Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1390: -little monster

As soon as he heard the heads-up, Ah Huan's eyes lit up, and he took a step forward, and the Chongji thief said: "Heads-up? Alright, Lord Patriarch, let me come.

Aju, Ahu, Asuka Oga and others who were still eager to fight heads-up were silent, but Tushan had a sullen expression.

To compete with Ah Huang for a single spot is no less difficult than to make Ji Thief not so insignificant in the future.

It is an unfinished task.

The thief looked at Ah Huang, thought for a while, and said, "Be careful."

Ah Huang grinned and patted his chest: "Don't worry, Lord Patriarch, I'm wearing vine armor and black scale armor. It's okay."

After finishing talking, Ah Huang took a step forward and looked at the mountain leopard with his hands free: "Come on, let's go single."

Seeing Ah Huang coming out, the mountain leopard was very puzzled, and Xin said how come out such a weak monkey to single out? Is Ji Thief looking down on himself again?

In any case, I can also fight the Ahu.

Immediately, the mountain leopard chuckled, with a somewhat angry look.

A sturdy member of the Huangyan tribe came out. He was a mountain leopard's subordinate. He sneered and said, "It's really okay for you Lihuo tribe to let such a child come out to die. Master patriarch, let me and him alone. Let Ji Thief take a look and underestimate our consequences."

Shan Leopard didn't want to go head-to-head with Ah Huang, but it wasn't that he was scared. The main reason was that he felt that he was singled out with Ah Huang, and some of his identity was lost.

It is precisely because of this that there are clansmen who speak up. The mountain leopard is very happy. He said with a flat expression and said hypocritically: "Go ahead, he is still a child, don't kill him. Ji thief has no favors. some."

The mountain leopard was very proud. In his opinion, the big, tall, and sturdy man under his hand could deal with such a thin and thin monkey-like character as Ah Huang. He could smash him with one punch, and fight without suspense.

It is precisely because of this that the mountain leopard will issue a declaration of victory in advance, telling his people not to kill Ah Huang.

That tribe is also very proud, because he feels that apart from winning, it is impossible for him to lose.

It is precisely because of this that the tribe is carrying a wooden spear, striding up to stand about ten steps away from Ah Huang, with his head held high and his face full of arrogance: "Where is your weapon?"

Ah Huang looked dumb and said, "I have no weapons."

"Hehe, aren't you here to die? Go, go back and take the weapon, and the province said I bullied you."

Looking at the expression of the tribe’s jealousy, Ah Shaking shook his head. He was born to be a strong man and he was full of strong self-confidence: "It’s okay, you beat me alone and I’m empty-handed. It’s already bullying you. No, how about my hand?"

When the words fell, everyone present was stunned.

Of course, except for the people on Ji Thief's side, because they have all seen Ah Huang's strength and know that Ah Huang has the ability to say these things.

But it's not on the barren rock mountain range. They felt that Ah Huang was deliberately despising himself.

Right now, the clansman who came out to challenge Ah Huang was furious: "Little monkey! You are too crazy!"

Before the words were finished, the tribe pierced with a wooden spear.

Even from the perspective of the earth mountain, the strength and speed of this wooden spear pierced out are so perfect, if it is one's own words, it is still a bit laborious to catch this trick.

As a result, the spear stabbed, and the mountain leopard cheered loudly and cheered for his tribe.

Even the clansmen who went to the battle were so proud that he even saw the scene of Ah Huang being assassinated with a spear by himself.

However, it is not.

I only saw that Ah Huang couldn't avoid it, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the stabbed wooden spear with a snap, accurate.

Moreover, Ah Huang's strength is so great that the tribe can't pull, pull, pull, and pull back.

A Huang grinned: "Your speed is too slow, not as fast as Brother Ahu."

As he said, he pulled his arm back, driven by the tremendous force, the tribe stumbling forward, Ah Huang let go of his hand holding the wooden spear, and pushed a palm on the tribe.

With a puff, the people of that ethnic group vomited blood, drew an arc in the air, and fell heavily to the ground, twitching uncontrollably, and the corners of the mouth twitched repeatedly.

