Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1110: -Hard to change

Looking at the White Ape Mountain Range surrounded by clouds and mist, Ji Thief looked hesitantly.

The hunter said next to him: "Master Patriarch, let's take a detour, there are more than 1,000 people here, there is nothing to conquer."

What a arrogant person Shou is usually, when facing the White Ape Mountain Range, he couldn't help but frustrate.

There was no other reason, mainly because he had walked through the White Ape Mountain Range and knew how good the monkeys were here.

Ji thief hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth: "More than a thousand people are also humans. Besides, it's just that there are more monkeys. Be careful, it's okay. Are you all ready? Going in."

Seeing Ji Zei's resolute attitude, Hunter couldn't help but nodded and said, "All are ready."

Ji Tie said: "Okay, let me know to enter the mountains."


Turning around and waving his hand, the banner spread out. Eight hundred people formed two square formations, divided into front and rear armies, and entered the White Ape Mountain Range.

At the same time, the people of the White Ape Mountain Range haven't seen Xiang return for a long time, but they found that Xiang was surrounded by monkeys, all of a sudden, they all went up and rushed to rescue Xiang.

There were only a hundred monkeys surrounding Xiang. In the face of the more than 200 clansmen who had been killed aggressively, these monkeys could only furiously on the branches and roared to threaten the White Ape tribe.

Some monkeys with a bad temper jumped out of the tree and attacked Xiang desperately.

Because of this, Xiang did not suffer less, and suffered several wounds on his body.

Xiang was rescued back in a melee.

The number was not dominant, and the monkey group lost a game without any suspense.

As a result, these vengeful monkeys yelled at other monkey groups after retreating. Four or five hundred monkeys went crazy together, and launched a pursuit to Xiang and his people.

In a melee between humans and monkeys, many corpses were thrown down.

In the face of the retreating White Ape Clan, these victorious monkeys stood up like humans, grabbed a few corpses of the dead clan and tore them apart, tearing at the same time, and screaming proudly.

The White Ape tribe people hardly hate it, some young tribes come up with blood and energy, and they want to find the monkey group desperately.

But the middle-aged people who knew that it was just monkeys urged the Fa to stop the impulsive younger generations, and could only watch the corpse of their companions being torn and snatched by the monkeys.

Taking Xiang back to the cave, Xiang's physical condition is not optimistic.

The hole in the back of his head that was hit by the stone still didn't stop, and the blood kept flowing.

People in the cave know that Xiang will die without any delay.

But everyone was a spy who was playing outposts to find the way. They had nothing but weapons in their hands, and they couldn't treat Xiang at all.

There is no way, everyone can only take the risk, protect Xiang, and evacuate towards the valley where the brigade is hiding.

It is impossible to hide the movements of nearly two hundred people. They were discovered by the monkeys only a few minutes after they came out.

With a series of whistles, monkeys came from all directions.

In the melee, the White Ape tribe had no choice but to throw down more than 20 corpses again and evacuated in embarrassment.

The monkey group can be considered.

In the past, the wars between the monkeys and the humans in the mountains were mutually successful, and there were few situations of crushing like the recent ones.

Every victory made these monkeys even more rampant.

Even these monkeys actually had the idea that they wanted to make the White Ape Mountain Range worthy of its name. Except monkeys, no other creatures were allowed to exist.

The monkeys swelled more and more, and when they walked through the mountains and forests, their calls became more cheerful and arrogant.

It has been several days since stepping into the White Ape Mountain Range. Ji Zei walked beside the Sabretooth Tiger and looked around. He heard the faint sounds of monkeys coming from the depths of the forest. He groaned and asked. Said: "Tushan, did the clansmen at the outpost find a suitable place for us to station?"

Tushan shook his head: "Ahu hasn't brought back news yet."

Ji thief hesitated for a moment, looking at the treetops above his head and poking his head out from time to time, just stalking the monkey who committed harassment, but did not have a clear desire to attack, Ji thief frowned: "These things are really annoying. "

The beast who led the team on the left side was irritable, so he asked the hunting department for a bow and arrow, opened the bow and set the arrow, and shot the monkey on the treetop.

