Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1504: -This clothes won't wash

Coming out of the old man's house, Ji Thief got on the carriage that was hidden by Li Ya, and then was found by Wu Wu. He took Ayun and went to the Baihe Plain Office.

Of course Ji Thief could choose not to bring Ayun with him, but it was the most embarrassing thing he didn't know the way.

Isn't that right? A Yun got into the carriage and sat opposite Ji Zei, looking very nervous and frightened.

Sitting on the carriage together, Ayun's muscles were tight. Moreover, when she said that she was sitting there, it was actually a side of her buttocks, and she was ready to stand up at any time.

After all, it is the king who is face to face! Can you not be nervous?

With his arm on the rail and tilting his head to look out, Ji Zi asked: "Sister-in-law, where should we go for the two roads ahead?"

Ayun stood up with a sigh, and said nervously, "Go, take the road to the north."

Ji Thief smiled: "Sister-in-law, you don't need to be excited, just sit down, sit down and say."

Ayun agreed to sit down, and the carriage diverted to the north.

After walking for a while, about ten or twenty minutes, I saw a simple camp plate. Around the camp plate are wooden walls made of wooden piles. In the middle of the wooden walls, there are many simple houses.

At the gate of Yingpan, there is a plaque on which a line of hieroglyphs is written obliquely: "Baihe Plain Office."

Seeing that line of words, Ji Zei smiled: "The words on this designation are written by A Biao, which is not pretty at all."

Ayun did not dare to speak, but Wei Duoxin, who was sitting next to Ji Thief, said that your words seemed to be like A Thief.

But she wanted to return to her heart, but she didn't say this.

After all, if there are outsiders, it is better to be reserved.

If Ayun were to be away, Viduo, who had returned to her nature, would almost just complain directly.

The thief asked Ayun: "This is the place, right?"

With a rub, Ayun stood up again: "No, that's right."

Ji Thief laughed hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to stand, just sit down, Addo, walk forward and stop."

Ador hummed, and drove forward.

It was that Ayun was very puzzled: "Major, don't you drive the carriage in?"

Ji Thief smiled: "The carriage does not enter the barracks, this is the rule of the Lihuo tribe."

Speaking hard, Ado had already stopped the car beside the camp, and then came to the back of the carriage with the wooden ladder and set it up.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword, Ji Thief stood up: "Okay, let's go and see how A Biao is now."

While speaking, Ji Zei got out of the carriage, gave the Xuanyuan sword in his hand to Ado to hold, then patted the non-existent dust on his body, and walked towards Yingpan.

Behind him, Viduo, Li Ya, and Ahuang all came down and followed on foot.

At the entrance of the camp, there are two guards from the military and military tribes. Long ago, they saw Ji thief coming, and they wanted to come up to see him. The rule of the combat department of the Lihuo tribe is that members of the combat department are on duty. At that time, everything is important to duty, and you cannot leave your post easily.

Isn’t that right? Ji Thief and them all came to the side. The two of them just knelt down on one knee while pressing the knife, holding the spear, and shouting: "Participate in the king!"

Ji thief smiled cheerfully, waved for the two of them to stand up, and at the same time said, "Thank you."

As he said, Ji thief walked in, but when he was about to go in, he thought of something, and stopped. He turned back and asked one of the tribesmen: "Man, let me ask, is A Biao inside now?"

The clan member who was asked was very excited, and said, "Return to the king, Master A Biao is waiting for you inside."

The thief heard the words and patted the tribe's shoulder: "Thank you."

After speaking, the thief stepped into the camp.

Just a long time after Ji Thief and the others left, the clansman who was slapped on the shoulder by Ji Thief laughed happily. While laughing and eating, Liu Harazi rushed to the companion next to show off and said: "You, did you just see that? The king, the king patted me on the shoulder."

The companion next to him looked over enviously: "Why doesn't the king ask me? I know more than you."

"Hey, maybe the king thinks I'm more handsome than you, hehe, I've decided, I won't change this dress, I will wear it till death, and I will wear it to my son in the future."

