Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1436: -A sense of security

Thinking of the problem in his head, Ji Thief could not help but slow down.

Ado fought with Tushan for a while and felt that something was wrong. He looked back and saw Ji Thief silent, but thought that Ji Thief was angry with him, and immediately both of them closed their mouths and did not dare to speak any more.

For a long time, Ji Thief still didn't speak, and the two of them scratched their heads, opened their mouths and asked in embarrassment, "The king, what's wrong with you?"

The Ji thief who was thinking about things turned back and smiled: "Oh, nothing."

As he said, Ji Zei pointed his hand forward and said: "Let's go, don't be stunned."

Ado agreed and drove the carriage out.

While he was walking, Ji Thief suddenly shouted: "Ado, Tushan."

The two were dumbfounded, then turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

The thief opened his mouth, and he hesitated before he began to tentatively asked: "It's nothing, I just want to ask, if you say, how about the tribes who move out of the valley?"

When the words fell, the two of them both laughed: "My lord, aren't you kidding me? Why are you thinking about letting everyone live outside?"

Ji Zei smiled softly, noncommittal.

Seeing this, Addo and Tushan were very puzzled, and didn't know what idea Ji thief had in mind.

After coming out of the valley, I made two rounds in the Wanderer Camp, comforted the Wanderers, learned about their daily diet, and took care of their daily lives. Amidst the cheers, Ji thief left the Wanderer Camp.

Looking back, seeing the crowds in the Wanderer's camp, Ji thief's thoughts once again floated into the distance.

Since the blood of the beasts and the others left, these days, Aliang has led people to search for vagrants everywhere in the White Bone Wasteland, Round Valley Mountains, Limestone Mountains, Tianling Mountains, and Baihe Plain.

Among them, the White River Plain, the Round Valley Mountains, and the White Bone Wasteland have the most vagrants, and the total number of these three places is nearly two thousand.

In comparison, the limestone mountain range is second, and the Tianling mountain range is the least.

No way, these two places were originally barren. The Thousands of people in the Tianling Fortress, that is, the Thousands of people managed by Heihu, were all supported by the Lihuo tribe. Wanderers will starve to death if they come here.

Although the limestone mountain range is equally barren, there are no outsiders here. Except for the resource tribes who come from the Lihuo tribe every day, the lime is transported back. At other times, it is the world of wanderers.

It is for this reason that there are no fewer than 500 wanderers in the limestone mountains alone.

Let's put it this way, these seven territories under the jurisdiction of the Ji thief were only collected for the first time. The two times before and after were added together to obtain three thousand four, which was less than three thousand five.

This is not a small number anymore, put it in one place, that is, it can bring vitality to the local area.

However, Ji thief did not choose to open these wanderers to various places, but gathered under his nose in the eastern plain, deliberately, vacating a large area of ​​mountains and limestone mountains.

It’s not that Ji Thief doesn’t want these two places. The main reason is that when Ji Thief, A Liang, and Yi were chatting, Ji Thief asked why there are clansmen in almost every territory, but he never mentioned a place. Empty.

For Ji Thief's question, A Liang and Yi found the answer for him at the same time.

The reason why no territory has ever been vacant is because there are too many wanderers. For example, the Qingfeng tribe had wiped out the tribes of other territories and taken away their tribes, making the land empty, and it was no longer needed. How long, as short as a few months, or as long as a year, the local area will be occupied by wandering people, and new tribes will slowly form.

Regarding Yi's words, Aliang agreed, and said that when he marched south to the Tianchan Plain, he found that this place was not as empty and unpopulated as Ji Zei said. On the contrary, more than a year has passed here, and there has been a sudden increase. There are seven or eight tribes. Although each tribe is in its infancy, it already has its embryonic form.

In addition, Aliang took a large mountain range as an example. At the beginning, more than 20 tribes in the large mountain range went out to Frost Valley, Maple Valley and a few handed down tribes, such as those named after the patriarch, or It is either a tribe formed slowly by the wanderers.

