Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1277: -Shitai

Standing miserably at the bottom of the hillside, Ji Zei tried to climb up several times, but each time he only climbed three or two meters and couldn't stop the mud from rolling down.

The highest one was four meters or five meters?

I didn't go up, and I wasted all my energy on the hillside.

Sitting on the ground, Ji thief couldn't help panting.

He couldn't figure it out. Why is there any melting ice and snow here in the Baigu Mountain Range?

A closer look was relieved. This mountain stream is located between the cliffs on both sides. There is no sunlight on weekdays, and of course there is no possibility of melting ice and snow.

Pulling his throat to the sky, he exhausted all his strength and shouted out a few dirt mountains. Ji Thief was completely abandoned. He felt that in his current state, even a child who came over with an embroidery needle could stab himself to death. .

This is what makes the earth not working.

Ji Zei held his forehead and sighed, shaking his head constantly.

He looked around and saw the wolf corpse on the ground. When the wolf died, his eyes were open and glaring at the direction Ji Zei was sitting in. At night, Ji Zei's heart was hairy.

The whistling wind in the mountain stream came with a whistling sound, as if the devil from **** was laughing.

Ji thief couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water, a little timid in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the direction of the wind, saying that since the wind can pass, maybe if he walks along the direction of the wind, he might be able to get out of the mountain stream.

Ever since, Ji Thief stood up with a copper knife in his hand and walked in the direction of the wind.

Staggering, walking and walking, two or three hundred meters away, the wind blows even more severely, even with it, there is also unmelted ice and snow that is blown over by the wind, and the ice wind and snow are on the face, like a knife general.

Ji thief grinned and covered his face with the tattered animal skins on his body, but at this moment, under the condition of wind blowing, the sky was bright and the moon was suddenly hidden into the clouds, and the earth was dark in a moment.

Ji thief raised his head in astonishment, only to see that the sky was covered by dark clouds and the wind was blowing.

Ji thief has a bad premonition spontaneously.


Brush la la la.

First, a drop of water fell from the sky and landed on Ji Thief's forehead, followed by countless raindrops falling from the sky, connecting them in a line, but for a moment, it was pouring rain.

Even, Ji thief was not given time to react, it was a rush under the heavy rain.

Under the rain curtain, the eyelids of the hit Ji thief were aching.

If this is left in the ordinary, Ji Thief would not be happy, after all, the spring rain is as expensive as oil, but now, Ji Thief doesn't think so.

Apart from other things, in heavy rain, how would Tushan find themselves?

The possibility of being rescued is too small.

The most important thing is that there is not even a place to shelter from the rain in the mountain stream. The animal skin I was wearing was also torn to pieces with the wolf. Now the sky is not warm, and the night is still very cold. , Under the condition that the animal skin can't keep warm, it rains again. Isn't this sincere to get sick?

The Huozhezi in his hand had already been extinguished, Ji Thief bit his head and walked through the rain.

Now, he has only two options.

The first is to quickly find a place to rest and light a fire to keep warm.

The second one is to brave the rain to find a way out and rendezvous with the large forces.

But the two straight cliffs in this mountain stream, how can there be a place to rest?

Alas, it can only be forced to take the second path.

The rain fell more and more, and gradually gathered in the mountain stream to the depth of Ji Thief's ankle. Wading forward in the torrential rain, without paying attention, Ji Zei, who was already physically exhausted, was washed down by the rain and rolled to the ground. The big raindrops crackled on his slightly thin body, which was pitiful.

For a moment, Ji Pi even felt a little wronged.

The patriarch of the dignified Lihuo tribe, the first warrior of a large mountain range, and the chief in charge of the Federation during the war, usually ascends the heights and calls out, he will surely respond to such a great hero like a cloud and follower like a rain. To be forced to desperate.

The Huozhezi in Ji Thief's hand was already wet, so there was no way to do it.

The torrential rain moved Ji Zei's body and rushed him back along the mountain stream.

Lying in the rolling rain, Ji Thief's face was pale, and his heart said it was all over.

