Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1220: -Arrogant limestone people

Looking abruptly fell to the ground, it happened that his forehead was knocked on a stone, and he screamed in pain.

The clansmen who followed him all yelled and ran up one after another: "Master Xun, are you okay?"

As he said, he helped Xunjii up.

Look at Xun again, rubbing the bleeding and swollen forehead and grinning, tears are about to come out: "Damn, what is it that tripped me up?"

A member of the animal husbandry tribe hurriedly ran over to take a look, and when he took a closer look, he yelled, "Master Xun, it's a personal one."

Xun Wenyan, who was holding his forehead and shouting in pain, was taken aback: "People?"

The tribe nodded vigorously, turned the enemy man aside, and couldn't help but stunned: "Xun, Master Xun, this person seems to be injured, with blood all over his body."

When Xun heard this, he didn’t even bother to call it pain or go to the dining place to eat. He said quickly, "Quickly, send someone to my room. There is medicine in my room. Give him medical treatment." ."


In the promise, a group of people carried the unidentified wounded person and ran to the place of search.

When they arrived at Xun's residence, a group of people fetched water and heated it up and searched for medicine.

Xun took a linen cloth and dipped hot water to wipe off the blood on the wounded person's face. When he saw the appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Black Tiger!"

The Round Valley Mountain Range is adjacent to the Limestone Mountain Range. The Round Valley Mountain Range is also the site of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry. After Xun stayed here for a long time, he naturally saw a black tiger. No, I recognized the black tiger's identity and jumped instantly. Up.

A member of the animal husbandry tribe leaned over and saw the black tiger clearly through the light in the room, and he said, "Master Xun, isn't this a black tiger? How did he become like this?"

Xun shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Right now, Xun took a deep breath: "Did you find the medicine? Get it quickly."

"Come, here it comes."

An animal husbandry tribe ran over with the wounding medicine in a panic.

He was so busy taking off the skin of the black tiger, never thinking that the blood stain and the skin had already stuck together, and when he touched it, the black tiger in a painful coma grinned.

Subconsciously, a fist hit Xun's eye socket, Xun shouted in pain, turned over and threw it on the ground.

He stood up, rubbed his eye sockets, looked fiercely, and pointed his hand at the black tiger: "Press him, I still don't believe it."

As he said, looking forward, he watered it with warm water, bit by bit, took away the animal skin that had stuck to the wound with the blood on the black tiger's abdomen.

After finishing all these tasks, I looked at Heihu again, and opened his eyes with pain and fainted again.

An animal husbandry tribe snorted and asked hesitantly: "Why don't we use anesthetics?"


"Don't you tell me what I think!"


I have been busy for nearly half an hour, and finally, he has finished treating the wound for Heihu.

Looking at his feet again, he throws blood-stained linen and animal skins.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but shook his head: "With so much blood, how many delicious supplements are needed. Good fellow, what happened? Why did the black tiger suffer such a serious injury?"

No one can give an answer, because no one knows what's going on.

While thinking about it, a member of the animal husbandry tribe walked in quickly outside, and said anxiously: "Looking for adults, there is someone outside."

Xun was taken aback: "Someone here? Who?"

"People from the Limestone Mountains, why are you here so late?"

Xun frowned and hesitated, then looked back at the black tiger who was breathing gradually on the bed: "Watch him, come out with me."


When I stepped out, I saw more than a dozen ferocious limestone tribes standing in the open space outside the room under the bonfire.

When these people saw Xun, they did not bow their heads to say hello as politely as they used to, but came up and asked, "Is the black tiger here?"

Looking for young people with insufficient experience, if this is replaced by any person in charge of the Lihuo tribe, even the youngest Xiao Cangjie, I am afraid it will be suspicious.

After all, Xiao Cangjie has also come here for so many years in the cold eyes of others, and is very sensitive to this kind of thing.

But I couldn't find it. When I was in the beast tribe, he was protected by his father, sister and Oga. After coming to the Lihuo tribe, everyone was a half-family family, and they didn't know how to play tricks.

