Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1252: -I'm not up for it

Seeing Li Ya's spiteful flickering of her eyes, Asuka felt a chill.

"Then Mr. Liya, please tell me if you have something to say, don't be like this, this is not for you." Asuka rubbed the goose bumps on his body.

Li Ya was angry when she heard this: "Asshole thing, what did you say!!!"

Seeing Li Ya's anger, Asuka hurriedly changed the subject: "Sir Li Ya, let's talk about the raid."

As soon as she said this, Li Ya immediately frowned, and she kept talking.

After speaking, Li Ya watched Asuka: "What do you think of my plan?"

Asuka hesitated: "Yes, yes, it's Master Li Ya, will it be too dangerous if you lead a surprise attack?"

Li Ya's face suddenly pulled down: "Why, you look down on me?"

"No, I mean I'm going to make a raid, Master Li Ya, you guard the brigade, how about it? Anyway, it's the same for all of us."

Asuka wanted Li Ya not to take risks, but Li Ya didn't seem to appreciate this love.

I only saw that Li Ya kept poking her mouth: "Everything else can agree, but it's not enough to lead the team to make a surprise attack."

Asuka didn't understand: "Why?"

Li Ya said: "It's very simple, I will lead a surprise attack, you will lead the team to kill, let's try to knock down the helpers invited by these limestones in one breath, this is my plan, understand."

Asuka: "···"

Looking at Asuka and opening her mouth to say something, Li Ya directly stretched her hand into her arms: "Don't let me take out the token of Sister Xue."

As soon as Li Ya said this, Asuka was silent immediately: "I listen to you all, listen to you all."

Li Ya nodded in satisfaction when she heard the words. That night, she lit up the eighty members of the Imperial Ministry, and then took a pair of swords and led them over the peak that separated the Limestone Mountain Range from the Marugu Mountain Range.

It is different from the round valley mountain range to the large mountain range. From the limestone mountain range to the round valley mountain range, this mountain is slightly plain. From here, it is easy to climb and attack.

This is why Asuka insisted on requesting reinforcements.

Because the entrance of the Round Valley Mountains is not as easy to defend as the entrance of a large mountain range.

Three hundred people faced the high pressure of two thousand people, and they couldn't hold back at all.

Leading eighty members of the army and the imperial clan, Li Ya did not raise the torch, and took advantage of the moonlight to turn over the hillside and detoured a long way. In the middle of the night, she saw the temporary station of Limestone and the Tianling tribe from a distance. .

Looking straight ahead with her eyes open, Li Ya snorted, slowly withdrew the double knives from her waist, and whispered to the left and right: "Pay attention, this time our raid plan is mainly to disrupt, and we can kill it by the way. If the limestone is slaughtered, the limestone will be slaughtered, but we must not forget that our raid is to cover the Asuka's army, do you know?"

Everyone nodded together.

After that, I saw everyone you follow me and I followed you, and they touched the limestone next to their station.

When she got to the front, Li Ya counted a few counts silently in her heart, suddenly shouted, and showed a pair of swords: "Kill!!!"

With a shout, Li Ya was like a tigress coming out of the mountain, clutching a bronze knife and rushing to the front line.

Eighty members of the Imperial Ministry were unwilling to be left behind, and they all looked forward like little calves.

In the station where there was only the sound of snoring and sound asleep, suddenly a group of people turned their backs on their backs.

Many Tianling people stood up in a panic, persevering with night blindness, they couldn't see anything in front of them.

Even more, many Tianling people grabbed weapons and hit their companions.

Li Ya's assault was a matter of course, and, moreover, it achieved unexpected results.

The stationing place and what I expected were even more panic.

Everywhere were Tianling people who fled in a hurry, and they didn't even understand what was happening when they just woke up.

In confusion, it's a terrible move.

Originally, Limestone was resting. He suddenly heard the noisy sound, and sat up with a whistle, exclaiming, "What happened?"

