Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1150: -Help you get revenge

If Yi's identity had been known long ago, then Xiang would have killed him long ago.

After all, Xiang was in a state of hatred for Ji Thief before, if he knew that Yi was Ji Thief's person, he would have killed him long ago.

But having said that, Yi is not a fool, and he will not easily reveal his identity before he can figure out the situation.

As for why it is exposed now, it is because he has figured out the situation and grasped the situation. Moreover, he also felt that it was time for a showdown.

It was so hard for me to talk and talk in front of me to get closer, just for now.

Isn't this, Yi reported his family, Xiang was stupid in place like a stone sculpture.

It took a long time before he came back to his senses, with a difficult expression on his face: "Yi, it turns out that you..."

Yi lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Xiang."

Now that he said his identity, Yi did not call Master Xiang as before, because he felt that he was one of the leaders of the Lihuo tribe, and his status was no worse than that of Xiang, the chief of the White Ape Mountain Range.

And the most important thing is that after Xiang surrendered Ji Thief, the two sides were tied at best, and he couldn't give Xiang the illusion that he was more noble than himself.

Let's just say it, in Yi's heart, Xiang's surrender is almost a certainty.

"Xiang, although I lied to you, I never hurt you. Abai and I will treat you and save your life. If I really wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago. Think about it yourself. Is this the truth?"

Xiang's expression was a bit ugly, but what Yi said was true, and he could only nod his head.

Yi went on to say: "I am also sad about your father's death, but the real murderer is Azhi Hechuan, not our patriarch. Now, the murderer who killed the old patriarch of the white ape has gone to the Qingfeng tribe..."

Before Yi finished speaking, Xiang clenched his fist and said, "I will kill them wherever they go!!!"

Yi tilted his head to look at Xiang: "Really, then I ask you, do you know where the Qingfeng tribe is?"

Xiang shook his head.

Yi said again: "Can you beat Sichuan?"

Xiang said: "I know after fighting, even if I can't fight, I will kill him!"

Yi sighed: "No, you can't beat him, and you can't kill him. When our people came two days ago, you know who you beat."

Xiang knew that Yi was talking about Ahu, so he nodded, "Very powerful."

Yi Dao: "He is Ahu, the person in charge of the military fighting department in the combat department. Do you think he is very powerful? But let me tell you that Ahu's strength is not the most powerful in our tribe. , There is also a guy named Tushan, I don’t know if you saw him, it’s the very tall person. The two of them are the most powerful people in our tribe. For Fu Chuan, only the two of them can kill Chuan. "

Xiang wondered: "Is hunting very powerful? But why was he caught by Ishi Song?"

Yi glanced at Xiang: "Shou once defeated 23 people alone, can you?"

Xiang opened his mouth, closed it and said nothing.

I defeated 23 people. Isn't this a joke? Is this something human did? From this point of view, the hunter is indeed quite powerful.

Of course, the hunter hadn't had such a powerful experience. When he was in the Qinggu Plain, he did not allow the enemy to get close to Ji Zei with more than 20 people, but that was not defeated.

But if Yi blew like that, Xiang really believed it.

"Xiang, let me tell you this, kill Chuan, only our Lihuo tribe has this ability, you, not now. If you want to avenge your father, you can only join us."

Yi didn't talk about the word surrender anymore. After all, the word didn't sound very good. In comparison, joining makes it easier to be accepted.

Seeing Xiang did not speak, Yi continued: "Of course, you don't have to join, we will still go to conquer the Qingfeng tribe. Before the Qingfeng tribe ran so far to beat us, we can't be beaten and not fight back."

As he said, Yi sighed specifically: "Seeing that you are a good person, I will say to the patriarch. Don't make you difficult for the White Ape Mountain Range. We will bypass the White Ape Mountain to conquer the Scarlet Red Plain. of."

"Isn't your target Qingfeng tribe?"

"That's right, but our patriarch is not an ordinary person. His journey is to conquer all these forces between the large mountains and the Qingfeng tribe."

Xiang stood up: "You really are bad guys!"

Yi was speechless, and went on to say: "Then, our patriarch will teach them the advanced technology of the Lihuo tribe, so that they will not be hungry without food, so that they will not freeze in the cold. , Will protect them. Xiang, tell yourself, why are we bad guys? It’s like the White Ape Mountain Range. Is it good to be bullied by the monkeys? Ah?"

Xiang stopped talking.

Yi said: "The Qinggu Plain and the Feimu Mountain Range have all expressed their surrender. If you think we are bad guys, you can send someone to the Feimu Mountain Range next to it to see what life they are living now. Look. At first glance, are we really just trying to plunder their resources."

Xiang blushed, it was easy to see, "Xiang, what's the matter with you?"

Xiangyan said: "I, we can't get out, these monkeys won't let us out."


"It's okay, we will help you clean up the monkeys when you leave, and we will also help you avenge your grudges. Starting today, there will never be outsiders attacking you, because the patriarch’s The goal is to create an absolutely fair and just environment without fighting, without bullying. The only pity is..."

Having said that, Yi deliberately glanced at Xiang.

Sure enough, Xiang's curiosity was aroused and asked Yi: "What?"

Yidao: "The only pity is that you can't avenge your father yourself. Alas."

With this sentence, Xiang's heart was directly driven.

Before, because he couldn't get out of the White Ape Mountain Range and couldn't avenge Xiang, he was panicked. Now that Yi said that, how could he be so angry?

With a sound, Xiang stood up.

Yi felt excited, and said to be impulsive, and quickly agreed.

As a result, who had thought about it, Na Xiang just tilted his head and thought about it, then sat down again.

Yi could not help but shrugged his shoulders, hey, Bai was happy.

"Can you bring Azhi and Chuan back?" Xiang asked.

Yi Xin wondered who said that honest people would not take advantage? Is this ominous enough to take advantage?

Since then, Yi shook his head: "No, Xiang, you know, Azhi and Chuan are also our enemies. If you join us, we can keep them for you to deal with. But you have to let us Bring them back from such a long distance, let alone our patriarch. Even the clansmen below can't help but kill them!"

Xiang, uh, gave a wishful thinking in his heart, lowered his head, and said nothing.

It's easy to see, and you have to give Xiang a little time to think about it. After all, Xiang can be regarded as the head of the White Ape Mountain Range before. In Ji Zei's words, this is called a party overlord.

After joining the former overlord, it is not certain whether it is normal after joining. Normal people are definitely not willing.

And maybe, how will the patriarch arrange Xiang?

Of course, I still don't know how important Xiang is to Ji Thief after meeting Yi, and there is no way to guarantee Xiang to develop better conditions.

Otherwise, he has greater certainty to let Xiang agree.

But having said that, Yi Yi's understanding of Xiang, even if there are no good conditions, he will agree.

Because Xiang wanted to avenge his father Bai Yuan, he was not afraid of death, let alone surrendered.

Xiang’s joining is only a matter of time.

The only thing that needs to be considered is whether Xiang will join alone, or join with the entire White Ape Mountain Range.

"Master Xiang, now things have been told to you. Your injury only needs to be well-trained for a few days. So, I should be leaving at dawn tomorrow. But don’t worry, after I go back, I must The patriarch will let the patriarch Shisong come back. In addition, when we leave, we will help you clean up all the monkeys in the White Ape Mountain Range. Let's see you later."

With that said, Yi pretended to look reluctant, got up and walked out.