Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1226: -Asuka

The sound of killing was shaking the world, like a loud thunder.

Limestone was taken aback, and his feet were so soft that he could not lie down. He raised his head and looked at it, only to see that in the surrounding mountains and forests, more than 200 people were directly holding copper. The elite of the spear.

Although the bodies are all the same strong, the limestone can see clearly, and the elites that have appeared are not of the same magnitude as the people of the animal husbandry department.

Aside from the rest, the murderous aura revealed in their eyes is not ordinary people.

Li Yan remembered the elite of the Lihuo tribe when Ji Thief was there.

The same is full of murderous, the same indifference to life as nothing.

Moreover, when these people appeared, they held a dragon flag high.

Hui Yan's heart twitched, and couldn't help but wonder, is it possible that Ji Thief came back with his elite?

No, no, it is impossible for Ji Thief to come back, because among these people, none of them familiar with him has seen it.

On the contrary, the leader of the team was a young man who he had never seen before.

As long as it is not a thief, Limestone will feel at ease for a point or two.

He stabilized his mind and sneered: "Everyone is killed and I am not afraid of you anymore. Everyone, prepare for me, prepare to kill!"

Limestone regained his composure, and the rebels below did not panic.

They shouted in unison, clutching the wooden spear and rushing towards the two hundred people outside.

But who ever thought that this group of people who appeared did not just look at it from a distance, they were not just good looking, they were really elite.

As soon as Pu touched, Liyan found that his tribe had fallen down like wheat.

After the long journey, the rebels were already in a state of lack of physical strength. This new group of elites are still waiting for work, a complete new force.

As soon as the battle began, the rebels showed their defeat.

Lieyan couldn't believe this scene.

In the circle, I was so excited to see this scene. The young man Li Yan didn't know him, but he did.

It is Asuka, the son of the Gaoshan patriarch.

I saw that Flying Bird was holding a copper spear, like a leopard leaping forward in the forest.

No one can stop in front of him.

There was no one in the rebels who could stop Asuka. Apo saw Asuka's heroic performance in the crowd, and silently retreated back in the crowd.

Seeing the flying birds appeared, the joyful rush caused people to rush from the center to the outside.

The inside and outside were closed, and the rebels began to chaos.

Several rebels quietly withdrew from the battlefield without people paying attention.

If one person does this, there will be a second person doing it.

Wave after wave, from the beginning of a few people's retreat, it directly developed into dozens of people running out of the battlefield.

Limestone will kill people at the beginning, asking everyone to stay desperately.

But later, when everyone had withdrawn, he also stunned, shrank his neck, jumped into the crowd, and followed the crowd.

It took only 20 minutes before and after the battle. After more than 800 rebels left 50 or 60 corpses, they were killed by Asuka with 200 people.

This battle directly laid the fame of Asuka in the mountains in the future!

After dispersing the rebels, Asuka led the team to chase and kill the entrance to the round valley mountain range, and then led the team back after beheading thirty or forty rebels.

He returned to Xun's face and asked, "Xun, are you okay?"

Xun nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the ground with a puff: "You are here, I thought I was going to be killed by the rebels."

Xun and Asuka have a good relationship, because the mountain tribe is located on the westernmost side of the large mountain range, and is also relatively close to the Marugu mountain range.

Usually, Asuka always likes to ride horses to the Marugu Mountain to practice equestrianism. After all, the Marugu Mountain is the structure of the surrounding basin and the inner plain.

It is precisely because of this that the two have only become acquainted with each other. You think, the two are about the same grade, and there is no relationship between the superior and the subordinate, can they become friends?

"I'm sorry, Xun, after receiving your news, I immediately sent someone to the neighboring Goose Tribe to borrow people. As you know, there are more than 100 warriors left in our tribe after Father Father left. Many, if I don't borrow someone, I can't help it." Asuka's face was full of apologize.

Xun waved his hand, feeling ashamed for guessing Asuka's behavior just now, and said, "Anyway, Asuka, thank you this time."

