Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1094: -faith

Hunter shrugged his shoulders: "If you say that, Lord Patriarch, don't worry, but I have another way."

Ji Thief asked excitedly: "What way?"

"Let's ask them one by one. It's okay if you surrender. Who doesn't surrender, just make a cut and save trouble."

Ji thief looked at Shou in silence, and his straight eyes made Shou look hairy.

"Uh, patriarch, what's the matter?"

The thief said: "I understand now, you guys don't like to use their brains more and more. If I can use this method, I will waste so much energy? It's sneaking in and provoking discord, then I will bring Can't it be easier for the parents to drive straight into?"

Hunter blinked: "Then, Mr. Zhao, what do you say, do we have to wait a few more days in the Qinggu Plain?"

Ji thief said: "So this is the reason why I am looking for Yi to discuss how to solve the problem, and see if I can find a more convenient and easy way."

The thief looked around and said: "The current situation is that although the Qinggu Plain is also rich in materials, they will not use it at all, they will not use fire, they will not be able to eat delicious food, they will not build houses, and they will have no place to live. Can live in low and humid pits that are full of bugs. There is no clothing to cover the wind and rain. The other is that the weapons are too simple, but don’t worry about this. I can’t help them solve this problem. It’s too nonsense. You all think about it and see if you can make a fuss about the three issues I just mentioned just now to take their hearts away."

When the words fell, Acai immediately fought haha: "Then what the patriarch, I have to look at the situation of the people, they can't look at the prisoners."

Ji thief: "···"

"You don't want to use your brain."

Ah Cai grinned.

"Okay, you go." Ji Zei waved.

Ah Cai was overjoyed when he heard the words and turned around.

Here Acai left on his front foot. Before Ji Zei could take a breath, he saw that the three of Shou, Oga, and Ahu all looked at themselves with pitiful expressions.

Ji thief was rather speechless: "You guys can't help it?"

Oga coughed: "Then the patriarch, you can think about it, but now it's time to take care of the horse."

The thief looked at the hunter and hunted and said, "Yes, Lord Patriarch, you think, you leave the second team and third team of the hunting department to me for the time being. I have been away for several days, so I can't go back and have a look."

The thief looked at Ahu again. Ahu was an honest person, nodded, and said, "Master Patriarch, I can't think of it. Staying here is just a waste of time."

Ji thief: "···"

"Okay, the three of you should go out first. I just need to discuss with Yi two."

As soon as they said this, the three of them all stood up, bowed to Ji Thief, and then left with joy.

After the three of them left, Ji Thief shook his head and smiled: "These guys, forget them, Yi, let's discuss with you, do you have any ideas about the things I just said to you?"

Yi snorted: "I am the patriarch who thinks so. They can't eat cooked food. Let's teach them. They are living in the pit. Let's find a way to help them build houses. Of course, if we don't have enough time, we can first Teach them to set up tents. When we come back, we will talk about building houses. In the end, they have no clothes. Well, let me think about this. How about we teach them to sew clothes?"

The thief frowned: "It's just these little favors, can they make them surrender us? This time we are going north to conquer the Qingfeng tribe. There is more than a thousand miles in the middle. This time for nearly a year, do you think that when we come back, they will pay Recognize us? At that time, we will have to work hard to conquer them again. Is there any way to do it once and for all?"

Yi blinked: "Isn't there still a flying bear? He should have great prestige."

"First of all, if their tribe's prestige is sufficient, it won't be overthrown by other tribes. Secondly, if his prestige is high, will the people of Qinggu Plain still recognize us?"

When I said this, Yi couldn't help but sighed: "The Qinggu Plain is different from our large mountain ranges. Although the strong are also respected here, they are very resistant to outsiders. If nothing else, just say that this time we Let the raid catch them all. They may not have our opponents surrendered because our weapons are too sharp, but I still feel that as long as we leave, these guys must not recognize us. I can feel it. Come out, these guys are hard to subdue."

The thief sucked his nose: "Who said no? These people are stubborn. They don't recognize us because their belief is the Qinggu Plain. If it weren't for this time, the center bloomed, let them have their own internal strife, and clean them up, how could there be so···"

While talking, Ji Thief stopped suddenly, as if thinking of something.

Yi was a little puzzled, and asked Ji Thief: "Master Patriarch, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Thief immediately put his finger to his mouth and hissed: "Don't bother me first, I seem to have thought of something just now, hush, don't talk first."

Yi Guozhen shrank his neck without making a sound, and watched Ji Thief racking his brains alone.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ji Thief gave up. The flash of light in his mind just now was too difficult to capture.

Immediately, Ji Zei raised his head and looked at Yi.

Yi blinked and looked at Ji Thief.

Ji Zei was amused by his reaction: "Why don't you speak?"

Yi looked innocent: "Isn't it the patriarch you didn't let me speak?"

Ji thief: "···"

"You guy, hurry up and think with me. I almost thought of it just now." Ji Thief said with a smile.

Yi Le agreed twice, and then put on a thinker appearance. After ten seconds, Yi raised his head again and looked at Ji Thief directly.

Ji Thief was surprised: "Did you figure it out?"

Yi opened his hands a little embarrassed: "There is no patriarch, and you didn't tell me what you were thinking about? What do I think."

Ji thief: "Uh...what, let's go over what we just said to find inspiration."

With that said, Ji Thief reorganized the conversation he had just with Yi.

While talking, Ji Thief suddenly slapped his thigh: "I thought about it!!!"

Yi was taken aback. One of them didn't sit still and almost slipped off the stool. He watched the thief and said, "Master Patriarch, what did you think of?"

Ji Thief's mouth opened: "I, I, I forgot again. So what, what did I just say?"

"I thought about it." Yidao.

Ji Thief shook his head: "It's not this sentence, it's the last sentence we just repeated."

Yi blinked: "Qinggu Plain is their belief."

Ji thief patted his thigh hard again, and he felt pain in his thigh. He was rubbing hiss and screaming, but even so, he still smiled: "I thought about it. This time I really thought of it."

Yi looked cautious, for fear that Ji thief would have forgotten his voice when he raised his voice, and asked, "Master Patriarch, what can I do?"

Ji Thief was soaring, and said with a smug expression: "It's faith."

Yi was stunned: "Faith?"

The thief nodded: "Yes, why is Qinggu Plain so difficult to clean up? That's because their clansmen all have a Qinggu Plain in their hearts. It doesn't matter how you fight inside, but it's the belief that you can't let outsiders in. Or insist, anyway. One meaning."

Yi nodded and motioned to Ji Thief to continue.

The thief laughed: "If we can give them a better faith? Let them have a sense of dependence on us, trust us, and see us, it is as if we have seen the Lihuo banner in the tribe. Do you think, how easy is this?"

When Ji Thief said something, Yi immediately woke up.

Yi felt that he was confused about his beliefs as if the dark cloud entrenched above his head was suddenly blown away by the wind. In a moment, his mind was clear.

"My patriarch, according to what you said, these Qinggu people will no longer surrender to us as they do now."

"That's for sure, because we have introduced beliefs for them, or we will replace their original beliefs. I believe that no one in the world will oppose their beliefs?"

Ji Thief said with an insoluble smile on his face.