Looking at this silly look, his companion was full of envy, and stretched out five fingers: "Five hundred currency, I'll buy your dress."

"Not for sale!"

"The thousand currencies, I still give you my dress."

"Hey, don't even think about it."

The two were hypocritical here, Ji Thief and the others had already entered the camp.

In the camp, several five-person teams were patrolling. When they saw Ji thief, they all bowed their heads, beat their chests with their hands, and were courteous during the march.

Ji thief nodded and said hello, saying that it was hard.

Along the way, I came to the office where A Biao was located.

A Biao, who was far away, saw Ji thief in the room. He was discussing with his assistants how to deal with the rogue patriarch's affairs. He stood up with a squeak, and ran out to meet the two assistants in a panic.

Ji Thief smiled cheerfully: "Abiao, you said you, we are all our own, why are you so polite?

A Biao shook his head: "That's not okay, Lord, Lord Yi told us that our tribe will grow bigger and bigger in the future, and it will be bigger than it is now. It is precisely because of this that we can't forget the etiquette. The combat department I don’t know if you talk to Master Yi in the construction department, but the government affairs department must pay attention to etiquette and not shame the king."

The thief turned back and rushed to Wei Duo: "Look and see, it's a talent that Yi has taught. That's good, good."

Facing Ji Zei's praise, A Biao smiled happily and happily.

The thief rushed to A Biao: "Okay, don't stay outside anymore, go in and talk."

A Biao hurriedly agreed, stepped aside, made a gesture of please, and said, "My lord, please come in."

With a hum, Ji Thie followed in.

When he walked in, A Biao let Ji Thief sit on the seat, and arranged to give it to Vidoriya, Tushan and them all sat down, the busy one was called a great one.

Seeing this, Ji Thief couldn't help but smile and said: "A Biao, don't have to work so hard, it's all your own, you sit first."

A Biao quickly agreed.

After agreeing to sit down, he paused, as if he had something to say.

Ji Zei smiled when he saw this scene: "Okay, just say what you have, and, when I came just now, I saw that you were discussing something?"

Ah Biao nodded: "Yes, the king, we are discussing how to deal with Henghu Shanshi's problem."

Ji thief waved his hand when he heard the words: "Then you continue to discuss, I will listen to it next to see what you plan."

A Biao scratched his head, and said, "Actually, the discussion is about the same, just wait for you to come."

Ji thief? After a cry, I found a comfortable position to lie down, and said, "Really? Then tell me how you discussed it, and what do you plan to do with Henghu and the others?"

Ah Biao nodded, paused, and then took a deep breath, and said, "This is the king, I think so. Henghushanshi and the others, they ran into the king you, so they should be punished heavily. But later I found that this was just Misunderstanding, plus, you also said, manage the Baihe Plain, and relax as much as possible. I intend to fine each of them ten thousand currency and play twenty sticks."

After speaking, A Biao looked at Ji thief.

Ji thief was puzzled: "That's it? Are you done?"

A Biao felt a little unsure: "Ah, say it, I'm finished."

Seeing that Ji Thief was a little dissatisfied, A Biao quickly said: "Then what the king, just dashed against you, I feel that this is already heavy enough, really."

A Biao was right. If he only ran into the Ji thief, the money paid and beaten would be heavy enough.

Unexpectedly, Ji Zei shook his head.

Seeing Ji Zei shaking his head, A Biao was still stunned, wondering if the king was not satisfied? No, what an easy-going temperament is the king. If you are smashed by someone, you will probably laugh. This also increases the punishment. How should you say, the king will not cling to it. This is not the style of the king.

Just when A Biao was thinking about it, Ji Thief spoke up: "If they just ran into something trivial like me, don't talk about beating them. Even if they are fined, I would not agree. But Ah Biao, do you know that the mistakes they made are far more serious than they ran into me?"

A Biao frowned and looked at Ji Thief, and blurted out subconsciously: "No, it's impossible."