Asuka nodded and asked Xun: "By the way Xun, I'm still curious, why did this nice limestone mountain range rebel? Haven't they already surrendered to Lord Warrior?"

Xun shook his head: "I don't know what's going on. Black Tiger simply told me about the Limestone Rebellion. I don't know why, right, Black Tiger!"

He mentioned Heihu, Xun suddenly remembered, and asked quickly.

The animal husbandry tribe in charge of looking after the black tiger replied in a flustered voice: "It's not good. Seeking adults, the black tiger is about to die!"

Xun was shocked: "What! No, he can't die, only he knows what happened to the limestone mountains!"

Asuka was also anxious: "Then take the black tiger to our tribe to get treatment."

"I think so too."

Having said that, the two hurriedly led the team to the mountain tribe.

There is no need to narrate the cumbersomeness in the middle. After arriving at the place, Asuka found the tribe with the highest medical skills in the tribe. At the beginning, he was worried, and pulled Asuka and said, "Asuka, the black tiger is very important.

Asuka patted Xun's hand back and said: "Don't worry about it, he went to your tribal medical department to find Master Bai Lian to learn."

When Asuka said this, Xun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "That's good."

Treat it.

While waiting for the black tiger to heal the wounds, the wounds on the tribesmen of Xunhe Animal Husbandry Department also simply dealt with them. After all the wounds were treated, Xunhe counted the number of his tribe, and almost did not cry.

Of the two hundred animal husbandry tribesmen, fifty or sixty people died, and the rest were wounded. Only the team leader-level animal husbandry tribesmen died.

Seeing Xun's tearful appearance, Asuka sighed on his shoulder and said, "Xun, don't be too sad. You still have injuries on your body."

Xun crying hard, raised his head and looked at the west, gritted his teeth: "Limestone, this **** thing, I will never let him go!!!"

Asuka patted Xun's shoulder again: "Anyway, let's think about what to do now. By the way, did you inform Master Xue of the news?"

"I sent someone there yesterday, why, didn't you see him today?"

Asuka smiled bitterly: "I received your news as soon as it was dawn, and I quickly took someone to borrow from the Goose Tribe. Even if I met, I wouldn't pay attention."

Seeing Xun Xun's face with a distressed expression, Asuka said, "Let's find it like this. Let's try to block the entrance of the Tsuburaya Mountain Range into a large mountain range, and then send someone to ride a horse to inform Master Xue?"

Xundao: "It is best to bring all the people from the nine tribes of the large mountain range. Only in this way can the limestone rebels be suppressed."

"It's not Xun. Without Master Xue's order, I couldn't call everyone here. I was also a person who could be borrowed from the Goose Tribe because my sister and Sister Orange knew each other." Asuka smiled bitterly.

Xun hesitated: "Then, that can only be to write another letter to inform Master Xue."

Asuka wondered: "Faith? Is it the kind of text invented by Lord Warrior?"

"Yes, do you have any dark water?"

Asuka blinked: "No, no, sister, she likes good-looking colors, and didn't let my father buy black lacquer. Moreover, we can't read words, so we didn't prepare."

Xun gritted his teeth and said: "Other colors are fine, as long as you can write. In addition, Asuka, you can find a tribe who can ride a horse."

Asuka just wanted to say, a woman suddenly jumped out next to her, aha, and Xunhe Asuka was taken aback.

The two looked back and saw Xiao Huang, and immediately patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief.

Asuka still complained: "Sister, what are you doing? I was scared to death."

Xiao Huang chuckled: "You guys said horseback riding, I just can. Let me go to the Lihuo tribe, and I haven't seen Sister Xue for a long time."

Asuka: "···"

Looking at Xun Xun, both of them nodded, saying that Xiao Huang would go.

Ever since, Xun Ju wrote a letter in red paint, dried it and gave it to Xiao Huang, who sent the message to the Lihuo tribe on horseback.