Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1325: -race

As he was talking, Ji Thief suddenly raised his head: "No, I have to work hard to make money! Otherwise, this hole will not be able to fill it up!"

A Liang is weak and weak: "Or a warrior, let me take out the currency I saved before, more than ten thousand."

Yi and Ayu also said: "We also have more than ten thousand. You can use it first."

The thief waved his hand: "No, the three of you add up to more than 30,000, which is not enough. If you really want to use it, I will find Usma. This old boy has a lot of savings."

Three people: "···"

Xuebai glanced at Ji Thief: "Warrior, be more serious, tell you that now a new batch of currency in the tribe is about to be created, about one hundred thousand."

Yi's eyes lit up: "How about we make more currency? This is also a way."

As soon as the voice fell, both Ji Thief and Ah Yu shook their heads quickly: "No way, no way."

Yi could not understand: "Why?"

Just as Ji Thief wanted to explain, he turned to look at Ah Yu to see what he wanted to say.

I only saw that Ah Yu pursed his lips: "If we make too much money, the price of goods in the tribe will increase. Obviously, we have enough pension payments, but money can be purchased. If there are few things, it means that there is still less money."

Ji Zei was a little stunned, but he didn't expect Ah Yu to think of all this.

Can he also think of this kind of economic inflation? Not simple, not simple.

Looking at Ah Yu up and down, Ji Thief couldn't help curiosity in his heart. Logically speaking, he was just a primitive man. Even if he had his own influence, he wouldn't be so smart.

Born to be a wizard, too.

Shaking his head and throwing out the random thoughts in his head, Ji Thief followed Ah Yu's words and said, "A Yu is right. Currency cannot be manufactured on a large scale now. Even if it is manufactured on a large scale, that is also true. It is suitable for the 65,000 people in all our territories. It is impossible to concentrate all the currency in the hands of our tribe. It will cause the market to collapse. When the time comes, no one can save it. live."

I didn't understand the many nouns Ji Zei said, anyway, he just understood a sentence that it is impossible to make money on a large scale now.

For a while, it was easy to hesitate and asked Ji Thief: "The patriarch, what should we do if we can't mint currency now?"

Ji Zei snorted: "I'll settle the accounts. Our tribe now has 3.4 million currency at most 2.8 million usable, plus the newly made batch of 100,000, which is two hundred and ninety. Ten thousand, one hundred and six hundred thousand short, this one six hundred thousand, well, you have to think of a good idea to earn these currencies into your hands."

As he said, Ji Thief looked up at the crowd: "Do you have any good solutions?"

Li Ya clenched her fists: "It's better to let the catering department open to sell food. Then I will steal all the money from my sister and mother to support it. That's more than 10,000."

The thief Ji was impatient: "Go, go and play while you are greedy, let alone support or not."

Li Ya: "···"

Ji Thief pinched his chin: "What is a good way to make money?"

At this moment, the patriarchs such as Beast Blood returned from the horse race and asked as soon as they entered the door: "Warrior, I heard you are looking for us, what's the matter?"

Hearing the sound, Ji Zei raised his head and saw the beast blood and they stood up hurriedly: "Brothers are here, come and come, sit down, sit down."

Asking the nine patriarchs to sit down, the eagle still asked, "Why are everyone's faces pulled down? What's the matter with the warrior, is there anything unhappy?"

Li Ya wanted to say, but asked Ji Thief to stop drinking with her eyes, and said with a smile: "No, what can be done. How are the older brothers playing?"

Beast Blood and the others slurped their mouths: "It's all okay, it's just the nine of us going to play back, it feels almost something, not as good as it was at the beginning."

Listening to the words of the beast blood, Ji Zei blinked, and suddenly an idea for making money came out in his heart.

I only saw that Ji Thief smiled, just like the treacherous expression when he was trying to cheat people: "Dear brothers, what about me, I have a suggestion. I don't know if you want to listen."

