Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1429: -One King and Twelve Kings

When the words were finished, before everyone could think about it and start to digest, Ji Thief suddenly yelled: "High mountain!"

Gao Shan cleverly heard the sound and stepped forward: "Yes!"

The thief looked at the mountain and said, "Brother, we are not polite to each other. You manage the barren rock mountains and the withered wood plains, and you will give you a sword and a shadow."

Gao Shan said thanks loudly.

The thief also called to the head of the Yan patriarch: "Brother Yan, you manage the Flying Rock Mountain Range and the Canglin Plain, and you are called Shuangquan Gong, and you will give you a sword to overcome evil."

The geese nodded, turned and walked to the left.

"Brother Feilu, you manage the Qingyan Mountains and the natural plains, and you are named Anangong and bestow the sword Yilong."

"Brother Yun, you manage the Qingtu Plain and the Red Maple Plain, and you are entitled to Yigong and give the sword to Tangxi."

"Brother Beastblood, you manage the Qinggu Plain and the Feimu Mountain Range, and give the name of the righteous father and the swordfish intestine."

"Brother Eagle, you are in charge of the White Ape Mountain Range and Scarlet Red Plain, and you are the best wise man and bestow the sword on Longyuan."

"Brother Lin, you manage the dead leaf plain and the ice forest mountain range, and you are righteous, and give the sword blue frost."

"Brother Bai Niu, you manage the black soil plains and frozen soil plains, and you are called Lord Liaoyuan and bestowed a great sword."

"Brother Herring, you manage the Qingfeng Mountain Range, Baigu Mountain Range, and Froststone Mountain Range, named Bei Gong, and the sword is Qingyan."

One by one, without any thought, Ji Thief explained all the titles and territories of the nine patriarchs, including the swords they gave.

His thoughts are clear and his speech is articulate, even Ji Zei dare not say that this state is always there.

The crowd below was in an uproar, what's the matter, because the title of the beast blood is public, although the name is different, but the status sounds like it is the same as Aliang and the others.

One king and twelve princes, Ji Thief is naturally the undisputed number one, but there are nine beast blood patriarchs and three of them, and Aliang, who is higher and who is lower? This is open to discussion.

If it is said that if this is not handled properly, it will be difficult to keep the people who care about it, even though the thief can guarantee that there is no such person on the scene, he is not afraid of 10,000, but also in case.

Following everyone's doubts, Ji thief publicly announced and explained the difference between Aliang's public position and the public position of Beast Blood.

But when he saw it, Ji Thief pursed his lips lightly: "Thousands of Jue, Fan Sheng, Tian Ji, these three are just honorary titles. In comparison, the beast blood brothers and their long-term, two-dimensional, and Annan , Going to justice, justice and bravery, wisdom and justice, justice and justice, igneous prairie, and Dingbeigong have actual powers. First of all, they have the power to control the local area and have the power to initiate wars on their own, but these are not a thousand decisions. On the same level. Of course, I am not encouraging you to start a war. After all, our current task is how to develop, not just being brave and fighting."

Everyone suddenly realized that they were right, and they knew after thinking about it. Originally, the beast blood existed at the same level as Ji Thief. How could it be possible that after Ji Thief became king, they were in the same position as A Liang?

Well, looking at it this way, the status of Beast Blood should be second to Ji Thief and higher than everyone else.

Basically, the important rewards are over. The following are the issues of raising salaries for the tribe.

It took another hour to finally deal with all the tedious things.

As for the thief, he got off the throne, got on the carriage, and went to the palace.

After the thief left, the patriarchs and the people in charge who received the awards celebrated, smiling cheerfully and congratulating.

Although everyone can't remember their title for a while, for example, animal blood always treats oneself as Lord Liaoyuan, but they are all small problems and don't get in the way.

They dispersed and returned to the Li Volcano Valley. As soon as they entered, Ado sent an order from the thief to rush everyone: "Dear princes, the king has an order, saying that it is for everyone to go to the palace at night, saying that there is something to discuss. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then nodded: "Okay, if you know, go."

When Ado saw this, he turned around and left, leaving everyone behind with the weapons given by the Ji Zei Conferring King Meeting.