Apo got in from the outside, with a panic on his face: "It's not good, my father, the woman Li Ya has come over again!"

"Ah? She's here again? No, didn't she lose to Huya? How could she dare to come and do it?"

Listening to Li Yan's words, Apo was also puzzled, saying that Li Ya was doing nothing.

How do you think, this evening is not her chance to do it.

But things are so nonsense, Li Ya really did.

Bringing people, came to raid the station with a total of two thousand people.

Moreover, she was very successful.

Even Li Yan had previously told the patriarch Li Ya that it might be possible to make a raid, so that he was fully prepared. However, what Li Yan never expected was that a small night blindness caused the spies outside the guard to become blind. , Watching Li Ya come in, causing a commotion.

"My father, hurry up! The woman Li Ya doesn't care about this." Apo said anxiously.

Li Yan sat there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Apo yelled a few more times, only to kick the limestone to the ground.

"Fuck! Bastard things, go, what to take! What do you know, if we leave this time, what will the other patriarchs think of us? Does he still believe us? How can we take the Lihuo tribe? This time, even dead We can't go either! At least, we can't run by ourselves! Go, get me a torch!" said Li Yan with a hideous face.

Apollo stunned: "Torch? Father, what do you want a torch for?"

Hearing the noise outside, Li Yan was anxious: "Why are you talking so much? If you ask you to take it, you can bring it to me!"

"Oh oh."

Apo, who didn’t understand what Limestone was thinking, had no choice but to do as his father told him. He went outside to find a torch and gave it to Limestone. Then, he saw Limestone holding the torch and rushing towards Apo. Ordered: "Now, the people who bring us follow me, what I call, what do you call it understand?"

Apollo could only nod in confusion.

Later, I saw that Limestone ran out with a torch, shouting loudly: "I am Limestone! Don't panic if you can see my position, come and join me!"

Apo was taken aback, and quickly rushed to put out the torch of the limestone, still not forgetting to shout, "My father, it's dangerous!"

Apo rushed forward in a hurry, but was turned around and avoided by Limestone, followed by a kick, and gritted his teeth viciously: "You don't care whether it's dangerous or not, just call me!"

Abo had no choice but to bring his tribe to shout at Li Yan.

When more than a dozen people shouted at the same time in the sky above the station, a torch faintly flickered in the dark. In this case, the people in the Tianling Mountains have night blindness and can see limestone. position.

Under the leadership of their respective patriarchs, they ran towards the limestone to meet.

Twenty minutes before and after, it turned out that the limestone really brought together most of the panicked people.

Fenglin and the others saw the torch of the limestone. Without a doubt, Li Ya also saw the torch and knew the location of the limestone.

But when Li Ya saw the more and more enemies gathering around Lime Rock, she hesitated and did not rush to perform the beheading mission.

She is reckless, but she is not a fool.

After all, he brought only a small group of harassing personnel, and the leader of the team did not have a fierce person who could crush the public, and he could not defeat the enemy that Lieyan and them united together.

All of a sudden, Li Ya, who had completed the harassment mission, caused a panic in the limestone station. Li Ya, who had completed the harassment task, couldn't help but sighed. Looking at the place where the limestone and them were gathered, she couldn't help but sighed: "Limestone, if you don't rebel, that's it. Behave, the thief knows, how can he not reuse you? It's a pity that you are not up for it.

Soon, Asuka arrived with people, joined forces with Li Ya, and launched an attack on the limestone and them.

The Tianling people in the original station were scared enough. In addition, Li Ya and the others killed so badly. In the end, their desire to survive finally defeated their courage. Under the leadership of Li Yan, a group of people rushed westward. escape.

The sky was slightly bright, and the bonfire on the ground was burning.

In the open space, there were about forty or fifty Tianling tribesmen who were surrounded by ropes, one by one, seven were not convinced, and eight were screaming.

"If you have the ability, let us go, let's have a fair match on the battlefield! Come on! Bah, a group of shameless **** who only know how to play sneak attacks on disgusting people."