And after seeking to be the head of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, he was sincere in treating others without bullying, and naturally no clansmen would behave against him.

It was precisely this reason that led to the shortage of Xun's social experience. Under the strong pressure of these limestone tribesmen, they did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Right now, facing the inquiry, Xun Huan nodded: "Yes, it's me, what's wrong?"

The Liyanyan tribesmen all breathed a sigh of relief, and the one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and opened his hand: "Give us the black tiger."

Xun hadn't spoken yet, an animal husbandry tribe was upset.

Everyone knows that the limestone mountain range is attached to a large mountain range. It only lives in the Lihuo tribe, not to mention the ordinary people. Now the chief and deputy chiefs of the limestone mountain range, Liyan and Cangshi, must respectfully see Xun. Respectfully shout, Master Xun. After all, Xun, one of the 23 department heads of the Lihuo tribe, is not an ordinary person, and his identity lies here.

But now, the people of the limestone mountain range dare to look for such a tough attitude? Simply outrageous!

Immediately, the animal husbandry tribe snorted coldly, "Pay attention to your attitude! This is Master Xun! Do you want to die?"

When the words fell, the limestone tribe's expression changed, and he looked back at his tribe and discussed in a low voice.

"What to do? Black Tiger is here?"

"Master Apo said that Black Tiger will be killed no matter what, I think there are only a few people who are looking for here.

"It makes sense, you will see my gestures."

As he said, the leading Limestone tribe took a step forward and looked at Xundao: "The Black Tiger betrayed the Limestone Mountain Range. I am ordered by the head of the Limestone Clan to kill him, and quickly hand over the Black Tiger."

Xun wondered: "Betrayed the Limestone Mountains? What do you mean? Isn't he the person from Limestone Mountains?"

"Don't worry about that much, and hand them over to me quickly."

Suddenly, I was unhappy.

As the so-called clay figurine still has three points of rusticity.

Yes, Xun Shi is not astonished by society, but he is not a fool.

The black tiger came in a coma with injuries, and the limestone tribesmen who came after them were all arrogant and arrogant, and the discerning people would know if they thought about it.

In the moment, Xun pulled his face down: "What if I don't give it?"

The leader of the limestone tribe snorted: "No? If you don't, go to death!"

As he said, the little boss suddenly violently made things difficult, and the wooden spear in his hand plunged directly towards Xun.

Xun was taken aback. In terms of skill, Xun was behind Ogayuan. Seeing the wooden spear stabbing over, I forgot to react.

Between the lightning and flint, the loss is a animal husbandry tribe who reacted quickly and smashed away.

With a puff, Xun fell to the ground, and then looked at the animal husbandry tribe who knocked him away, his shoulder was pierced with a wooden spear, and he couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

"Oh, you dare to hurt my person!!!"

Seeing this scene, his eyes were red. You must know that he and the animal husbandry tribe have long surpassed the normal relationship between superiors and subordinates every day. That guy is simply a blood brother.

Seeing that the people of the tribe were troubled because of their injuries.

Seeing that the little boss of the Limestone Mountain Range could not be hit, he was shocked and waved quickly, and the remaining Limestone people swarmed up.

Without waiting for instructions, the several animal husbandry tribes who were present also grabbed things they could fight around to fight.

Because they had just returned from taking care of their prey, they did not carry weapons on their bodies. Facing the Limestone tribe with wooden spears, they were forced to retreat. They retreated all the way to the wooden house, closed the door, and a group of people pressed hard against them. The door of the room didn't let it go.

"Hurry up and hand over the black tiger, otherwise, we will burn you all to death!"

More than a dozen limestone people surrounded the wooden house and called.

Upon hearing this, several animal husbandry tribesmen in the room panicked. They looked back at Xun and asked in a panic, "Master Xun, what should I do?"

Xun gritted his teeth and stomped hard and screamed: "What a bunch of bastards, dare to run wild on my site. I really think I'm a bully!"