Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1289: -We are all supporting actors

When he walked out of the Ji thief, the hunter went straight to the residence of the beast blood.

When he came to the place, the animal blood was lying on the floor, sulking.

"Beast Blood Patriarch, are you asleep?"

Shou opened the curtain gently and walked in and asked.

The beast blood heard who it was, but he was not in the mood to reply, so he whispered and said, "Sleep!"

Shou walked over and sat down beside the animal blood with a chuckle, and said with a chuckle: "Beastblood brother, you are talking nonsense again, how can you answer when you sleep?"

Beast Blood turned over and sat up, wearing a bedding with animal skins, staring at him, looking at Shou angrily, and said: "Shou, you come to judge, we have been stuck in front of Sandaoguan for so long. , Is it wrong for me to let the Warriors use the trebuchet? Everyone is anxious to go back. Is it wrong for me to end the battle earlier?"

Hunter shook his head: "It's not wrong, and you did it right, Brother Beastblood."

The beast blood slapped his thigh: "Look, you think I did the right thing, right! But the warrior, he didn't agree with me, and he scolded me. How can you make sense?"


Beast Blood is also a liar, and Ji Zei has scolded him since.

Immediately speechless, the hunter pursed his lips and said, "Beastblood Patriarch, I think so. Since the warrior doesn't agree to you, we might as well think of a solution by ourselves."

The beast blood stared at the hunter with a blank look: "Think of a way? What way?"

Shou hehe smiled, and deliberately looked outside, pulling the tight string in the blood of the beast. Wantonly flirting.

Aroused the curiosity of beast blood, Hunter said slowly: "Since the patriarch does not agree to settle the battle early, let's let the patriarch take a look. The current situation is not stable at all. It can be resolved."

Speaking, the hunter smiled mysteriously, raised his eyebrows and asked Beast Blood, "Beast Blood Patriarch, do you remember the path that leads directly from Erdaoguan to Qingfeng Tribe?"

The beast blood eyes stared.

Hunter continued: "We only need to bring some people, we don’t need too many, forty or fifty. We can go straight to the three passes from this trail and go to the valley of the Qingfeng tribe. Then, Azhi knows, he will definitely send People came back to defend. At that time, Sandaoguan lacked defensive manpower, and the patriarch directly broke the Sandaoguan. Even if Azhi did not send anyone back to defend, then we could take the Qingfeng tribe and join the patriarch. , Attacking three passes on both sides, Ah Zhi still can't escape!"

After hearing what the hunter said, Beast Blood admitted that he was excited.

He opened his mouth and seemed to have a thousand words to say, but opened his mouth but closed it, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Shou, what you said is pretty good, but I have a problem."

"You said, Chief Beast Blood."

"Forty or fifty people, is that enough?" The beast blood asked with restraint.

Hunter touched his nose: "Of course forty or fifty people are not enough, but what about the beasts I caught before? Those leopards, wolfs and grizzly bears, isn't that enough?"

It's okay if you don't talk about hunting, as soon as you talk about animal blood, he has a new problem. He doesn't understand what Ji Thief caught those beasts doing. Is it possible that Ji Thief will really control those beasts?

As if seeing the doubts in the beast blood, Shou said, "Beast blood patriarch, you can rest assured that those beasts are absolutely reliable. Forty or fifty people and these beasts can be eaten in one breath. In Qingfeng Valley, even if we can't eat it, we can disturb his rear, so that Azhi can't take care of either. Then, victory will belong to us!"

While speaking, Shou clenched his fists, as if everything were in his palm.

The beast blood blushed and said: "I, I didn't say anything."

"The animal blood patriarch, have you thought about it? Shall we go down the path, or go forward with the patriarch slowly, putting pressure on Ah Zhi? Of course, walking the path may be more dangerous, after all, if Ah Zhi has Prepare, we have nothing to do."

The animal blood is the least irritated, but the hunter even irritated him with words.

Sure enough, the beast blood was fooled, raising his eyebrows angrily, staring at his eyes and said: "Go, who is my beast blood afraid of? When shall we leave?"