The mountain leopard is stupid, what happened?

How long has it been from the attack to the flight back? That's four or five blinks of an eye, how come your own people are gone?

Ah Huang looked up at the mountain leopard. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, from behind the mountain leopard, a clan member who looked a little similar to that clan member just came out: "Asshole, you kill my brother, I can't spare you."

Ah Huang rolled his eyes, still standing still, when the tribe rushed over and slapped it out, on the ground, there was another tribe with twitching limbs and foaming at the mouth.

The mountain leopard almost didn't stare out now.

A group of people also blinked to see Ah Huan, who looked like they were looking at a monster.

"Hmph, what kind of ability to bully some ordinary people, do you dare to fight me?"

A clan son stepped forward and said loudly.

Ah Huang looked at him and nodded: "Come on, you can call more helpers, as many as you want, um, no, no more than ten, otherwise there are too many people, I will not be able to hit the people behind."

Everyone: "···"

The patriarch's son was furious: "Boy, don't speak big words!"

After that, the patriarch's son rushed over, he came up in two steps, flew out in one step, and lay on the ground constantly twitching.

At this moment, no one dared to say anything.

Ah Huang looked up and looked around: "Is there no one? Didn't you say you want to go heads-up? Why is there no one here? Then or else, you can play with me, rest assured, I still use one hand."

The corner of the mountain leopard's mouth twitched, and his heart said, why is there such a little monster? Where did Ji Thief get it?

Ji thief was also very proud. After all, Xin was the number one fierce under his men, hehe, strong invincible.

The mountain leopard turned his head and gestured, five clansmen came out brazenly, pointing at Ah Huang: "Don't be crazy, dare to challenge us five?"

A Huan tilted his head and said, "Then can I use my hands?"

"Just leave it to you."

Five people rushed over, Ah Huang opened his hands, and told me that in just two minutes, there were five more people who foamed at the mouth.

Ah Huang still sighed: "Oh, let's use one hand and two hands. It's too bullying."

Tushan and the others couldn’t help but want to laugh after hearing Ah Huang’s self-talk, and they said that Ah Huang is still the same as before, always saying the most hurtful things inadvertently. In the past, everyone hated him for his poisonous tongue. Now why look at how cute Ah Huang is?

Yeah, by the way, it was me who beat Ah Huang before, no wonder.

"Asshole, we have so many warriors in the Barren Rock Mountains, there is no way to get a child! Hateful, hateful!"

The mountain leopard was furious and maliciously provoked, and there were several people with strong self-esteem, who were quite famous in the barren rock mountain range, couldn't help it, shouting and charging forward.

However, no matter how many people came, to Akira, it was all for nothing.

You know, Ah Huang is good at this heads-up. He is different from Tushan with long arms and strong body. Although he is a man of great strength, the physique of Tushan is born to fight against Chaos. Ah Huang is not good at it. He is short in stature. , Only in the heads-up can he play his full strength.

No, a few came up, but Ah Huang beat them back a few.

The day does not change, and in just one hour, Akira has repeatedly picked up 37 opponents who are brave and dare to challenge.

At the end of the fight, Ah Huang stood there, there were no traces of his feet around him, his face was not flushed, and he was breathless, even hitting thirty-seven people, he didn't even make him take a step.

The face of a mountain leopard is as ugly as a fly.

Ah Ju asked Tushan: "Can you achieve a record like Ah Huang?"

Tushan was shy: "It's not better than going, don't compare."

Ji thief looked back at Tushan speechlessly.

Tushan touched his nose: "Well, although I can also achieve a record like Ah Huang, but it is not so easy, at least, I will not beat so many people with one hand like him, even though Said these people don’t look very strong."

Everyone suddenly realized, let me just say.

Ah Huang stood on the spot and looked around, and saw that all the barren rock tribes were afraid of their faces. When no one dared to come up again, he looked at the mountain leopard and said, "Your people are all scared, or else, you come up and stand alone with me. Right? Don't worry, I still have one hand and I will never bully you."