Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1338: -I want to kill you!

"What's the matter, warrior, you say, as long as you say, I will do it for you"

Ji thief blinked and rushed to Zhen said: "That's right, I plan to mobilize clansmen from the hunting department to form a wolf rider, so I need to register personnel transfer with you. A Liang will be here later."

Zhen naturally nodded her head and had no opinion. Li Ya ran over and asked Ji thief, "A thief, you want to form a wolf ride, or think about me, put me into a wolf ride, I I want to ride that giant wolf too."

Vidora Lea: "How come you have everything, come, come and rehearse with me."

Li Ya said twice: "It's not my sister, don't pull me, what I said is true, I also want to incorporate into the wolf riding battle, really, very prestigious."

In any case, she finally pulled Li Ya down. Zhen looked at Ji Thief, and the two of them had nothing to say.

For a long time, Ji Thief couldn't stand this embarrassing scene, and just coughed: "So what, you have worked so hard these days."

Zhen smiled: "It's okay warrior, it's all I should do."

Zhenyi said that this thief was even more embarrassed. He looked around and asked Zhen, "Well, why don't we go?"

Zhen was taken aback, and then smiled: "Yes."

After speaking, the two of them went to one side together. From a distance, Li Ya saw that she wanted to follow, so Vidor stopped. Tushan was also unusually conscious and did not follow, but squatted down and laughed cheerfully: " It just happens to be able to rest for a while, find, come, let’s take a look at their catwalks, and tell you, so many beauties are not common."


Walking with Zhen, the two of them circled the personnel department, and neither of them spoke first.

For Zhen, as long as she is looking from a distance, she is already satisfied. This feeling is like the appearance of countless young couples coming out for a walk in the tribe after dinner. Just thinking about it, Zhen couldn't help but giggle.

But Ji Thief didn't think so, he proposed to walk around, there was something to say.

No, after two steps, Ji Thief stopped. Zhen was taken aback. The sense of happiness that had just risen in her heart disappeared without a trace. Looking at Ji Thief’s gradually increasing face, he couldn't help sighing. Tone, is it still like this? Do you still think too much?

Just when Zhen was lost, the thief Ji spoke: "Jin, it's true that you don't want to hide it, the fat elder was looking for me before."

Without outsiders, Ji Thief is still used to calling Fat Bear the Fat Elder.

It's not that he is cheap, but that the fat elder has been protecting himself when he was in the Frost Valley tribe.

With emotion and reason, Ji thief admires and respects Fat Bear very much.

In front of people, what to call and how to call them are rules, and what to call them after people are the self-cultivation and character performance of Ji Thief.

Immediately, after hearing Ji Zei's words, Zhen Zhen was shocked and frowned, feeling a little uneasy: "Did Fat Bear look for you?"

Ji Tie nodded: "I and Fat Elder have both talked about it, the two of us."

As soon as Ji Thief said this, the uneasy expression on Zhen's face became more intense.

"No, no warrior, don't tell me the answer, this is good, this is good, and I won't get it, but I won't lose it," Zhen said with a trembling voice.

Ji thief was stunned when he heard the words, and shook his head for a long time and smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay."

Zhen turned around and quickly: "Warrior, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, I, I'm leaving now."

While speaking, without giving Ji Thief any opportunity to refuse, Zhen left quickly.

Looking at Zhen's back, Ji Thief was stunned for a long time in the same place. At the end, he sighed and said that he was really a bastard. The damage to Zhen was too deep in the past. She is an independent and decisive mistress witch , But was tortured like this.

Thinking of this, Ji Thief couldn't help sighing.

I don't know why, on Zhen's body, Ji thief vaguely saw Bu's shadow.

The same is for love humble women.

While thinking, Ji Thief went back.

When we returned to the show place, Zhen was not there and asked what was going on, saying that she ran back just now.

Li Ya asked Ji Thief what was wrong, but Ji Thief didn't say anything, but Tushan came up again, opening her mouth to say something.

Ji Zei glared at him: "Shut up! Don't ask anything."

Tushan sighed, "No, it's like this. I want to say, Lord Patriarch, do you think this show is a little bit worse?"

Ji thief was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked back: "What's the point?"

Tushan nodded: "That's it, patriarch, I don't know what you think, hiss, I almost feel it, but I can't tell what it feels like."

The thief looked at Tushan suspiciously, and Tushan pointed at the female people on the catwalk.

Ji thief looked at the past, passing the Tushan reminder, Ji thief really had this feeling.

When everyone was on the catwalk, there was something close, but I couldn't say exactly what Ji thief knew about for a while.

"Vido, please take another catwalk and let me see."

Viduo, who was teaching her younger sister to wince, was taken aback when she said, "Now?"

Ji Thief nodded: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll take a look again."

Viduo snorted, "Okay."

After speaking hard, Viduo stepped aside and started to walk.

Looking at it this time, the Maobu Ji thief, who had been so pleasing in the past, looked a little awkward.

But still the problem, awkward, awkward, Ji Thief still doesn't know where the problem is.

"Vidot, take another trip."

Wei Duo has a good temper, and left without saying anything. If this was Li Ya, she could turn her face on the spot.

After walking three times in a row, Ji thief finally discovered what was wrong.

That is when Viduo is walking catwalks, there is a kind of pretentious elegance.

Although I didn't see it at first sight, I just felt it was amazing, but you must know that this time Victoria's Secret is not one day or two days, it was seven consecutive days!

In seven days, what should I do if everyone gets tired of aesthetics? How can the clothes be sold? This is a taboo! No, absolutely not.

You have to think of a solution yourself.

Viduo came to ask Ji thief, and asked gently: "How about thief, do you see anything?"

Ji Thief snorted, and he wanted to speak without speaking, and asked next to him: "Is this a catwalk you are walking?"

Viduo nodded: "Yes, the thief came up with it."

A thoughtful sigh: "But I think your cat walk looks a bit like it, but it's not a real cat walk."

Ji thief looked back at him: "How to say?"

Xun is the beast expert of the Lihuo tribe. If there is anyone who knows beasts better than Xun, then only his father, the previous patriarch of the beast tribe, is.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Pirate values ​​Xun's opinion very much.

Isn’t it? After Ji Thief asked, he yelled twice, first bowed his head for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Master patriarch, I don’t know if you have observed the way the Sabretooth tiger walks. It’s very light, but I’ve just watched it for so long, and I feel that everyone’s steps are a little heavier.

Li Ya raised her eyebrows: "Why, come on, let me take a look!"


When the Limestone Rebellion was put down, Xun had suffered under Li Ya's hands, how could he dare to talk back to her?

Or Ji Thief gave Li Ya a white glance: "If you make trouble again, I will give you the currency to get back."

Li Ya snorted and closed her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Thief looked at Xundao again: "Then you talk about how to change, do you have any good ideas?"

Xun blinked for a moment, then shook his head and said uncertainly: "I, I don't know if it counts, but I think if you let everyone walk with their feet in their arms, they might look at their steps lightly."

Li Ya yelled after hearing the words, "Why don't you walk with your feet in your arms? Isn't this cheating? A thief, you believe this too."

The thief nodded: "I believe it, come, please, please take a walk with your sisters holding their feet."

Li Ya: "···"

Viduo patted Li Ya: "Okay, okay, didn't I give you money? Hurry up and don't waste time. Do as the thief said. Seeing that there is not much time, now that the problem is not counted. Late, we have to hurry up."

The thief slapped his hand: "Look, Viduo is still sensible, Li Ya, you have nothing to do with your sister."

The corners of Li Ya's mouth kept shaking, and her throat roared: "I want to kill you!"