Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1403: -The Devil's Story

When the wolf rider started to reap the lives of the boulder mountain tribesmen again, suddenly, a voice blasted between heaven and earth.

"Enough! Enough thief! You can stop!"

It was no one else who yelled this sentence, but the only matriarch Swallow in the Giant Rock Mountains.

Swallow was holding a wooden spear in his hand, standing among the wounded everywhere, covered in blood, with an aggrieved expression on his face, an expression that was about to cry, looking at the thief on the back of the tiger. And those wolf riders behind Ji Thief.

Taking a deep breath, the swallow looked at the dragon flag that was inserted diagonally into the cloud from the left rear of Ji Thief, forcing her to calm down, and said: "Ji Thief, is it enough? You killed us almost three hundred The clansman, are you satisfied now, can you stop? Do you really want to kill all of us?"

When saying these words, Yanzi looked at Ji Thief stubbornly.

Beside her, many patriarchs and tribesmen with panic expressions and horrified tribesmen looked at Ji Thief and the wolves, not as if they were looking at people, like monsters, demons!

On the tiger's back, Ji Thief was carrying the Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, and his body had been stained blood red.

Of course, the blood is not Ji Thief's, but the enemy's.

Although Ji Zei's strength is not very good, but after riding the Sabretooth Tiger, the Ji Zei is no less than Aju, and a strong man who can compare with Ahu.

After hearing what the Swallow said, Ji Zei lifted the Xuanyuan Sword, wiped the blood on the sword with the animal skin on his body, and then took the Xuanyuan Sword back into its sheath seriously, looked at the Swallow, and said, "From beginning to end, My goal is the mountain leopard alone! If the black crow wants to defend him against me, then I can only kill him. If you want to stop me against me, I'm sorry, I can only accept the move."

Yanzi couldn't stop tears in her eyes after hearing these words. She wanted to order a fight with Ji Zei, but she didn't dare.

Because, he found that he couldn't do anything besides cursing Ji Thief with a sad curse in his heart.

For nothing else, the main reason was that in the previous battle, one of the wolf riders was not killed.

After such a long period of fierce battle, the biggest result achieved was only to severely wound three wolf riders and slightly injured more than forty. It can be said that Ji Thief's elite combat power is still there.

In comparison, our side was killed by a wolf rider, and nearly 300 people were killed by a giant wolf. The wounded were countless. Moreover, everyone was beaten with fear. Even if you can kill the Ji thief and annihilate the wolf rider, there are not many clansmen left on your side.

If all your own combat power is here to fight the thief, who will guard the Boulder Mountain Range?

What if the enemy from the west and south of the Boulder Mountains comes? At that time, the territory where everyone has lived for generations will be taken away.

It was precisely because of this that Yanzi would call to the clansmen after learning the true combat power of the Ji thief. She did not dare and could not fight.

Taking a deep breath, Swallow was forced to admit his mistake to Ji Thief in desperation: "We are against you for the black crow and mountain leopard. It is our fault. We apologize."

Ji Zihu scornfully swept Yanzi on his back: "I knew this before, why bother? I accept your apology."

Yanzi was very wronged, but she didn't dare to show it: "Many, thank you, now, can you go?"

Ji Thief said: "You must go, but there is one more thing I want to do."

Yanzi looked up in amazement: "What?"

The thief stretched his finger to the Black Raven Valley behind him: "The members of the Black Raven tribe have already surrendered to me and I want to take them away."

Before Yanzi spoke, Qing Shui, who was punched by Ah Huan, immediately widened his eyes and angrily said: "What!!! Do you still want to take our people away?"

Ji Zei glanced at Qing Shui: "Your people? Ha ha, joke, before you came, they had already surrendered to me, you said they are your people? Come, come out and call them, I will look at them Promise or not."

When he said this, Ji Zei's hand was already on the hilt of Xuanyuan Jian.

