plain?"

"Green Valley Plain? What did we do with it?" the eagle asked.

"Qinggu Plain has so many supplies, don't you want to grab it?"

The eagle wanted to speak again, but Ji thief snatched it before him.

"How many supplies are in the Qinggu Plain? Is it enough to feed 10,000 people?"

When a word fell, Fei Xiong's face changed color directly.

Yes, the Qinggu Plain is a good place, and there are more materials, but he has a lot of materials, and there is a comparison object.

For the Round Valley Mountains, Limestone Mountains, and the White Bone Wasteland, the Qinggu Plain is indeed a lot of materials, and in the nearby mountains and plains, the Qinggu Plain is also considered to be the best.

But to feed 10,000 people like the large mountainous eastern plains, Qinggu Plain still cannot do it.

This land simply doesn't have such great potential.

Right now, Fei Xiong's face became a little awkward, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

But you can understand it this way, that’s what you’ve worked so hard to hide as a baby, and show it off to a few outsiders, boasting, without expectation, that outsider waved his hand and got up ten big cars in the car. , Full of babies like you.

It's like you treat it as a treasure, but the other party abandons it like a treasure.

It's such a strong contrast feeling.

Just when Fei Xiong thought, Ji thief spoke again: "Qinggu Plain is only one of my goals, but it is not the ultimate goal. You can continue to stick to your principles, but the price of this is that you lose your life, Qinggu. The plains will still surrender to me. What Qingfeng tribe could do effortlessly, my thief, can also do it. Within ten days, the dragon banner of the large mountain ranges will surely float over the Qinggu plain. At that time, Your body will be buried under the dragon's banner."