Ji Zei asked Aliang which kind of beast blood they belonged to, and Aliang replied that he didn't know, because when they were the head of the beast blood, they had not been born yet.

In the end, Aliang even said that the Eastern Plains was at a loss because the influence of the Lihuo tribe was large enough. Otherwise, new tribes would appear. If nothing else, he said that he was the first time to search for the wanderers. At that time, in the seven valleys to the south, there were small-scale wanderers?

If left alone, they will slowly form their own tribe.

It’s a bit far to say, it’s precisely because the wanderers have the characteristics of agglomeration to gradually form tribes, so the thief will deliberately attract the wanderers to come with a large tract of mountains and limestone mountains, and then let Aliang bring it. People go to search and collect a wave.

Well, this idea is a bit shameless, isn't it just fishing?

But how to put it, nowadays, it can only rely on this method to increase the number of tribesmen.

The carriage swayed back to the palace, the first thing to get off the carriage, Ji Thief was to let Tushan Jiang Yi find it.

When he came to Ji Thief, Yi, who was so busy and unable to get away, was puzzled. He asked Ji Thief, "Wang, what happened again?"

The thief motioned to Tushan to close the door, then let Yi sit down and asked: "Yi, you have worked hard these days."

Yi waved his hand and laughed: "Wang, you are polite. These are all my work, what hard work is not hard."

Ji thief laughed and said, "Hard work is hard work, and it has nothing to do with your own job."

While talking, Ji Zei also handed over a bowl of water.

It was easy to see it, so he got up in a panic and reached out to take it, said thank you, and sat down again.

Ji Thief held a bowl of water in his hand and gently sipped his mouth, while sipping, while pondering like a thoughtful appearance.

Seeing Ji Zei's performance, it was easy to know that Ji Zei was thinking about things, and he didn't dare to bother, but looked weakly.

For about ten minutes, Ji Thief suddenly raised his head and asked: "Yi, how many people are there in our tribe now? I mean, count the wanderers brought back by Aliang."

Yi blinked his eyes: "Is that a member of the Tianling Fortress?"

"The people of the Tianling Fortress are not counted."

Yi snorted and said, "Not counting the people of the Tianling Fortress, they seem to be 7,261."

Ji thief was surprised when he heard this: "So many?"

Yi nodded: "Well, this is not a new born baby. If you count a baby, you have to add six to seven hundred. But it doesn't matter whether it is a baby or not. After all, the child is not capable of working. of."

Hearing Yi's answer, Ji Thief said, "Sure enough, it's almost as I thought."

Yi didn't hear clearly, and let out a puzzled cry: "Wang, what did you say?"

The Ji thief waved his hand straight: "No, nothing."

After a pause, Ji thief poured himself a bowl of water, then groaned, gritted his teeth, and asked Yi: "Yi, what do you think if I move all the tribesmen out of the valley and build houses for everyone to live in? kind?"

Yi Rang Ji Thief was confused by what he said. He woke up for a long time and watched Ji Thief with his eyes open: "No, no, you, why did you suddenly think of this?"

Ji thief said: "You just said that this method is feasible or not?"

Yi pondered for a while, then shook his head, and said, "I think it might not work."

"Why?" Ji thief wondered.

Yi Dao: "First of all, everyone is used to living in the valley. Also, if you move out without the protection of the mountain wall, I feel that everyone will feel a little uneasy."

Ji thief asked: "Is it just these reasons?"

Yi nodded: "I have these reasons, and there may be others, but I don't know yet. Wang, what's the matter with you thinking about moving everyone out of the valley to live? It makes no sense."

The thief Ji waved his hand: "You don't know how easy it is. I will go out this afternoon to see everyone crowding everyone next to each other. It's hard to even move. In this case, let's not say whether the construction speed will be delayed. How about it, that everyone lives, will he be comfortable?"