The wolf riding guard, who had become very tired after several bursts, instantly straightened his waist and sat on the back of the giant wolf, holding the copper spear in his hand, looking forward with scorching eyes.

Qing Shuirang closed his mouth in fright, and did not dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Ji Thief gave a cold snort.

How embarrassing Qing Shui is, the swallow jumped out and said with sloppy eyes: "Then, what, take it away, they have all surrendered to you now, it's your captive, you take it away They, too, should be fine, fine, fine, we have no opinion."

Ji Zei swept past Yanzi with a chuckle: "It's a bit interesting for you to come, so we can go, but before we go, we can stay here for a while, right?"

Yanzi was taken aback, Qing Shui clenched his fist and asked, "I promised you everything, what are you doing here?"

Ji Zei didn't pay attention to Qingshui, and looked down on him.

Upon seeing this, Qing Shui was annoyed.

Swallow asked, and Ji Zei replied: "You want me to take everyone away. I must not give everyone some time to clean up? Don't worry, we will leave in half a day at the earliest and two days at the latest."

Yanzi frowned: "Two days are too long. I can only give you one day at most."

The thief heard the words and laughed up to the sky: "Sisters, I think you may have misunderstood something. I am just telling you, not asking for your opinion. Now, you are not qualified to negotiate any terms with me."

Yanzi's face changed suddenly.

Ji Thief snorted, and then said: "My team is just a team of wolf riders, and you can't resist it. If I pull all of my people over and destroy you..."

As he said, Ji Thief paused, bent down on the tiger's back, and picked up a small stone on the ground in his palm. Then, Ji Thief slowly turned his palm in front of everyone, and finally , It turned into the palm down and the back of the hand up.

And that little stone fell on the ground as it should be.

Ji thief kept his actions, and said: "To destroy you, the difficulty of flipping the palm of my hand is not much different, and you, like this stone, are at my mercy, understand?"

Yanzi's face changed drastically, and she nodded in embarrassment, "Ming, I understand."

Ji Zei snorted and stretched out his hand backwards.

A wolf rider turned over and lowered the giant wolf, holding the dragon flag that leaned into the clouds in both hands, and handed the dragon flag to Ji Thief.

The Ji thief grabbed the dragon flag supported by the bamboo pole, took a strong stop, and inserted it into the pile of rocks nearby: "Whenever we go, we will pull out this dragon flag. If we don’t want to go, no one can force it. Unless, you are ready to die."

Yanzi nodded hard: "Yes, I know."

Ji Zei hit the tiger and turned around: "Go, go back."

In this way, Yanzi could only watch Ji Thief dangling and leading the wolf ride back into the Black Crow Valley.

After Ji thief left, these patriarchs would cry.

In today’s battle, basically, every tribe suffered heavy losses. When it came, 1,500 people, except for the small three hundred who died in the battle, you can still stand on the rest. Is it pitiful?

Alas, this time, I don't know when it will be possible to restore the strength before Ji Thief came.

As soon as he raised his head, he went up to the patriarch and went down to the ordinary clansman, and saw the dragon flag that was inserted into the pile of rocks by the thief. Involuntarily, a wave of fear came to his heart.

The brave and combative posture of the wolves just now when charging, their fearlessness when they charged, and the copper spears they picked up, were so chilling.

For a long time from now on, there has always been a legend in the Boulder Mountains, a legend about the devil.

That morning, a group of riders and giant wolves descended to the Boulder Mountain Range. In the morning, they wiped out the black crow tribe at that time, cut the black crows, and subdued his tribe.

Then, these people spent another afternoon, one hundred people fought against the 1,500 coalition forces at that time, and they frightened the fourteen patriarchs who were afraid to ask for peace.

At dusk, these people who rode giant wolves turned the entire Black Raven Valley into blood red. They stood in a pool of blood, covered in the sprinkled twilight, and walked towards the back of the Black Raven Valley, like a devil.

In the future, some parents in the Boulder Mountains will always tell such stories when they frighten naughty children.