Shou spread his hands: "I'm ready, Brother Beastblood, as long as you say a word, we can set off now."

The beast blood lowered his head for a moment and patted his thigh: "It's done!"

As he said, the beast blood raised his head and whispered: "Come here."

When the words fell, the beast blood's close confidant walked outside the tent, glanced suspiciously at the hunter who was also in the tent, and bowed his head and said, "Master Patriarch, what do you want?"

"Go, call all the people over, I have something to order."

The confidant nodded and walked away. About twenty minutes later, he walked in with a dozen or so small captain-level clansmen in the account, and approached the animal blood to ask what happened.

When Beast Blood said his plan, the clansmen were surprised: "Master Patriarch, do you really plan to do this?"

The beast blood nodded vigorously: "Of course, I will ask you now, do you want to do it with me?"

As the saying goes, what kind of leader has what kind of subordinates.

Beast Blood has a rough temper, and his men are like that.

One by one, the beast blood spurred words, and all the small captains who came in clenched their fists: "Master Patriarch, what you said, do it! The big deal is death, what are you afraid of!"

The beast blood laughed loudly, and quickly gathered the tribesmen, feeling the black, the tribe of the beast blood tribe on the seventies sneaked out of the camp.

The blood of the beast brought all of his family.

You know, the animal blood department can be regarded as the biggest loser after this northward march. There is no way, the animal blood is so impulsive, and even the people of his tribe are like this. Caused nearly 30 casualties.

The hunter took a few guards with him, went to the camp to release the grizzly bear and wild wolves, followed by animal blood, a coalition of more than 70 people, and a hundred beasts, toward the mountain path that can sneak across the Sandaoguan. go with.

The dark clouds covering the bright moon were blown away by the wind, and the thief stepped on a hillside. Here, there are puddles that have not dried up under the heavy rain more than ten days ago, watching the black blood of the beast in the camp. With the shadow running out with Shou, Ji Zei smiled. Beside him, there were Yi and A Shuang standing beside him.

When the three of them stood here, they saw A Shuang's face worried about the safety of the hunter, her brows furrowed, her fists clenched in front of her, and her face worried.

The thief saw it and smiled happily with his shoulders: "Okay, A Shuang, don't worry so much, don't you know the strength of your man? Nothing will happen, let alone I sent a batch Hu Ben Jianwei and Shen Hai followed, don't worry."

A Shuang asked Ji Thief to say what was in his mind, and his face flushed: "I, I'm not worried, Shou, Master Shou is so powerful, so no one can hurt him."

The thief heard the words and sighed: "Hey, this little girl is not saved."

A Shuang: "···"

"Master Patriarch, now that the hunter has taken the animal blood out, can we start our plan?"

Just when Ji thief was teasing A Shuang, Yi asked, pondering.

Hearing the words, the thief became serious and nodded: "Well, it's almost there. Tomorrow morning, order to go down and let everyone start to put pressure on them immediately. Don't yell at the bottom. Anyway, Ah Zhi, the tortoise, will not come out , We have to take some practical actions to make Azhi nervous."

Yi's eyes lit up: "So, we can use the tools we made before tomorrow?"

The thief nodded and smiled cheerfully: "Of course, but in this big show, we are all supporting actors, the protagonist, or the animal blood brother and the hunter."

As he said, Ji Thief waved his hand: "Go, go back to sleep."

I went back to rest that night and had nothing to say. The next morning, the camp was noisy with gongs and drums, and Ah Zhi, who was shocked by the three gates, woke up immediately. He trot on the cross bridge, pressing his hand against the railing and looking out, panicking while watching. Asked: "What's wrong? What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Chuan Li stood beside Azhi: "What else can I do? Ji Thief is going to come and scold him again. It's been a few days now, it's okay, Azhi, you go back and rest first."

Azhi blinked, nodded and just wanted to go, when he suddenly saw the things pushed out from the Ji Thief camp, he was stunned and said, "Then, what is that?"