How long has it been before the torrential rains have formed flash floods, isn't this cheating?

Struggling to stand up from the ground, the mountain torrents have passed Ji Zei's waist, not only the mountain torrents leaning from the upper reaches, but also mountain torrents leaning on both sides of the mountain stream.

Ji thief's body was involuntarily rolled up and downstream, and human power could not compete with nature at any time.

He was forced to drift with the waves, floating and floating, he had already deviated from the position where he had fallen down. Just as Ji Zei's heart was bad, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a raised stone on the side of the mountain. , Like a platform protruding from a mountain stream.

Seeing this scene in the torrent of the thief, his eyes could not help but shine.

He struggled quickly in the rain and walked to the platform.

No matter what, I must go to the platform, or let the rain wash away, and sooner or later I will die in this torrent of torrents due to exhaustion.

Even if you know water, you can't escape!

Ji thief slapped and walked in the rain, counting the speed and time passing by the stone.

The boulder platform is about one or two meters high from the surface of the water. At this height, it is very difficult to get up.

At least, Ji Thief is far from the kind of strength that can jump one or two meters high in the water.

Not to mention being in the water, he couldn't jump so high even in a place like the ground where he could bear the force.

With a brushing sound, Ji Thief pulled out the bronze sword from the water. Fortunately, he didn't lose the bronze sword when he was swept by the flash flood. Otherwise, he deserved to die now.

He wandered towards the water's edge, and under the huge force of the mountain torrent, he was consuming the pitiful strength of Ji thief all the time.

Near, near.

Looking at the huge stone platform, Ji Thief gritted his teeth, brushed, and directly lifted the bronze knife and pierced it on the rock wall of the mountain stream.

With a snort, the bronze knife went straight into the handle.

Seeing this scene, Ji Thief couldn't help being surprised. He said that he was only planning to use a copper knife to block his body from being swept away. How could he have thought that the knife plunged into the stone.

Take a closer look, hey, what is the stone, it is clearly a piece of mud covered with moss.

Ji thief grabbed the copper knife inserted into the mud and pulled his body to climb up. Fortunately, the mountain wall was inclined at an angle. So after Ji thief climbed up, he stepped on the handle of the copper knife with one foot, and the whole body was attached. It will not slide down on the mountain wall.

After finally escaping from the mountain torrent, Ji Zei breathed a sigh of relief, a touch of rain on his face, but was instantly filled with new rain.

"This Nima, you can encounter this kind of thing even if you solve it well, this special lady is too unlucky."

Ji thief stepped on the copper knife and said helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, the copper knife under his feet suddenly trembled, and Ji Thief was so scared that he almost called his mother.

Think about it, the copper knife is inserted into the soil, it is not as strong as imagined, Ji Thief's weight is on it, how can the copper knife persist.

Feeling the loosening of the copper knife under her feet, Ji Zaixin said that this temporary settlement was about to end.

He looked up and saw the edge of the huge boulder above his head. He gritted his teeth and turned his figure. Both feet were on the copper knives. He squatted slightly, saying that what is special is a blessing or a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided. It depends on whether it is life or death.

After saying that, Ji Thief's feet screamed hard, and the whole person stepped on the bronze knife to jump into the air, well, half a meter high.

Although it was half a meter high, it was enough. The thief who jumped up in the air grabbed the edge of the boulder with one hand, and hung it around like a sandbag.

The mountain torrents were pouring even more severely, and it had gone past the copper knife where Ji Thief had settled just now, so that when Ji Thief was hanging on the boulder, the mountain torrent passed by without his ankle.

Seeing this scene, Ji thief gritted his teeth, braced himself to lift himself up, and exhausted all his strength before he got on the stone platform.

As a result, after finishing this action, Ji Zei was inseparable from the dead when lying on the stone platform.

He felt that his arms were no longer his own for a while.

The weakness of muscle soreness was lifted, and the palms were shaking like chaff.

Ji thief gave up and lay his hands beside him to rest and regain his strength.