Especially the nine of them are beast blood.

In the past, their weapons were all bronze spears and bronze knives. After the bronzes were finished, they were not embarrassed to ask Ji Thief because there was no war.

All right, Ji thief directly used meteorite as a sword, and each of the nine patriarchs gave one.

Of course, the shapes of these swords are similar, and they are quite different from the famous swords in later history. The reason why they are called the same name is because of Ji Thief's evil taste.

For example, even though the sword in his hand was made like the Xuanyuan Sword in the imitator's legend, is it really Xuanyuan Sword?

Uh, this question is not clear for the time being and there is no answer, so let's take Zhan Lu given to Zhen as an example.

Ou Yezi, who made this sword, doesn't know where it is, so how could it be possible.

Nothing to do, everyone, wait till the time comes.

Patriarchs oh no, from now on, it should be said that they are all princes.

In such a meeting, the grand princes wandered around the tribe without any problems, chatting with temporary leaders from all over the place.

I'm about to take up my post, so I can't make a good relationship with the local leaders in advance, so I can manage the local area later.

As for Aliang, Usma, and the three local grand princes of Lihuo, all the thief had already called away.

Unlike the great princes like beast blood, Aliang and the others have something to do.

At this time, they are in the palace, working with the thief, handling the statistics tasks of the three major departments.

Looking at the extremely cumbersome affairs at his side, Aliang scratched his head with a look of embarrassment: "The patriarch, oh no king, this is too difficult, you, you let me go to catch prey and fight, I’m fine, you let me Isn't it embarrassing to deal with this?"

Ji Thief glanced at Aliang: "You are now the person in charge of the combat department, and you are also the leader of the three males in the Lihuo tribe. What's the matter, if you don't handle your department's affairs, do you have to let me help you? "

Aliang said: "Not the king, I mean..."

The thief interrupted A Liang's words: "Don't be yes, you and Usma or Yi Xuexue, you look at them and there is no complaint."

Aliang narrowed his neck and said, "They don't complain because Yi did this originally. Usma doesn't complain because he has raised his salary. Of course he is happy."

Ji thief: "···"

Usma: "···"

"Ahem, Aliang, what you said, am I such a tacky person?" Usma asked back.

Aliang smiled: "That's not true."

Seeing that the two began to quarrel, Ji Thief stretched out his hand to stop: "Okay, let’s just say a few words, and quickly finish the internal affairs of our tribe. At night, Brother Beastblood, they will all come over. We still have to discuss the matters of the fiefs in various places. If the affairs of our tribe are not completed, how can we help the beast blood brothers?"

When they heard the words, both were taken aback: "I, shall we provide help to the beast blood clan... Grand Duke?"

The thief nodded: "Of course, otherwise."

Yi was busy next to him, rubbing his chin and said, "At the king's meeting today, the Grand Duke of Beast Blood and the others made it clear that they accepted the king's reward. Logically speaking, they are the king's subordinates. In addition, we are the Federation again. So It’s also right to help them."

After Yi finished speaking, Ji Thief nodded vigorously and pointed at Yi Dao: "Look and see, you guys learn more and learn more from Yixue. If that's the case, won't I worry a lot?"

Aliang, Usma looked speechless: "···"

Ji Zei stood up from the ground with a yawn, and said: "You can deal with it first, I'll go up and change my clothes."

Everyone knew how Ji Thief's clothes got wet because of Li Ya's talk, and Dang Even nodded and let Ji Thief go.

Separating from the three, Ji thief went out and led Tushan and Ahhuang upstairs together.

When they came to Xue's residence on the third floor, she and Zhenzheng were lying on the table writing and drawing together, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Upon seeing this, Ji thief was very puzzled, so he tiptoedly walked over, came to the front, and peered forward and stared.

After looking at it for a moment, I saw that the above was all a list of personnel changes and statistics on the amount of money stored in the Lihuo tribe.

She seemed to feel someone coming. Xue turned her head and saw that it was Ji Thief, she was so scared, she kept patting her chest and staring Ji Thief: "Warrior, what are you doing? I was scared to death."