Whenever an arrow passed by the monkey and scared the monkey squeaking, the blood of the beast would laugh, and even the clansmen who didn’t know the truth below laughed, and pointed their finger at the monkey on the treetop and said: "Shoot. Well, let these monkeys make another nasty crime!"

From the ethnic population, I don’t know how annoying the monkeys are these days.

The Ji thief who heard the laughter turned around and hurriedly ran over to drink hemostatic action.

Beast Blood curled his lips and patted Ji Thief’s shoulder with a smile: “Warrior, it’s okay, don’t worry, it’s just some monkeys. What are they afraid of? Also, they dare not fight back when I shoot them with arrows. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

The hunter watching animal blood next to the thief said: "Master animal blood, you must not provoke these monkeys, these guys are dangerous!"

The beast blood said: "Really? Why didn't I see how dangerous they are?"

As he said, the beast blood also looked up at the monkey whose head was exposed from the treetop, and his face was timid.

Hunting said: "That's because they are still in small numbers. When they reach the number, they are crueler than anything!"

The animal blood didn't care, and he didn't agree with Hunter's words: "It's just a group of beasts."

Ji thief groaned. He who is not good at direct control of the animal's blood had to say: "It's better to be careful. They don't look for trouble, and we don't provoke them."

The beast blood slapped his mouth. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, there was a whistling in the air, and a black shadow smashed over. It happened to hit the back of the beast blood's head, staggering him.

With a puff, the black shadow fell on the ground, and upon closer inspection, it was a red and ripe fruit.

Immediately, the beast blood turned his head and glared.

I saw that there were three or two monkeys on the treetop, one of them was picking fruit from the tree. Seeing that, he still wanted to throw the animal's blood to avenge the act of shooting an arrow with the animal's blood.

The blood of the beast was angry, so he picked up the fruit at his feet and threw it over.

With a bang, the fruit hit the head of the monkey picking the fruit, and the monkey fell from the treetop without standing still. Unfortunately, its companion quickly grabbed its tail with his eyesight and hand, and then there was a bang. The monkey is like someone throwing a stone in a school of fish, and disappears instantly.

Beast Blood covered his head and cursed: "Hmph, these nasty things, it's best not to let me catch them!"

"Okay, brother, don't complain, let's find a flat place to camp, we can't sleep in the col every day, it's too dangerous."

Beast Blood said, and followed Ji Zei forward.

Walking around, the group of monkeys that had dispersed before reappeared, lying on the treetops, and looking down through the treetops from time to time.

While watching, squeaking.

Several courageous guys all dragged the vines and swayed down to molest the war horses led by the Hussars.

At the beginning, the thief still endured, thinking that these monkeys are local natives and don't mess with them. After all, he is here to conquer humans, not to conquer the monkey group.

However, Ji thief obviously underestimated the evil temperament of these monkeys.

When the monkeys saw that the hussars who were holding the horses ignored their little movements, they fell from the treetops and rode on the horses' necks.

The horse was very dissatisfied with the feeling of a monkey riding on its back, and kept throwing its hoofs and sneezing.

The hussars waved their hands, these monkeys are called fierce.

It turned out to be opening his mouth, holding the horse's neck and making a mouthful.

The horse neighed from the pain, and the hussar tribe felt distressed. In a rage, he drew a copper knife from his waist and cut it at the monkey.

The monkeys reacted swiftly with the sound of screaming through the air. They jumped up one after another, leaping up to the treetops next to them in a sharp squeak, and opened their mouths to make angry screams at the thief on the mountain road.

The hussar who was bitten by the monkey on the horse was very distressed. He tore off his clothes and bandaged the wounds on the horse. At the same time, he drew out the knife and stared at the top of the tree. I'm down! See how I hacked you to death!"

After being provoked, the monkey was not easy to provoke, and immediately hung on the treetop and screamed.

It called, even with other monkeys on the treetop.

The voices of hundreds of monkeys came and went one after another.

The Ji thief in front of the team was taken aback when he heard this sound, and hurriedly turned around and ran back: "What's the matter?"