Beast Blood and others nodded: "Warrior, you say."

Ji thief happily said: "The battle is over, and there is not much to do next. I plan to hold a horse race in the Eastern Plains."

"Horse racing?"

The beast blood and others were all taken aback.

The thief nodded: "Yes, there is no entry requirement for the patriarch and the patriarch. As long as you sign up, you can compete. Moreover, I will prepare horses for all participants to ride."

The beast blood's eyes lit up: "Warrior, are you planning to let the tens of thousands of people from the large mountain range participate?"

Ji thief happily waved his hand: "How can it be that so many tribesmen can compete. Pick out some tribesmen, each batch of 100, can be carried out in batches to see who has the best equestrian skills and who is the fastest . Winner, I have 30,000 currency rewards, the second place is 10,000, and the third place is 5,000."

A Liang almost didn't jump up, good fellow, now there is a big hole in the pension, and 45,000 currency is also used as a bonus. This, isn't this making trouble for yourself?

A Liang wanted to stop the Ji thief, but Yi grabbed him and secretly said quietly: "Don't worry, when have you seen the patriarch make a loss?"

Hearing what Ji Zei said, Aliang just stopped and did not move.

Beast blood, they were very interested, and asked if Ji Thief had paid attention to horse racing.

Ji Thief shook his head and said not yet, but just had an idea. The specific rules depend on preparations.

In addition, this horse race does not mean that you only need to register. Every member of the race has to pay a registration fee of 100 currency.

One hundred says more is not more, says less is much.

I don’t say much, because as long as you take out a hundred currency, you can get a chance to win a prize of 30,000 currency.

To say a lot less, because on average, the average of each ethnic group in a large mountain range is about 500 currency per month, and one-fifth of it is used for registration, which is a bit extravagant.

However, in addition to the Lihuo tribe, there are few entertainment projects in the large mountain ranges, and it is reasonable to have this registration competition.

Immediately, the beast blood slapped his chest: "Well, one hundred is one hundred, not bad for money."

Ji Thief chuckled: "If that's OK, let's order it like this."

Beast blood they both nodded: "No problem."

Ji Thief pursed his lips and said: "Very well, I will let Yi watch to make arrangements later, and spread the news of the horse racing. Brothers, please go back and prepare."

Beast Blood nodded, turned and walked out.

It was only when he stepped forward that the eagle was pulled back.

With a puff, the animal blood didn't go away and sat on the ground, staring at the eagle: "What are you pulling me for!!!"

The eagle gave him a white look: "Can you be a bit serious and forget that today is a matter of discussing the territory?"

Beast Blood blinked, then waved his hand and chuckled: "Forget, forget, what kind of warrior, you should talk about how to manage this territory separately."

Ji thief: "···"

Now Ji Thief was thinking about how to make money to fill the hole, and for a while, he didn't even think of allocating territory.

He coughed immediately and said, "Ahem, what? Don't worry about it now, anyway, it's only May or June, and it's still early to start spring. It's not too late to wait until the temporary persons in charge of various territories arrive. For a few months, you guys just need to relax and entertain!"

The blood of the beast looked at the eagle triumphantly, his expression seemed to be saying look, what I said.

After chatting for a few more words, several patriarchs stood up and said goodbye, in the words of beast blood, they must go back quickly and get ready for it. The first place is decided by himself.

Seeing the joy and joy of the beast blood, Ji Zei also closed his mouth happily, smiling, as if in between, it was as if he had seen countless currency and money and then waved at him.

Asked Ado to call Usma over. Usma was a veteran at the top of the pit, and the thief said about her plan. Usma immediately excitedly helped the staff. After speaking, he couldn't bear to say anything. No wonder the patriarch always cheated on Usma's money. This is too shameless.

While talking, Usma stopped and blinked and asked Yi: "Yi, what's wrong with your eyes, why do I find it strange?"

Yi hurriedly shook his head, or Ji thief pulled the topic over: "That's how the original plan was?"